• Jerome Jiang's avatar
    Reland "Add ROI support for VP9." · 46adbc4a
    Jerome Jiang authored
    Extended ROI struct suitable for VP9.
    ROI input from user is passed into internal struct and applied on every frame
    (except key frame).
    Enabled usage of all 4 VP9 segment features (delta_qp, delta_lf, skip,
    ref_frame) via the ROI map input.
    Made changes to nonrd_pickmode for the ref_frame feature.
    Only works for realtime speed >= 5.
    AQ_MODE needs to be turned off for ROI to take effect.
    Change example in the sample encoder: vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.c to be suitable
    for VP9.
    Add datarate test.
    Bump up ABI version.
    Change-Id: I663b8c89862328646f4cc6119752b66efc5dc9ac