• Mateusz Loskot's avatar
    Update to Sergei Nikulov's fix for issue #15 · 54683936
    Mateusz Loskot authored
    Clarify supported sequence of statement::execute(false|true) and
    statement::get_affected_rows() calls across all backends:
    1. execute(false) and empty destination does not execute statement, but
    prepares for subsequent statement::fetch() requests.
    2. execute(true)  and empty destination calls requests backend to
    execute statement.
    3. execute(false|true) causes bulk fetch to destination, with
    withDataExchange=false|true ignored.
    Moved relevant test to common tests, confirmed it passes for all but
    Oracle (get_affected_rows not implemented) and Firebird (I have no means
    to test).
    Related discussion at
    Thanks to Sergei who first proposed this behaviour as reliable and
    consistent option, yet not intrusive.