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Restore belle_sip_random(). No reason to change the public API. This function...
Simon Morlat authored
Restore belle_sip_random(). No reason to change the public API. This function is used by presence server.

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Belle-sip is a modern library implementing SIP (RFC3261) transport, transaction and dialog layers. It is written in C, with an object oriented API. It also comprises a simple HTTP/HTTPS client implementation. Copyright 2012-now, Belledonne Communications SARL, all rights reserved.

Belle-sip is distributed to everyone under the GNU GPLv2 (see COPYING file for details). Incorporating belle-sip within a closed source project is not possible under the GPL. Commercial licensing can be purchased for that purpose from Belledonne Communications.


Build-time dependencies

These are required to generate a C sourcefile from SIP grammar using antlr3 generator:

Runtime dependencies

Under Debian/Ubuntu

	apt-get install antlr3

Under MacOS X using HomeBrew

	brew install libantlr3.4c homebrew/versions/antlr3

Building belle-sip with CMake

	cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix> -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<search_prefix>

	make install

Build options

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<string> : install prefix.
  • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<string> : column-separated list of prefixes where to find dependencies.
  • ENABLE_TESTS=NO : disable non-regression tests.
  • ENABLE_STRICT=NO : build without strict build options like -Wall -Werror
  • ENABLE_SHARED=NO : do not build the shared library
  • ENABLE_STATIC=NO : do not build the static library

Note for packagers

Our CMake scripts may automatically add some paths into research paths of generated binaries. To ensure that the installed binaries are striped of any rpath, use -DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON while you invoke cmake.

Rpm packaging belle-sip can be generated with cmake3 using the following command: mkdir WORK cd WORK cmake3 ../ make package_source rpmbuild -ta --clean --rmsource --rmspec belle-sip--.tar.gz