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** This file is part of the QtCanvas3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "texture3d_p.h"


 * \qmltype Texture3D
 * \since QtCanvas3D 1.0
 * \ingroup qtcanvas3d-qml-types
 * \brief Contains an OpenGL texture.
 * An uncreatable QML type that contains an OpenGL texture. You can get it by calling
 * \l{Context3D::createTexture()}{Context3D.createTexture()} method.

 * \internal
CanvasTexture::CanvasTexture(QObject *parent) :
    glGenTextures(1, &m_textureId);

 * \internal
    if (m_textureId)
        glDeleteTextures(1, &m_textureId);

 * \internal
void CanvasTexture::bind(CanvasContext::glEnums target)
    if (!m_textureId)

    glBindTexture(GLenum(target), m_textureId);

 * \internal
GLuint CanvasTexture::textureId() const
    if (!m_isAlive)
        return 0;

    return m_textureId;

 * \internal
bool CanvasTexture::isAlive() const
    return bool(m_textureId);

 * \internal
void CanvasTexture::del()
    if (m_textureId)
        glDeleteTextures(1, &m_textureId);
    m_textureId = 0;

 * \internal
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const CanvasTexture *texture)
    if (texture)
        dbg.nospace() << "Texture3D("<< ((void*) texture) << ", name:" << texture->name() << ", id:" << texture->textureId() << ")";
        dbg.nospace() << "Texture3D("<< ((void*) texture) <<")";
    return dbg.maybeSpace();