• Daniel Veillard's avatar
    Time to commit 3 days of work rewriting the parser internal, · 07cb8226
    Daniel Veillard authored
    fixing bugs and migrating to SAX2 interface by default. There
    is some work letf TODO, like namespace validation and attributes
    normalization (this break C14N right now)
    * Makefile.am: fixed the test rules
    * include/libxml/SAX2.h include/libxml/parser.h
      include/libxml/parserInternals.h SAX2.c parser.c
      parserInternals.c: changing the parser, migrating to SAX2,
      adding new interface to switch back to SAX1 or initialize a
      SAX block for v1 or v2. Most of the namespace work is done
      below SAX, as well as attribute defaulting
    * globals.c: changed initialization of the default SAX handlers
    * hash.c tree.c include/libxml/hash.h: added QName specific handling
    * xmlIO.c: small fix
    * xmllint.c testSAX.c: provide a --sax1 switch to test the old
      version code path
    * result/p3p result/p3p.sax result/noent/p3p test/p3p: the new code
      pointed out a typo in a very old test namespace
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