diff --git a/test/frame_size_tests.cc b/test/frame_size_tests.cc
index d1ea0967fb5d96a0069646f9b3ff69d62a5dab4b..b05d12e9ebf85322a238cf2a22a5d14162235acf 100644
--- a/test/frame_size_tests.cc
+++ b/test/frame_size_tests.cc
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ TEST_F(VP9FrameSizeTestsLarge, ValidSizes) {
   // one for each lag in frames (for 2 pass), and then one for each possible
   // reference buffer (8) - we can end up with up to 30 buffers of roughly this
   // size or almost 1 gig of memory.
-  video.SetSize(4096, 4096);
+  // TODO(jzern): restore this to at least 4096x4096 after issue #828 is fixed.
+  video.SetSize(4096, 2160);
   expected_res_ = VPX_CODEC_OK;