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  # include, so it's allowed to be first, but we'll never
  # complain if it's not there.
  target_first_component = _RE_FIRST_COMPONENT.match(target_base)
  include_first_component = _RE_FIRST_COMPONENT.match(include_base)
  if (target_first_component and include_first_component and
      target_first_component.group(0) ==

  return _OTHER_HEADER

def CheckIncludeLine(filename, clean_lines, linenum, include_state, error):
  """Check rules that are applicable to #include lines.

  Strings on #include lines are NOT removed from elided line, to make
  certain tasks easier. However, to prevent false positives, checks
  applicable to #include lines in CheckLanguage must be put here.

    filename: The name of the current file.
    clean_lines: A CleansedLines instance containing the file.
    linenum: The number of the line to check.
    include_state: An _IncludeState instance in which the headers are inserted.
    error: The function to call with any errors found.
  fileinfo = FileInfo(filename)

  line = clean_lines.lines[linenum]

  # "include" should use the new style "foo/bar.h" instead of just "bar.h"
  if _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE_NEW_STYLE.search(line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'build/include', 4,
          'Include the directory when naming .h files')

  # we shouldn't include a file more than once. actually, there are a
  # handful of instances where doing so is okay, but in general it's
  # not.
  match = _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.search(line)
  if match:
    include = match.group(2)
    is_system = (match.group(1) == '<')
    if include in include_state:
      error(filename, linenum, 'build/include', 4,
            '"%s" already included at %s:%s' %
            (include, filename, include_state[include]))
      include_state[include] = linenum

      # We want to ensure that headers appear in the right order:
      # 1) for foo.cc, foo.h  (preferred location)
      # 2) c system files
      # 3) cpp system files
      # 4) for foo.cc, foo.h  (deprecated location)
      # 5) other google headers
      # We classify each include statement as one of those 5 types
      # using a number of techniques. The include_state object keeps
      # track of the highest type seen, and complains if we see a
      # lower type after that.
      error_message = include_state.CheckNextIncludeOrder(
          _ClassifyInclude(fileinfo, include, is_system))
      if error_message:
        error(filename, linenum, 'build/include_order', 4,
              '%s. Should be: %s.h, c system, c++ system, other.' %
              (error_message, fileinfo.BaseName()))
      if not include_state.IsInAlphabeticalOrder(include):
        error(filename, linenum, 'build/include_alpha', 4,
              'Include "%s" not in alphabetical order' % include)

  # Look for any of the stream classes that are part of standard C++.
  match = _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.match(line)
  if match:
    include = match.group(2)
    if Match(r'(f|ind|io|i|o|parse|pf|stdio|str|)?stream$', include):
      # Many unit tests use cout, so we exempt them.
      if not _IsTestFilename(filename):
        error(filename, linenum, 'readability/streams', 3,
              'Streams are highly discouraged.')

def _GetTextInside(text, start_pattern):
  """Retrieves all the text between matching open and close parentheses.

  Given a string of lines and a regular expression string, retrieve all the text
  following the expression and between opening punctuation symbols like
  (, [, or {, and the matching close-punctuation symbol. This properly nested
  occurrences of the punctuations, so for the text like
    printf(a(), b(c()));
  a call to _GetTextInside(text, r'printf\(') will return 'a(), b(c())'.
  start_pattern must match string having an open punctuation symbol at the end.

    text: The lines to extract text. Its comments and strings must be elided.
           It can be single line and can span multiple lines.
    start_pattern: The regexp string indicating where to start extracting
                   the text.
    The extracted text.
    None if either the opening string or ending punctuation could not be found.
  # TODO(sugawarayu): Audit cpplint.py to see what places could be profitably
  # rewritten to use _GetTextInside (and use inferior regexp matching today).

  # Give opening punctuations to get the matching close-punctuations.
  matching_punctuation = {'(': ')', '{': '}', '[': ']'}
  closing_punctuation = set(matching_punctuation.itervalues())

  # Find the position to start extracting text.
  match = re.search(start_pattern, text, re.M)
  if not match:  # start_pattern not found in text.
    return None
  start_position = match.end(0)

  assert start_position > 0, (
      'start_pattern must ends with an opening punctuation.')
  assert text[start_position - 1] in matching_punctuation, (
      'start_pattern must ends with an opening punctuation.')
  # Stack of closing punctuations we expect to have in text after position.
  punctuation_stack = [matching_punctuation[text[start_position - 1]]]
  position = start_position
  while punctuation_stack and position < len(text):
    if text[position] == punctuation_stack[-1]:
    elif text[position] in closing_punctuation:
      # A closing punctuation without matching opening punctuations.
      return None
    elif text[position] in matching_punctuation:
    position += 1
  if punctuation_stack:
    # Opening punctuations left without matching close-punctuations.
    return None
  # punctuations match.
  return text[start_position:position - 1]

def CheckLanguage(filename, clean_lines, linenum, file_extension, include_state,
  """Checks rules from the 'C++ language rules' section of cppguide.html.

  Some of these rules are hard to test (function overloading, using
  uint32 inappropriately), but we do the best we can.

    filename: The name of the current file.
    clean_lines: A CleansedLines instance containing the file.
    linenum: The number of the line to check.
    file_extension: The extension (without the dot) of the filename.
    include_state: An _IncludeState instance in which the headers are inserted.
    error: The function to call with any errors found.
  # If the line is empty or consists of entirely a comment, no need to
  # check it.
  line = clean_lines.elided[linenum]
  if not line:

  match = _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.search(line)
  if match:
    CheckIncludeLine(filename, clean_lines, linenum, include_state, error)

  # Create an extended_line, which is the concatenation of the current and
  # next lines, for more effective checking of code that may span more than one
  # line.
  if linenum + 1 < clean_lines.NumLines():
    extended_line = line + clean_lines.elided[linenum + 1]
    extended_line = line

  # Make Windows paths like Unix.
  fullname = os.path.abspath(filename).replace('\\', '/')

  # TODO(unknown): figure out if they're using default arguments in fn proto.

  # Check for non-const references in functions.  This is tricky because &
  # is also used to take the address of something.  We allow <> for templates,
  # (ignoring whatever is between the braces) and : for classes.
  # These are complicated re's.  They try to capture the following:
  # paren (for fn-prototype start), typename, &, varname.  For the const
  # version, we're willing for const to be before typename or after
  # Don't check the implementation on same line.
  fnline = line.split('{', 1)[0]
  if (len(re.findall(r'\([^()]*\b(?:[\w:]|<[^()]*>)+(\s?&|&\s?)\w+', fnline)) >
                     r'(?:[\w:]|<[^()]*>)+(\s?&|&\s?)\w+', fnline)) +

    # We allow non-const references in a few standard places, like functions
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    # called "swap()" or iostream operators like "<<" or ">>". We also filter
    # out for loops, which lint otherwise mistakenly thinks are functions.
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      error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/references', 2,
            'Is this a non-const reference? '
            'If so, make const or use a pointer.')

  # Check to see if they're using an conversion function cast.
  # I just try to capture the most common basic types, though there are more.
  # Parameterless conversion functions, such as bool(), are allowed as they are
  # probably a member operator declaration or default constructor.
  match = Search(
      r'(\bnew\s+)?\b'  # Grab 'new' operator, if it's there
      r'(int|float|double|bool|char|int32|uint32|int64|uint64)\([^)]', line)
  if match:
    # gMock methods are defined using some variant of MOCK_METHODx(name, type)
    # where type may be float(), int(string), etc.  Without context they are
    # virtually indistinguishable from int(x) casts. Likewise, gMock's
    # MockCallback takes a template parameter of the form return_type(arg_type),
    # which looks much like the cast we're trying to detect.
    if (match.group(1) is None and  # If new operator, then this isn't a cast
        not (Match(r'^\s*MOCK_(CONST_)?METHOD\d+(_T)?\(', line) or
             Match(r'^\s*MockCallback<.*>', line))):
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      # Try a bit harder to catch gmock lines: the only place where
      # something looks like an old-style cast is where we declare the
      # return type of the mocked method, and the only time when we
      # are missing context is if MOCK_METHOD was split across
      # multiple lines (for example http://go/hrfhr ), so we only need
      # to check the previous line for MOCK_METHOD.
      if (linenum == 0 or
          not Match(r'^\s*MOCK_(CONST_)?METHOD\d+(_T)?\(\S+,\s*$',
                    clean_lines.elided[linenum - 1])):
        error(filename, linenum, 'readability/casting', 4,
              'Using deprecated casting style.  '
              'Use static_cast<%s>(...) instead' %

  CheckCStyleCast(filename, linenum, line, clean_lines.raw_lines[linenum],
                  r'\((int|float|double|bool|char|u?int(16|32|64))\)', error)

  # This doesn't catch all cases. Consider (const char * const)"hello".
  # (char *) "foo" should always be a const_cast (reinterpret_cast won't
  # compile).
  if CheckCStyleCast(filename, linenum, line, clean_lines.raw_lines[linenum],
                     'const_cast', r'\((char\s?\*+\s?)\)\s*"', error):
    # Check pointer casts for other than string constants
    CheckCStyleCast(filename, linenum, line, clean_lines.raw_lines[linenum],
                    'reinterpret_cast', r'\((\w+\s?\*+\s?)\)', error)

  # In addition, we look for people taking the address of a cast.  This
  # is dangerous -- casts can assign to temporaries, so the pointer doesn't
  # point where you think.
  if Search(
      r'(&\([^)]+\)[\w(])|(&(static|dynamic|reinterpret)_cast\b)', line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/casting', 4,
          ('Are you taking an address of a cast?  '
           'This is dangerous: could be a temp var.  '
           'Take the address before doing the cast, rather than after'))

  # Check for people declaring static/global STL strings at the top level.
  # This is dangerous because the C++ language does not guarantee that
  # globals with constructors are initialized before the first access.
  match = Match(
      r'((?:|static +)(?:|const +))string +([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)\b(.*)',
  # Make sure it's not a function.
  # Function template specialization looks like: "string foo<Type>(...".
  # Class template definitions look like: "string Foo<Type>::Method(...".
  if match and not Match(r'\s*(<.*>)?(::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?\s*\(([^"]|$)',
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/string', 4,
          'For a static/global string constant, use a C style string instead: '
          '"%schar %s[]".' %
          (match.group(1), match.group(2)))

  # Check that we're not using RTTI outside of testing code.
  if Search(r'\bdynamic_cast<', line) and not _IsTestFilename(filename):
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/rtti', 5,
          'Do not use dynamic_cast<>.  If you need to cast within a class '
          "hierarchy, use static_cast<> to upcast.  Google doesn't support "

  if Search(r'\b([A-Za-z0-9_]*_)\(\1\)', line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/init', 4,
          'You seem to be initializing a member variable with itself.')

  if file_extension == 'h':
    # TODO(unknown): check that 1-arg constructors are explicit.
    #                How to tell it's a constructor?
    #                (handled in CheckForNonStandardConstructs for now)
    # TODO(unknown): check that classes have DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS
    #                (level 1 error)

  # Check if people are using the verboten C basic types.  The only exception
  # we regularly allow is "unsigned short port" for port.
  if Search(r'\bshort port\b', line):
    if not Search(r'\bunsigned short port\b', line):
      error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/int', 4,
            'Use "unsigned short" for ports, not "short"')
    match = Search(r'\b(short|long(?! +double)|long long)\b', line)
    if match:
      error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/int', 4,
            'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type %s' % match.group(1))

  # When snprintf is used, the second argument shouldn't be a literal.
  match = Search(r'snprintf\s*\(([^,]*),\s*([0-9]*)\s*,', line)
  if match and match.group(2) != '0':
    # If 2nd arg is zero, snprintf is used to calculate size.
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/printf', 3,
          'If you can, use sizeof(%s) instead of %s as the 2nd arg '
          'to snprintf.' % (match.group(1), match.group(2)))

  # Check if some verboten C functions are being used.
  if Search(r'\bsprintf\b', line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/printf', 5,
          'Never use sprintf.  Use snprintf instead.')
  match = Search(r'\b(strcpy|strcat)\b', line)
  if match:
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/printf', 4,
          'Almost always, snprintf is better than %s' % match.group(1))

  if Search(r'\bsscanf\b', line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/printf', 1,
          'sscanf can be ok, but is slow and can overflow buffers.')

  # Check if some verboten operator overloading is going on
  # TODO(unknown): catch out-of-line unary operator&:
  #   class X {};
  #   int operator&(const X& x) { return 42; }  // unary operator&
  # The trick is it's hard to tell apart from binary operator&:
  #   class Y { int operator&(const Y& x) { return 23; } }; // binary operator&
  if Search(r'\boperator\s*&\s*\(\s*\)', line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/operator', 4,
          'Unary operator& is dangerous.  Do not use it.')

  # Check for suspicious usage of "if" like
  # } if (a == b) {
  if Search(r'\}\s*if\s*\(', line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'readability/braces', 4,
          'Did you mean "else if"? If not, start a new line for "if".')

  # Check for potential format string bugs like printf(foo).
  # We constrain the pattern not to pick things like DocidForPrintf(foo).
  # Not perfect but it can catch printf(foo.c_str()) and printf(foo->c_str())
  # TODO(sugawarayu): Catch the following case. Need to change the calling
  # convention of the whole function to process multiple line to handle it.
  #   printf(
  #       boy_this_is_a_really_long_variable_that_cannot_fit_on_the_prev_line);
  printf_args = _GetTextInside(line, r'(?i)\b(string)?printf\s*\(')
  if printf_args:
    match = Match(r'([\w.\->()]+)$', printf_args)
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    if match and match.group(1) != '__VA_ARGS__':
      function_name = re.search(r'\b((?:string)?printf)\s*\(',
                                line, re.I).group(1)
      error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/printf', 4,
            'Potential format string bug. Do %s("%%s", %s) instead.'
            % (function_name, match.group(1)))

  # Check for potential memset bugs like memset(buf, sizeof(buf), 0).
  match = Search(r'memset\s*\(([^,]*),\s*([^,]*),\s*0\s*\)', line)
  if match and not Match(r"^''|-?[0-9]+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]$", match.group(2)):
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/memset', 4,
          'Did you mean "memset(%s, 0, %s)"?'
          % (match.group(1), match.group(2)))

  if Search(r'\busing namespace\b', line):
    error(filename, linenum, 'build/namespaces', 5,
          'Do not use namespace using-directives.  '
          'Use using-declarations instead.')

  # Detect variable-length arrays.
  match = Match(r'\s*(.+::)?(\w+) [a-z]\w*\[(.+)];', line)
  if (match and match.group(2) != 'return' and match.group(2) != 'delete' and
      match.group(3).find(']') == -1):
    # Split the size using space and arithmetic operators as delimiters.
    # If any of the resulting tokens are not compile time constants then
    # report the error.
    tokens = re.split(r'\s|\+|\-|\*|\/|<<|>>]', match.group(3))
    is_const = True
    skip_next = False
    for tok in tokens:
      if skip_next:
        skip_next = False

      if Search(r'sizeof\(.+\)', tok): continue
      if Search(r'arraysize\(\w+\)', tok): continue

      tok = tok.lstrip('(')
      tok = tok.rstrip(')')
      if not tok: continue
      if Match(r'\d+', tok): continue
      if Match(r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', tok): continue
      if Match(r'k[A-Z0-9]\w*', tok): continue
      if Match(r'(.+::)?k[A-Z0-9]\w*', tok): continue
      if Match(r'(.+::)?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*', tok): continue
      # A catch all for tricky sizeof cases, including 'sizeof expression',
      # 'sizeof(*type)', 'sizeof(const type)', 'sizeof(struct StructName)'
      # requires skipping the next token because we split on ' ' and '*'.
      if tok.startswith('sizeof'):
        skip_next = True
      is_const = False
    if not is_const:
      error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/arrays', 1,
            'Do not use variable-length arrays.  Use an appropriately named '
            "('k' followed by CamelCase) compile-time constant for the size.")

  # DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS is present, then it should be the last thing
  # in the class declaration.
  match = Match(
  if match and linenum + 1 < clean_lines.NumLines():
    next_line = clean_lines.elided[linenum + 1]
    # We allow some, but not all, declarations of variables to be present
    # in the statement that defines the class.  The [\w\*,\s]* fragment of
    # the regular expression below allows users to declare instances of
    # the class or pointers to instances, but not less common types such
    # as function pointers or arrays.  It's a tradeoff between allowing
    # reasonable code and avoiding trying to parse more C++ using regexps.
    if not Search(r'^\s*}[\w\*,\s]*;', next_line):
      error(filename, linenum, 'readability/constructors', 3,
            match.group(1) + ' should be the last thing in the class')

  # Check for use of unnamed namespaces in header files.  Registration
  # macros are typically OK, so we allow use of "namespace {" on lines
  # that end with backslashes.
  if (file_extension == 'h'
      and Search(r'\bnamespace\s*{', line)
      and line[-1] != '\\'):
    error(filename, linenum, 'build/namespaces', 4,
          'Do not use unnamed namespaces in header files.  See '
          ' for more information.')

def CheckCStyleCast(filename, linenum, line, raw_line, cast_type, pattern,
  """Checks for a C-style cast by looking for the pattern.

  This also handles sizeof(type) warnings, due to similarity of content.

    filename: The name of the current file.
    linenum: The number of the line to check.
    line: The line of code to check.
    raw_line: The raw line of code to check, with comments.
    cast_type: The string for the C++ cast to recommend.  This is either
      reinterpret_cast, static_cast, or const_cast, depending.
    pattern: The regular expression used to find C-style casts.
    error: The function to call with any errors found.

    True if an error was emitted.
    False otherwise.
  match = Search(pattern, line)
  if not match:
    return False

  # e.g., sizeof(int)
  sizeof_match = Match(r'.*sizeof\s*$', line[0:match.start(1) - 1])
  if sizeof_match:
    error(filename, linenum, 'runtime/sizeof', 1,
          'Using sizeof(type).  Use sizeof(varname) instead if possible')
    return True

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  # operator++(int) and operator--(int)
  if (line[0:match.start(1) - 1].endswith(' operator++') or
      line[0:match.start(1) - 1].endswith(' operator--')):
    return False

  remainder = line[match.end(0):]

  # The close paren is for function pointers as arguments to a function.
  # eg, void foo(void (*bar)(int));
  # The semicolon check is a more basic function check; also possibly a
  # function pointer typedef.
  # eg, void foo(int); or void foo(int) const;
  # The equals check is for function pointer assignment.
  # eg, void *(*foo)(int) = ...
  # The > is for MockCallback<...> ...
  # Right now, this will only catch cases where there's a single argument, and
  # it's unnamed.  It should probably be expanded to check for multiple
  # arguments with some unnamed.
  function_match = Match(r'\s*(\)|=|(const)?\s*(;|\{|throw\(\)|>))', remainder)
  if function_match:
    if (not function_match.group(3) or
        function_match.group(3) == ';' or
        ('MockCallback<' not in raw_line and
         '/*' not in raw_line)):
      error(filename, linenum, 'readability/function', 3,
            'All parameters should be named in a function')
    return True

  # At this point, all that should be left is actual casts.
  error(filename, linenum, 'readability/casting', 4,
        'Using C-style cast.  Use %s<%s>(...) instead' %
        (cast_type, match.group(1)))

  return True

    ('<deque>', ('deque',)),
    ('<functional>', ('unary_function', 'binary_function',
                      'plus', 'minus', 'multiplies', 'divides', 'modulus',
                      'equal_to', 'not_equal_to', 'greater', 'less',
                      'greater_equal', 'less_equal',
                      'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'logical_not',
                      'unary_negate', 'not1', 'binary_negate', 'not2',
                      'bind1st', 'bind2nd',
                      'mem_fun_t', 'mem_fun', 'mem_fun1_t', 'mem_fun1_ref_t',
                      'const_mem_fun_t', 'const_mem_fun1_t',
                      'const_mem_fun_ref_t', 'const_mem_fun1_ref_t',
    ('<limits>', ('numeric_limits',)),
    ('<list>', ('list',)),
    ('<map>', ('map', 'multimap',)),
    ('<memory>', ('allocator',)),
    ('<queue>', ('queue', 'priority_queue',)),
    ('<set>', ('set', 'multiset',)),
    ('<stack>', ('stack',)),
    ('<string>', ('char_traits', 'basic_string',)),
    ('<utility>', ('pair',)),
    ('<vector>', ('vector',)),

    # gcc extensions.
    # Note: std::hash is their hash, ::hash is our hash
    ('<hash_map>', ('hash_map', 'hash_multimap',)),
    ('<hash_set>', ('hash_set', 'hash_multiset',)),
    ('<slist>', ('slist',)),

_RE_PATTERN_STRING = re.compile(r'\bstring\b')

_re_pattern_algorithm_header = []
for _template in ('copy', 'max', 'min', 'min_element', 'sort', 'swap',
  # Match max<type>(..., ...), max(..., ...), but not foo->max, foo.max or
  # type::max().
      (re.compile(r'[^>.]\b' + _template + r'(<.*?>)?\([^\)]'),

_re_pattern_templates = []
for _header, _templates in _HEADERS_CONTAINING_TEMPLATES:
  for _template in _templates:
        (re.compile(r'(\<|\b)' + _template + r'\s*\<'),
         _template + '<>',

def FilesBelongToSameModule(filename_cc, filename_h):
  """Check if these two filenames belong to the same module.

  The concept of a 'module' here is a as follows:
  foo.h, foo-inl.h, foo.cc, foo_test.cc and foo_unittest.cc belong to the
  same 'module' if they are in the same directory.
  some/path/public/xyzzy and some/path/internal/xyzzy are also considered
  to belong to the same module here.

  If the filename_cc contains a longer path than the filename_h, for example,
  '/absolute/path/to/base/sysinfo.cc', and this file would include
  'base/sysinfo.h', this function also produces the prefix needed to open the
  header. This is used by the caller of this function to more robustly open the
  header file. We don't have access to the real include paths in this context,
  so we need this guesswork here.

  Known bugs: tools/base/bar.cc and base/bar.h belong to the same module
  according to this implementation. Because of this, this function gives
  some false positives. This should be sufficiently rare in practice.

    filename_cc: is the path for the .cc file
    filename_h: is the path for the header path

    Tuple with a bool and a string:
    bool: True if filename_cc and filename_h belong to the same module.
    string: the additional prefix needed to open the header file.

  if not filename_cc.endswith('.cc'):
    return (False, '')
  filename_cc = filename_cc[:-len('.cc')]
  if filename_cc.endswith('_unittest'):
    filename_cc = filename_cc[:-len('_unittest')]
  elif filename_cc.endswith('_test'):
    filename_cc = filename_cc[:-len('_test')]
  filename_cc = filename_cc.replace('/public/', '/')
  filename_cc = filename_cc.replace('/internal/', '/')

  if not filename_h.endswith('.h'):
    return (False, '')
  filename_h = filename_h[:-len('.h')]
  if filename_h.endswith('-inl'):
    filename_h = filename_h[:-len('-inl')]
  filename_h = filename_h.replace('/public/', '/')
  filename_h = filename_h.replace('/internal/', '/')

  files_belong_to_same_module = filename_cc.endswith(filename_h)
  common_path = ''
  if files_belong_to_same_module:
    common_path = filename_cc[:-len(filename_h)]
  return files_belong_to_same_module, common_path

def UpdateIncludeState(filename, include_state, io=codecs):
  """Fill up the include_state with new includes found from the file.

    filename: the name of the header to read.
    include_state: an _IncludeState instance in which the headers are inserted.
    io: The io factory to use to read the file. Provided for testability.

    True if a header was succesfully added. False otherwise.
  headerfile = None
    headerfile = io.open(filename, 'r', 'utf8', 'replace')
  except IOError:
    return False
  linenum = 0
  for line in headerfile:
    linenum += 1
    clean_line = CleanseComments(line)
    match = _RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE.search(clean_line)
    if match:
      include = match.group(2)
      # The value formatting is cute, but not really used right now.
      # What matters here is that the key is in include_state.
      include_state.setdefault(include, '%s:%d' % (filename, linenum))
  return True

def CheckForIncludeWhatYouUse(filename, clean_lines, include_state, error,
  """Reports for missing stl includes.

  This function will output warnings to make sure you are including the headers
  necessary for the stl containers and functions that you use. We only give one
  reason to include a header. For example, if you use both equal_to<> and
  less<> in a .h file, only one (the latter in the file) of these will be
  reported as a reason to include the <functional>.

    filename: The name of the current file.
    clean_lines: A CleansedLines instance containing the file.
    include_state: An _IncludeState instance.
    error: The function to call with any errors found.
    io: The IO factory to use to read the header file. Provided for unittest
  required = {}  # A map of header name to linenumber and the template entity.
                 # Example of required: { '<functional>': (1219, 'less<>') }

  for linenum in xrange(clean_lines.NumLines()):
    line = clean_lines.elided[linenum]
    if not line or line[0] == '#':

    # String is special -- it is a non-templatized type in STL.
    matched = _RE_PATTERN_STRING.search(line)
    if matched:
      # Don't warn about strings in non-STL namespaces:
      # (We check only the first match per line; good enough.)
      prefix = line[:matched.start()]
      if prefix.endswith('std::') or not prefix.endswith('::'):
        required['<string>'] = (linenum, 'string')

    for pattern, template, header in _re_pattern_algorithm_header:
      if pattern.search(line):
        required[header] = (linenum, template)

    # The following function is just a speed up, no semantics are changed.
    if not '<' in line:  # Reduces the cpu time usage by skipping lines.

    for pattern, template, header in _re_pattern_templates:
      if pattern.search(line):
        required[header] = (linenum, template)

  # The policy is that if you #include something in foo.h you don't need to
  # include it again in foo.cc. Here, we will look at possible includes.
  # Let's copy the include_state so it is only messed up within this function.
  include_state = include_state.copy()

  # Did we find the header for this file (if any) and succesfully load it?
  header_found = False

  # Use the absolute path so that matching works properly.
  abs_filename = FileInfo(filename).FullName()

  # For Emacs's flymake.
  # If cpplint is invoked from Emacs's flymake, a temporary file is generated
  # by flymake and that file name might end with '_flymake.cc'. In that case,
  # restore original file name here so that the corresponding header file can be
  # found.
  # e.g. If the file name is 'foo_flymake.cc', we should search for 'foo.h'
  # instead of 'foo_flymake.h'
  abs_filename = re.sub(r'_flymake\.cc$', '.cc', abs_filename)

  # include_state is modified during iteration, so we iterate over a copy of
  # the keys.
  header_keys = include_state.keys()
  for header in header_keys:
    (same_module, common_path) = FilesBelongToSameModule(abs_filename, header)
    fullpath = common_path + header
    if same_module and UpdateIncludeState(fullpath, include_state, io):
      header_found = True

  # If we can't find the header file for a .cc, assume it's because we don't
  # know where to look. In that case we'll give up as we're not sure they
  # didn't include it in the .h file.
  # TODO(unknown): Do a better job of finding .h files so we are confident that
  # not having the .h file means there isn't one.
  if filename.endswith('.cc') and not header_found:

  # All the lines have been processed, report the errors found.
  for required_header_unstripped in required:
    template = required[required_header_unstripped][1]
    if required_header_unstripped.strip('<>"') not in include_state:
      error(filename, required[required_header_unstripped][0],
            'build/include_what_you_use', 4,
            'Add #include ' + required_header_unstripped + ' for ' + template)

_RE_PATTERN_EXPLICIT_MAKEPAIR = re.compile(r'\bmake_pair\s*<')

def CheckMakePairUsesDeduction(filename, clean_lines, linenum, error):
  """Check that make_pair's template arguments are deduced.

  G++ 4.6 in C++0x mode fails badly if make_pair's template arguments are
  specified explicitly, and such use isn't intended in any case.

    filename: The name of the current file.
    clean_lines: A CleansedLines instance containing the file.
    linenum: The number of the line to check.
    error: The function to call with any errors found.
  raw = clean_lines.raw_lines
  line = raw[linenum]
  match = _RE_PATTERN_EXPLICIT_MAKEPAIR.search(line)
  if match:
    error(filename, linenum, 'build/explicit_make_pair',
          4,  # 4 = high confidence
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          'For C++11-compatibility, omit template arguments from make_pair'
          ' OR use pair directly OR if appropriate, construct a pair directly')
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def ProcessLine(filename, file_extension, clean_lines, line,
                include_state, function_state, nesting_state, error,
  """Processes a single line in the file.

    filename: Filename of the file that is being processed.
    file_extension: The extension (dot not included) of the file.
    clean_lines: An array of strings, each representing a line of the file,
                 with comments stripped.
    line: Number of line being processed.
    include_state: An _IncludeState instance in which the headers are inserted.
    function_state: A _FunctionState instance which counts function lines, etc.
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    nesting_state: A _NestingState instance which maintains information about
                   the current stack of nested blocks being parsed.
    error: A callable to which errors are reported, which takes 4 arguments:
           filename, line number, error level, and message
    extra_check_functions: An array of additional check functions that will be
                           run on each source line. Each function takes 4
                           arguments: filename, clean_lines, line, error
  raw_lines = clean_lines.raw_lines
  ParseNolintSuppressions(filename, raw_lines[line], line, error)
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  nesting_state.Update(filename, clean_lines, line, error)
  if nesting_state.stack and nesting_state.stack[-1].inline_asm != _NO_ASM:
  CheckForFunctionLengths(filename, clean_lines, line, function_state, error)
  CheckForMultilineCommentsAndStrings(filename, clean_lines, line, error)
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  CheckStyle(filename, clean_lines, line, file_extension, nesting_state, error)
  CheckLanguage(filename, clean_lines, line, file_extension, include_state,
  CheckForNonStandardConstructs(filename, clean_lines, line,
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                                nesting_state, error)
  CheckPosixThreading(filename, clean_lines, line, error)
  CheckInvalidIncrement(filename, clean_lines, line, error)
  CheckMakePairUsesDeduction(filename, clean_lines, line, error)
  for check_fn in extra_check_functions:
    check_fn(filename, clean_lines, line, error)

def ProcessFileData(filename, file_extension, lines, error,
  """Performs lint checks and reports any errors to the given error function.

    filename: Filename of the file that is being processed.
    file_extension: The extension (dot not included) of the file.
    lines: An array of strings, each representing a line of the file, with the
           last element being empty if the file is terminated with a newline.
    error: A callable to which errors are reported, which takes 4 arguments:
           filename, line number, error level, and message
    extra_check_functions: An array of additional check functions that will be
                           run on each source line. Each function takes 4
                           arguments: filename, clean_lines, line, error
  lines = (['// marker so line numbers and indices both start at 1'] + lines +
           ['// marker so line numbers end in a known way'])

  include_state = _IncludeState()
  function_state = _FunctionState()
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  nesting_state = _NestingState()


  CheckForCopyright(filename, lines, error)

  if file_extension == 'h':
    CheckForHeaderGuard(filename, lines, error)

  RemoveMultiLineComments(filename, lines, error)
  clean_lines = CleansedLines(lines)
  for line in xrange(clean_lines.NumLines()):
    ProcessLine(filename, file_extension, clean_lines, line,
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                include_state, function_state, nesting_state, error,
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  nesting_state.CheckClassFinished(filename, error)

  CheckForIncludeWhatYouUse(filename, clean_lines, include_state, error)

  # We check here rather than inside ProcessLine so that we see raw
  # lines rather than "cleaned" lines.
  CheckForUnicodeReplacementCharacters(filename, lines, error)

  CheckForNewlineAtEOF(filename, lines, error)

def ProcessFile(filename, vlevel, extra_check_functions=[]):
  """Does google-lint on a single file.

    filename: The name of the file to parse.

    vlevel: The level of errors to report.  Every error of confidence
    >= verbose_level will be reported.  0 is a good default.

    extra_check_functions: An array of additional check functions that will be
                           run on each source line. Each function takes 4
                           arguments: filename, clean_lines, line, error


    # Support the UNIX convention of using "-" for stdin.  Note that
    # we are not opening the file with universal newline support
    # (which codecs doesn't support anyway), so the resulting lines do
    # contain trailing '\r' characters if we are reading a file that
    # has CRLF endings.
    # If after the split a trailing '\r' is present, it is removed
    # below. If it is not expected to be present (i.e. os.linesep !=
    # '\r\n' as in Windows), a warning is issued below if this file
    # is processed.

    if filename == '-':
      lines = codecs.StreamReaderWriter(sys.stdin,
      lines = codecs.open(filename, 'r', 'utf8', 'replace').read().split('\n')

    carriage_return_found = False
    # Remove trailing '\r'.
    for linenum in range(len(lines)):
      if lines[linenum].endswith('\r'):
        lines[linenum] = lines[linenum].rstrip('\r')
        carriage_return_found = True

  except IOError:
        "Skipping input '%s': Can't open for reading\n" % filename)

  # Note, if no dot is found, this will give the entire filename as the ext.
  file_extension = filename[filename.rfind('.') + 1:]

  # When reading from stdin, the extension is unknown, so no cpplint tests
  # should rely on the extension.
  if (filename != '-' and file_extension != 'cc' and file_extension != 'h'
      and file_extension != 'cpp'):
    sys.stderr.write('Ignoring %s; not a .cc or .h file\n' % filename)
    ProcessFileData(filename, file_extension, lines, Error,
    if carriage_return_found and os.linesep != '\r\n':
      # Use 0 for linenum since outputting only one error for potentially
      # several lines.
      Error(filename, 0, 'whitespace/newline', 1,
            'One or more unexpected \\r (^M) found;'
            'better to use only a \\n')

  sys.stderr.write('Done processing %s\n' % filename)

def PrintUsage(message):
  """Prints a brief usage string and exits, optionally with an error message.

    message: The optional error message.
  if message:
    sys.exit('\nFATAL ERROR: ' + message)

def PrintCategories():
  """Prints a list of all the error-categories used by error messages.

  These are the categories used to filter messages via --filter.
  sys.stderr.write(''.join('  %s\n' % cat for cat in _ERROR_CATEGORIES))

def ParseArguments(args):
  """Parses the command line arguments.

  This may set the output format and verbosity level as side-effects.

    args: The command line arguments:

    The list of filenames to lint.
    (opts, filenames) = getopt.getopt(args, '', ['help', 'output=', 'verbose=',
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  except getopt.GetoptError:
    PrintUsage('Invalid arguments.')

  verbosity = _VerboseLevel()
  output_format = _OutputFormat()
  filters = ''
  counting_style = ''

  for (opt, val) in opts:
    if opt == '--help':
    elif opt == '--output':
      if not val in ('emacs', 'vs7'):
        PrintUsage('The only allowed output formats are emacs and vs7.')
      output_format = val
    elif opt == '--verbose':
      verbosity = int(val)
    elif opt == '--filter':
      filters = val
      if not filters:
    elif opt == '--counting':
      if val not in ('total', 'toplevel', 'detailed'):
        PrintUsage('Valid counting options are total, toplevel, and detailed')
      counting_style = val
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    elif opt == '--root':
      global _root
      _root = val

  if not filenames:
    PrintUsage('No files were specified.')


  return filenames