From 644587cfdda9f14e2326a9d189bfc6e6317752d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Storsjo <>
Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 02:15:45 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] ads2gas: Allow converting code to thumb mode

Currently this only supports thumb2.

This involves rewriting certain instructions that can't be expressed
in thumb2 into equivalent instruction sequences. The regexps for
rewriting are currently written pretty narrowly, only covering the
exact cases currently encountered in the code base.

No IT instructions are added (since that would require more logic than
plain regexps), so using the thumb mode requires enabling

Change-Id: I1f676ad1d351381f02bcf00105102aa8dd7ae364
 build/make/ | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/make/ b/build/make/
index 95be467ab1..533c85ba52 100755
--- a/build/make/
+++ b/build/make/
@@ -17,9 +17,20 @@
 # Usage: cat inputfile | perl > outputfile
+my $thumb = 0;
+foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
+    $thumb = 1 if ($arg == "-thumb");
 print "@ This file was created from a .asm file\n";
 print "@  using the script.\n";
 print "\t.equ DO1STROUNDING, 0\n";
+if ($thumb) {
+    print "\t.syntax unified\n";
+    print "\t.thumb\n";
 # Stack of procedure names.
 @proc_stack = ();
@@ -151,8 +162,13 @@ while (<STDIN>)
     # ALIGN directive
-    # ARM code
-    s/\sARM/.arm/g;
+    if ($thumb) {
+        # ARM code - we force everything to thumb with the declaration in the header
+        s/\sARM//g;
+    } else {
+        # ARM code
+        s/\sARM/.arm/g;
+    }
     # push/pop
     s/(push\s+)(r\d+)/stmdb sp\!, \{$2\}/g;
@@ -162,6 +178,57 @@ while (<STDIN>)
+    if ($thumb) {
+        # Write additions with shifts, such as "add r10, r11, lsl #8",
+        # in three operand form, "add r10, r10, r11, lsl #8".
+        s/(add\s+)(r\d+),\s*(r\d+),\s*(lsl #\d+)/$1$2, $2, $3, $4/g;
+        # Convert additions with a non-constant shift into a sequence
+        # with left shift, addition and a right shift (to restore the
+        # register to the original value). Currently the right shift
+        # isn't necessary in the code base since the values in these
+        # registers aren't used, but doing the shift for consitency.
+        # This converts instructions such as "add r12, r12, r5, lsl r4"
+        # into the sequence "lsl r5, r4", "add r12, r12, r5", "lsr r5, r4".
+        s/^(\s*)(add)(\s+)(r\d+),\s*(r\d+),\s*(r\d+),\s*lsl (r\d+)/$1lsl$3$6, $7\n$1$2$3$4, $5, $6\n$1lsr$3$6, $7/g;
+        # Convert loads with right shifts in the indexing into a
+        # sequence of an add, load and sub. This converts
+        # "ldrb r4, [r9, lr, asr #1]" into "add r9, r9, lr, asr #1",
+        # "ldrb r9, [r9]", "sub r9, r9, lr, asr #1".
+        s/^(\s*)(ldrb)(\s+)(r\d+),\s*\[(\w+),\s*(\w+),\s*(asr #\d+)\]/$1add $3$5, $5, $6, $7\n$1$2$3$4, [$5]\n$1sub $3$5, $5, $6, $7/g;
+        # Convert register indexing with writeback into a separate add
+        # instruction. This converts "ldrb r12, [r1, r2]!" into
+        # "ldrb r12, [r1, r2]", "add r1, r1, r2".
+        s/^(\s*)(ldrb)(\s+)(r\d+),\s*\[(\w+),\s*(\w+)\]!/$1$2$3$4, [$5, $6]\n$1add $3$5, $6/g;
+        # Convert negative register indexing into separate sub/add instructions.
+        # This converts "ldrne r4, [src, -pstep, lsl #1]" into
+        # "subne src, src, pstep, lsl #1", "ldrne r4, [src]",
+        # "addne src, src, pstep, lsl #1". In a couple of cases where
+        # this is used, it's used for two subsequent load instructions,
+        # where a hand-written version of it could merge two subsequent
+        # add and sub instructions.
+        s/^(\s*)((ldr|str)(ne)?)(\s+)(r\d+),\s*\[(\w+), -([^\]]+)\]/$1sub$4$5$7, $7, $8\n$1$2$5$6, [$7]\n$1add$4$5$7, $7, $8/g;
+        # Convert register post indexing to a separate add instruction.
+        # This converts "ldrneb r9, [r0], r2" into "ldrneb r9, [r0]",
+        # "add r0, r2".
+        s/^(\s*)((ldr|str)(ne)?[bhd]?)(\s+)(\w+),(\s*\w+,)?\s*\[(\w+)\],\s*(\w+)/$1$2$5$6,$7 [$8]\n$1add$4$5$8, $8, $9/g;
+        # Convert a conditional addition to the pc register into a series of
+        # instructions. This converts "addlt pc, pc, r3, lsl #2" into
+        # "ittt lt", "addlt.w r12, pc, #10", "addlt.w r12, r12, r3, lsl #2",
+        # "movlt.n pc, r12". This assumes that r12 is free at this point.
+        s/^(\s*)addlt(\s+)pc,\s*pc,\s*(\w+),\s*lsl\s*#(\d+)/$1ittt$2lt\n$1addlt.w$2r12, pc, #10\n$1addlt.w$2r12, r12, $3, lsl #$4\n$1movlt.n$2pc, r12/g;
+        # Convert "mov pc, lr" into "bx lr", since the former only works
+        # for switching from arm to thumb (and only in armv7), but not
+        # from thumb to arm.
+        s/mov(\s*)pc\s*,\s*lr/bx$1lr/g;
+    }
     # eabi_attributes numerical equivalents can be found in the
     # "ARM IHI 0045C" document.