diff --git a/doc/src/howtos/plugins-howto.qdoc b/doc/src/howtos/plugins-howto.qdoc
index 1b467abea545b203c0cd1519e3aaefff2f4081ca..d49b898bdd5b229102d0671e7e921e46aee6fd41 100644
--- a/doc/src/howtos/plugins-howto.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/howtos/plugins-howto.qdoc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
 ** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
@@ -66,27 +66,141 @@
     subclassing the appropriate plugin base class, implementing a few
     functions, and adding a macro.
-    Below you will find a list with the plugin base classes.
     There are several plugin base classes. Derived plugins are stored
     by default in sub-directories of the standard plugin directory. Qt
-    will not find plugins if they are not stored in the right directory.
+    will not find plugins if they are not stored in the appropriate directory.
-    \table
-    \header \li Base Class              \li Key Case Sensitivity
-    \row    \li QGenericPlugin,         \li Case-insensitive
-    \row    \li QGenericPluginFactory,  \li Case-insensitive
-    \row    \li QAccessiblePlugin       \li Case-sensitive
-    \row    \li QIconEnginePlugin       \li Case-insensitive
-    \row    \li QImageIOPlugin          \li Case-sensitive
-    \row    \li QMediaServiceProviderPlugin,
-    \row    \li QQmlExtensionPlugin,
-    \row    \li QSensorPluginInterface,
-    \row    \li QScriptExtensionPlugin  \li Case-sensitive
-    \row    \li QSqlDriverPlugin        \li Case-sensitive
-    \row    \li QStylePlugin            \li Case-insensitive
+    The following table summarizes the plugin base classes. Some of the classes
+    are private, and are therefore not documented. You can use them, but there
+    is no compatibility promise with later Qt versions.
+    \table
+    \header
+        \li Base Class
+        \li Directory Name
+        \li Qt Module
+        \li Key Case Sensitivity
+    \row
+        \li QAccessibleBridgePlugin
+        \li \c accessiblebridge
+        \li \l{Qt GUI}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QImageIOPlugin
+        \li \c imageformats
+        \li \l{Qt GUI}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QPictureFormatPlugin
+        \li \c pictureformats
+        \li \l{Qt GUI}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QAudioSystemPlugin
+        \li \c audio
+        \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QDeclarativeVideoBackendFactoryInterface
+        \li \c video/declarativevideobackend
+        \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QGstBufferPoolPlugin
+        \li \c video/bufferpool
+        \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QMediaPlaylistIOPlugin
+        \li \c playlistformats
+        \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QMediaResourcePolicyPlugin
+        \li \c resourcepolicy
+        \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QMediaServiceProviderPlugin
+        \li \c mediaservice
+        \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QSGVideoNodeFactoryPlugin
+        \li \c video/videonode
+        \li \l{Qt Multimedia}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QBearerEnginePlugin
+        \li \c bearer
+        \li \l{Qt Network}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QPlatformInputContextPlugin
+        \li \c platforminputcontexts
+        \li \l{Qt Platform Abstraction}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QPlatformIntegrationPlugin
+        \li \c platforms
+        \li \l{Qt Platform Abstraction}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+       \li QPlatformThemePlugin
+        \li \c platformthemes
+        \li \l{Qt Platform Abstraction}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactory
+        \li \c position
+        \li \l{Qt Positioning}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QPlatformPrinterSupportPlugin
+        \li \c printsupport
+        \li \l{Qt Print Support}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QSGContextPlugin
+        \li \c scenegraph
+        \li \l{Qt Quick}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QScriptExtensionPlugin
+        \li \c script
+        \li \l{Qt Script}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QSensorGesturePluginInterface
+        \li \c sensorgestures
+        \li \l{Qt Sensors}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QSensorPluginInterface
+        \li \c sensors
+        \li \l{Qt Sensors}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QSqlDriverPlugin
+        \li \c sqldrivers
+        \li \l{Qt SQL}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QIconEnginePlugin
+        \li \c iconengines
+        \li \l{Qt SVG}
+        \li Case Insensitive
+    \row
+        \li QAccessiblePlugin
+        \li \c accessible
+        \li \l{Qt Widgets}
+        \li Case Sensitive
+    \row
+        \li QStylePlugin
+        \li \c styles
+        \li \l{Qt Widgets}
+        \li Case Insensitive
     If you have a new style class called \c MyStyle that you
@@ -226,30 +340,7 @@
     functionality from plugins can be added without a complete rebuild
     and redistribution of the application.
-    When compiled as a static library, Qt provides the following
-    static plugins:
-    \table
-    \header \li Plugin name                  \li Type               \li Description
-    \row    \li \c qtaccessiblewidgets       \li Accessibility      \li Accessibility for Qt widgets
-    \row    \li \c qgif                      \li Image formats      \li GIF
-    \row    \li \c qjpeg                     \li Image formats      \li JPEG
-    \row    \li \c qmng                      \li Image formats      \li MNG
-    \row    \li \c qico                      \li Image formats      \li ICO
-    \row    \li \c qsvg                      \li Image formats      \li SVG
-    \row    \li \c qtiff                     \li Image formats      \li TIFF
-    \row    \li \c qsqldb2                   \li SQL driver         \li IBM DB2
-    \row    \li \c qsqlibase                 \li SQL driver         \li Borland InterBase
-    \row    \li \c qsqlite                   \li SQL driver         \li SQLite version 3
-    \row    \li \c qsqlite2                  \li SQL driver         \li SQLite version 2
-    \row    \li \c qsqlmysql                 \li SQL driver         \li MySQL
-    \row    \li \c qsqloci                   \li SQL driver         \li Oracle (OCI)
-    \row    \li \c qsqlodbc                  \li SQL driver         \li Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
-    \row    \li \c qsqlpsql                  \li SQL driver         \li PostgreSQL
-    \row    \li \c qsqltds                   \li SQL driver         \li Sybase Adaptive Server (TDS)
-    \endtable
-    To link those plugins statically, you need to add
+    To link plugins statically, you need to add
     the required plugins to your build using \c QTPLUGIN.
     In the \c .pro file for your application, you need the following
diff --git a/doc/src/platforms/windows.qdoc b/doc/src/platforms/windows.qdoc
index dac55cde77ad940ca41b00e423067bec3bba0da7..2326263ab25854478786b76085856ba530036c29 100644
--- a/doc/src/platforms/windows.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/platforms/windows.qdoc
@@ -885,8 +885,8 @@
     or an installation tree for Windows desktop applications that can be easily bundled by an installer.
-Usage: windeployqt [options] [file]
-Qt Deploy Tool 5.3.0
+Usage: windeployqt [options] [files]
+Qt Deploy Tool 5.4.0
 The simplest way to use windeployqt is to add the bin directory of your Qt
 installation (e.g. <QT_DIR\bin>) to the PATH variable and then run:
@@ -896,46 +896,51 @@ variable. If your application uses Qt Quick, run:
   windeployqt --qmldir <path-to-app-qml-files> <path-to-app-binary>
-  -?, -h, --help            Displays this help.
-  -v, --version             Displays version information.
-  --dir <directory>         Use directory instead of binary directory.
-  --libdir <path>           Copy libraries to path.
-  --debug                   Assume debug binaries.
-  --release                 Assume release binaries.
-  --force                   Force updating files.
-  --dry-run                 Simulation mode. Behave normally, but do not
-                            copy/update any files.
-  --no-plugins              Skip plugin deployment.
-  --no-libraries            Skip library deployment.
-  --qmldir <directory>      Scan for QML-imports starting from directory.
-  --no-quick-import         Skip deployment of Qt Quick imports.
-  --no-translations         Skip deployment of translations.
-  --no-system-d3d-compiler  Skip deployment of the system D3D compiler.
-  --compiler-runtime        Deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
-  --no-compiler-runtime     Do not deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
-  --webkit2                 Deployment of WebKit2 (web process).
-  --no-webkit2              Skip deployment of WebKit2.
-  --json                    Print to stdout in JSON format.
-  --list <option>           Print only the names of the files copied.
-                            Available options:
-                             source:   absolute path of the source files
-                             target:   absolute path of the target files
-                             relative: paths of the target files, relative
-                                       to the target directory
-                             mapping:  outputs the source and the relative
-                                       target, suitable for use within an
-                                       Appx mapping file
-  --verbose <level>         Verbose level.
+  -?, -h, --help             Displays this help.
+  -v, --version              Displays version information.
+  --dir <directory>          Use directory instead of binary directory.
+  --libdir <path>            Copy libraries to path.
+  --debug                    Assume debug binaries.
+  --release                  Assume release binaries.
+  --release-with-debug-info  Assume release binaries with debug information.
+  --force                    Force updating files.
+  --dry-run                  Simulation mode. Behave normally, but do not
+                             copy/update any files.
+  --no-plugins               Skip plugin deployment.
+  --no-libraries             Skip library deployment.
+  --qmldir <directory>       Scan for QML-imports starting from directory.
+  --no-quick-import          Skip deployment of Qt Quick imports.
+  --no-translations          Skip deployment of translations.
+  --no-system-d3d-compiler   Skip deployment of the system D3D compiler.
+  --compiler-runtime         Deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
+  --no-compiler-runtime      Do not deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
+  --webkit2                  Deployment of WebKit2 (web process).
+  --no-webkit2               Skip deployment of WebKit2.
+  --json                     Print to stdout in JSON format.
+  --angle                    Force deployment of ANGLE.
+  --no-angle                 Disable deployment of ANGLE.
+  --list <option>            Print only the names of the files copied.
+                             Available options:
+                              source:   absolute path of the source files
+                              target:   absolute path of the target files
+                              relative: paths of the target files, relative
+                                        to the target directory
+                              mapping:  outputs the source and the relative
+                                        target, suitable for use within an
+                                        Appx mapping file
+  --verbose <level>          Verbose level.
 Qt libraries can be added by passing their name (-xml) or removed by passing
 the name prepended by --no- (--no-xml). Available libraries:
-bluetooth clucene concurrent core declarative designercomponents designer gui
-clucene qthelp multimedia multimediawidgets multimediaquick network nfc opengl
-positioning printsupport qml quick quickparticles script scripttools sensors
-serialport sql svg test widgets winextras xml xmlpatterns
+bluetooth clucene concurrent core declarative designer designercomponents
+enginio gui qthelp multimedia multimediawidgets multimediaquick network nfc
+opengl positioning printsupport qml qmltooling quick quickparticles quickwidgets
+script scripttools sensors serialport sql svg test webkit webkitwidgets
+websockets widgets winextras xml xmlpatterns webenginecore webengine
-  [file]                    Binary or directory containing the binary.
+  [files]                    Binaries or directory containing the binary.