Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.1.2
    655cc54c · set version.mk to 1.1.2 ·
    Release 1.1.2
  • v1.1.3
    Release 1.1.3
    This is a minor release focusing mainly on optimizations and bug fixes.
    Changes include:
    - Neon optimizations inproving performance on ARMv7 and ARMv8 by up to 15%
    - Fixes some issues with 16-bit platforms (e.g. TI C55x)
    - Fixes to comfort noise generation (CNG)
    - Documenting that PLC packets can also be 2 bytes
    - Includes experimental ambisonics work (--enable-ambisonics)
  • v1.1.4
    901c2432 · Bump version numbers ·
    Opus release 1.1.4
    This release fixes a single bug. A specially-crafted Opus packet could cause
    an integer wrap-around in the SILK LSF stabilization code. This would cause
    an out-of-bounds read 256 bytes before a constant table. In most circumstances,
    the consequences are harmless and the result is simply noise in the audio.
    This was reported as CVE-2017-0381. Contrary to that report, we do not believe
    that any remote code execution is possible. However, we are making this release
    as a precaution.
  • v1.2-alpha
    Release 1.2-alpha
    This is an alpha release with many improvements, including:
    - Speech quality improvements especially in the 12-20 kbit/s range
    - Improved VBR encoding for hybrid mode
    - More aggressive use of wider speech bandwidth, including fullband speech
        starting at 14 kbit/s
    - Music quality improvements in the 32-48 kb/s range
    - Generic and SSE CELT optimizations
    - Support for directly encoding packets up to 120 ms
    - DTX support for CELT mode
    - SILK CBR improvements
    - Support for all of the fixes in draft-ietf-codec-opus-update-04 (the mono
        downmix and the folding fixes need --enable-update-draft)
    - Many bug fixes, including integer overflows discovered through fuzzing
        (no security implications)
  • v1.2-alpha2
    Release 1.2-alpha2
    This release changes the tonality analysis to run at 24 kHz, which reduces
    complexity while giving better frequency resolution for the tonality
    estimate. There's also a few bug fixes.