• Deb Mukherjee's avatar
    Speed feature to skip split partition based on var · 24856b6a
    Deb Mukherjee authored
    Adds a speed feature to disable split partition search based on a
    given threshold on the source variance. A tighter threshold derived
    from the threshold provided is used to also disable horizontal and
    vertical partitions.
    Results on derfraw300:
    threshold = 16, psnr = -0.057%, speedup ~1% (football)
    threshold = 32, psnr = -0.150%, speedup ~4-5% (football)
    threshold = 64, psnr = -0.570%, speedup ~10-12% (football)
    Results on stdhdraw250:
    threshold = 32, psnr = -0.18%, speedup is somewhat more than derf
    because of a larger number of smoother blocks at higher resolution.
    Based on these results, a threshold of 32 is chosen for speed 1,
    and a threshold of 64 is chosen for speeds 2 and above.
    Change-Id: If08912fb6c67fd4242d12a0d094783a99f52f6c6