• Alexey Neyman's avatar
    Fix a few problems with setEntityLoader · a9016c49
    Alexey Neyman authored
    1. Setting entity loader does not increment the refcount on the Python object
    passed in. This works only if the object is not deleted. For example, the
    following code results in segmentation fault in Python interpreter when
    attempting to process any document:
    def register_entity_loader():
        def entity_loader(URL, ID, ctxt):
    2. setEntityLoader() does not verify if the passed object is callable. If it
    is not, current implementation attempts to call it anyway and failing that,
    silently moves on to default entity loader. Attached patch makes
    setEntityLoader raise ValueError exception if non-callable object is
    3. In debug mode, pythonExternalEntityLoader() outputs the result object to
    stderr, while the messages before and after the object (description + newline)
    go to stdout. Attached patch makes them all go to stdout.