• Daniel Veillard's avatar
    adding repeated parsing and validating tests make the new DOM tree · e96a2a4b
    Daniel Veillard authored
    * Makefile.am: adding repeated parsing and validating tests
    * SAX2.c parser.c tree.c include/libxml/parser.h: make the new
      DOM tree building interfaces use the dictionary from the
      parsing context to build the element and attributes names
      as well as formatting spaces and short text nodes
    * include/libxml/dict.h dict.c: added some reference counting
      for xmlDictPtr because they can be shared by documents and
      a parser context.
    * xmlreader.c: a bit of cleanup, remove the specific tree freeing
      functions and use the standard ones now.
    * xmllint.c: add --nodict
    * python/libxml.c: fix a stupid bug so that ns() works on
      attribute nodes.