Commit fc430c57 authored by Wan-Teh Chang's avatar Wan-Teh Chang
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Update CHANGELOG for libaom v3.4.0 (continued)

Add updates from Ittiam and Marco.

Bug: aomedia:3281
Change-Id: I5b2ec54744f20a3fc967000466a29498254d9dba
Showing with 12 additions and 4 deletions
2022-06-16 v3.4.0
2022-06-17 v3.4.0
This release includes compression efficiency and perceptual quality
improvements, speedup and memory optimizations, and some new features.
There are no ABI or API breaking changes in this release.
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- Compression Efficiency Improvements
* Correctly calculate SSE for high bitdepth in skip mode, 0.2% to
0.6% coding gain.
* RTC at speed 9/10: BD-rate gain of ~4/5% and speedup of ~10/5%
* RTC at speed 9/10: BD-rate gain of ~4/5%
* RTC screen content coding: many improvements for real-time screen
at speed 10 (quality, speedup, and rate control), up to high
resolutions (1080p).
......@@ -51,10 +51,18 @@
- Speedup and Memory Optimizations
* ~10% speedup in good quality mode encoding.
* ~7% heap memory reduction in good quality encoding mode for speed
5 and 6.
* Ongoing improvements to intra-frame encoding performance on Arm
* Faster encoding speed for "--deltaq-mode=3" mode.
* Improved encoding speed for real time mode speeds 5 and 6 with
default settings
* ~10% speedup for speed 5/6, ~15% speedup for speed 7/8, and
~10% speedup for speed 9/10 in real time encoding mode
* ~20% heap memory reduction in still-picture encoding mode for
360p-720p resolutions with multiple threads
* ~13% speedup for speed 6 and ~12% speedup for speed 9 in
still-picture encoding mode.
* Optimizations to improve multi-thread efficiency for still-picture
encoding mode.
- Bug Fixes
* b/204460717: replace master with main
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