diff --git a/examples/quick/controls/basiclayouts/main.qml b/examples/quick/controls/basiclayouts/main.qml
index 74ccb49112a7c1fcd4e816e43e8b24a090b5be2a..e43f0a4a4a494e4115b5e9822ae359654eef3c0e 100644
--- a/examples/quick/controls/basiclayouts/main.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/controls/basiclayouts/main.qml
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
         GroupBox {
             id: rowBox
             title: "Row layout"
-            contentWidth: rowLayout.implicitWidth
-            contentHeight: rowLayout.implicitHeight
             Layout.fillWidth: true
             RowLayout {
@@ -81,8 +79,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
         GroupBox {
             id: gridBox
             title: "Grid layout"
-            contentWidth: gridLayout.implicitWidth
-            contentHeight: gridLayout.implicitHeight
             Layout.fillWidth: true
             GridLayout {
diff --git a/examples/quick/controls/gallery/content/Controls.qml b/examples/quick/controls/gallery/content/Controls.qml
index 93b933d780b5713f22eba950ba36381aa1b82293..310eee5956725bf5886a07ce8da6a4adfc86618a 100644
--- a/examples/quick/controls/gallery/content/Controls.qml
+++ b/examples/quick/controls/gallery/content/Controls.qml
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ Item {
                 id: group2
                 title:"Tab Position"
                 width: area.width
-                ExclusiveGroup { id: tabPositionGroup }
                 Row {
+                    ExclusiveGroup { id: tabPositionGroup }
                     RadioButton {
                         id: r1
                         text: "Top"
diff --git a/src/controls/GroupBox.qml b/src/controls/GroupBox.qml
index 61406fff0f66dbb7d8f8ddc1e8fbde4198945bee..6342d2789066f4ecb1fb84e53ad9ba41e6a37d84 100644
--- a/src/controls/GroupBox.qml
+++ b/src/controls/GroupBox.qml
@@ -58,13 +58,18 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
     You can minimize the space consumption of a group box by enabling the flat property.
     In most styles, enabling this property results in the removal of the left, right and bottom edges of the frame.
-    GroupBox doesn't automatically lay out the child controls (which are often \l{CheckBox}{CheckBoxes} or \l{RadioButton}{RadioButtons} but can be any controls).
-    The following example shows how we can set up a GroupBox with a column:
+    To add content to a group box, you can reparent it to its contentItem property.
+    The implicit size of the GroupBox is calculated based on the size of its content. If you want to anchor
+    items inside the group box, you must specify an explicit width and height on the GroupBox itself.
+    The following example shows how we use a GroupBox with a column:
         GroupBox {
             title: qsTr("Package selection")
             Column {
+                spacing: 2
                 CheckBox {
                     text: qsTr("Update system")
@@ -78,9 +83,8 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
-    \note The default size of the GroupBox is calculated based on the size of its children. If you need to use anchors
-    inside a GroupBox, it is recommended to specify a width and height to the GroupBox or to add an intermediate Item
-    inside the GroupBox.
+    \sa CheckBox, RadioButton, Layout
 Item {
@@ -129,27 +133,34 @@ Item {
     property alias checked: check.checked
-    /*!
-        This property holds the width of the content.
-    */
-    property real contentWidth: content.childrenRect.width
+    /*! \internal */
+    default property alias __content: container.data
-        This property holds the height of the content.
+        \qmlproperty Item GroupBox::contentItem
+        This property holds the content Item of the group box.
+        Items declared as children of a GroupBox are automatically parented to the GroupBox's contentItem.
+        Items created dynamically need to be explicitly parented to the contentItem:
+        \note The implicit size of the GroupBox is calculated based on the size of its content. If you want to anchor
+        items inside the group box, you must specify an explicit width and height on the GroupBox itself.
-    property real contentHeight: content.childrenRect.height
+    readonly property alias contentItem: container
     /*! \internal */
     property Component style: Qt.createComponent(Settings.theme() + "/GroupBoxStyle.qml", groupbox)
     /*! \internal */
-    default property alias data: content.data
+    property alias __checkbox: check
     /*! \internal */
-    property alias __checkbox: check
+    property alias __style: styleLoader.item
-    implicitWidth: Math.max(200, (loader.item ? loader.item.implicitWidth: 0) )
-    implicitHeight: (loader.item ? loader.item.implicitHeight : 0)
+    implicitWidth: (!anchors.fill ? container.calcWidth() : 0) + loader.leftMargin + loader.rightMargin
+    implicitHeight: (!anchors.fill ? container.calcHeight() : 0) + loader.topMargin + loader.bottomMargin
     Layout.minimumWidth: implicitWidth
     Layout.minimumHeight: implicitHeight
@@ -159,44 +170,49 @@ Item {
     activeFocusOnTab: false
-    Loader {
-        id: loader
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        property int topMargin: (title.length > 0 || checkable ? 16 : 0) + content.margin
-        property int bottomMargin: 4
-        property int leftMargin: 4
-        property int rightMargin: 4
-        sourceComponent: styleLoader.item ? styleLoader.item.panel : null
-        onLoaded: item.z = -1
+    data: [
         Loader {
-            id: styleLoader
-            property alias __control: groupbox
-            sourceComponent: groupbox.style
-        }
-    }
-    CheckBox {
-        id: check
-        checked: true
-        text: groupbox.title
-        visible: checkable
-        anchors.top: parent.top
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-        anchors.right: parent.right
-        height: loader.topMargin
-        style: CheckBoxStyle { panel: Item{} }
-    }
-    Item {
-        id:content
-        z: 1
-        focus: true
-        property int margin: styleLoader.item ? styleLoader.item.margin : 0
-        anchors.topMargin: loader.topMargin
-        anchors.leftMargin: margin
-        anchors.rightMargin: margin
-        anchors.bottomMargin: margin
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        enabled: (!groupbox.checkable || groupbox.checked)
-    }
+            id: loader
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            property int topMargin: __style ? __style.padding.top : 0
+            property int bottomMargin: __style ? __style.padding.bottom : 0
+            property int leftMargin: __style ? __style.padding.left : 0
+            property int rightMargin: __style ? __style.padding.right : 0
+            sourceComponent: styleLoader.item ? styleLoader.item.panel : null
+            onLoaded: item.z = -1
+            Loader {
+                id: styleLoader
+                property alias __control: groupbox
+                sourceComponent: groupbox.style
+            }
+        },
+        CheckBox {
+            id: check
+            checked: true
+            text: groupbox.title
+            visible: checkable
+            anchors.top: parent.top
+            anchors.left: parent.left
+            anchors.right: parent.right
+            height: loader.topMargin
+            activeFocusOnTab: groupbox.checkable
+            style: CheckBoxStyle { panel: Item{} }
+        },
+        Item {
+            id: container
+            z: 1
+            focus: true
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            anchors.topMargin: loader.topMargin
+            anchors.leftMargin: loader.leftMargin
+            anchors.rightMargin: loader.rightMargin
+            anchors.bottomMargin: loader.bottomMargin
+            enabled: (!groupbox.checkable || groupbox.checked)
+            property Item layoutItem: container.children.length === 1 ? container.children[0] : null
+            function calcWidth () { return (layoutItem ? (layoutItem.implicitWidth || layoutItem.width) : container.childrenRect.width) }
+            function calcHeight () { return (layoutItem ? (layoutItem.implicitHeight || layoutItem.height) : container.childrenRect.height) }
+        }]
diff --git a/src/styles/Desktop/GroupBoxStyle.qml b/src/styles/Desktop/GroupBoxStyle.qml
index 40c5ce58a97f9adec07a1869df56154984244820..d22341c52545f66230cc546affb1d31ffbe2a204 100644
--- a/src/styles/Desktop/GroupBoxStyle.qml
+++ b/src/styles/Desktop/GroupBoxStyle.qml
@@ -43,17 +43,32 @@ import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
 Style {
-    property int margin: 8
     readonly property GroupBox control: __control
+    property var __style: StyleItem { id: style }
+    property int titleHeight: 18
+    Component.onCompleted: {
+        var stylename = __style.style
+        if (stylename.indexOf("windows") > -1)
+            titleHeight = 9
+    }
+    property Margins padding: Margins {
+        top: (control.title.length > 0 || control.checkable ? titleHeight : 0) + 6
+        left: 8
+        right: 8
+        bottom: 6
+    }
     property Component panel: StyleItem {
+        anchors.fill: parent
         id: styleitem
         elementType: "groupbox"
         text: control.title
         on: control.checked
         hasFocus: control.activeFocus
-        activeControl: checkable ? "checkbox" : ""
-        properties: { "checkable" : checkable , "sunken" : !flat}
-        contentWidth: control.contentWidth + 2 * margin
-        contentHeight: control.contentHeight + 2 * margin
+        activeControl: control.checkable ? "checkbox" : ""
+        properties: { "checkable" : control.checkable , "sunken" : !control.flat}
diff --git a/src/styles/GroupBoxStyle.qml b/src/styles/GroupBoxStyle.qml
index f5f2c9f49c40542d0b21cab9d5a2932e427b53be..d8538b95a14d9557b773c020bb31dde356c2073a 100644
--- a/src/styles/GroupBoxStyle.qml
+++ b/src/styles/GroupBoxStyle.qml
@@ -52,33 +52,94 @@ Style {
     /*! The \l GroupBox attached to this style. */
     readonly property GroupBox control: __control
-    /*! The margin. */
-    property int margin: 9
+    /*! The margin from the content item to the groupbox. */
+    property Margins padding: Margins {
+        top: (control.title.length > 0 || control.checkable ? 16 : 0) + 10
+        left: 8
+        right: 8
+        bottom: 6
+    }
     /*! The title text color. */
     property color textColor: __syspal.text
+    /*! The check box. */
+    property Component checkbox:  Item {
+        implicitWidth: 18
+        implicitHeight: 18
+        BorderImage {
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            source: "images/editbox.png"
+            border.top: 6
+            border.bottom: 6
+            border.left: 6
+            border.right: 6
+        }
+        Rectangle {
+            height: 16
+            width: 16
+            antialiasing: true
+            visible: control.checked
+            color: "#666"
+            radius: 1
+            anchors.margins: 4
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            anchors.topMargin: 3
+            anchors.bottomMargin: 5
+            border.color: "#222"
+            opacity: control.enabled ? 1 : 0.5
+            Rectangle {
+                anchors.fill: parent
+                anchors.margins: 1
+                color: "transparent"
+                border.color: "#33ffffff"
+            }
+        }
+        BorderImage {
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            anchors.margins: -1
+            anchors.topMargin: -2
+            anchors.rightMargin: 0
+            anchors.bottomMargin: 1
+            source: "images/focusframe.png"
+            visible: control.activeFocus
+            border.left: 4
+            border.right: 4
+            border.top: 4
+            border.bottom: 4
+        }
+    }
     /*! The groupbox frame. */
-    property Component panel:
-        Item {
-        implicitWidth: control.contentWidth + 2 * margin
-        implicitHeight: control.contentHeight + 2 * margin + 11
+    property Component panel: Item {
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        Loader {
+            id: checkboxloader
+            anchors.left: parent.left
+            sourceComponent: control.checkable ? checkbox : null
+            anchors.verticalCenter: label.verticalCenter
+            width: item ? item.implicitWidth : 0
+        }
         Text {
+            id: label
             anchors.top: parent.top
-            anchors.left: parent.left
+            anchors.left: checkboxloader.right
             anchors.margins: 4
             text: control.title
             color: textColor
             renderType: Text.NativeRendering
         BorderImage {
             anchors.fill: parent
-            anchors.topMargin: 20
+            anchors.topMargin: padding.top - 7
             source: "images/groupbox.png"
-            border.left: 8
-            border.right: 8
-            border.top: 8
-            border.bottom: 8
+            border.left: 4
+            border.right: 4
+            border.top: 4
+            border.bottom: 4
+            visible: !control.flat
diff --git a/tests/auto/controls/data/tst_groupbox.qml b/tests/auto/controls/data/tst_groupbox.qml
index 5599ca5f3a4d4920fdfc8204c0fb7030466aa9fc..6753868c27a14849b37202feacead9f97ec96806 100644
--- a/tests/auto/controls/data/tst_groupbox.qml
+++ b/tests/auto/controls/data/tst_groupbox.qml
@@ -84,6 +84,34 @@ TestCase {
+    function test_contentItem() {
+        verify (groupBox.contentItem !== null)
+        verify (groupBox.contentItem.anchors !== undefined)
+    }
+    function test_dynamicSize() {
+        var groupbox = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick.Controls 1.0; import QtQuick.Controls.Styles.Private 1.0 ; GroupBox {style:GroupBoxStyle{}}', container, '')
+        compare(groupbox.width, 16)
+        compare(groupbox.height, 16)
+        var content = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.1; Rectangle {implicitWidth:100 ; implicitHeight:30}', container, '')
+        content.parent = groupbox.contentItem
+        compare(groupbox.implicitWidth, 116)
+        compare(groupbox.implicitHeight, 46)
+        content.parent = null
+        content.destroy()
+        content = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.1; Rectangle {width:20 ; height:20}', container, '')
+        content.parent = groupbox.contentItem
+        compare(groupbox.implicitWidth, 36)
+        compare(groupbox.implicitHeight, 36)
+        content.parent = null
+        content.destroy()
+        groupbox.destroy()
+    }
     function test_checkable() {
         compare(groupBox.checkable, false)
         compare(groupBox.child1.enabled, true)