• Dmitry Kovalev's avatar
    Using pd->dqcoeff instead of pd->qcoeff in the decoder. · a1dc97be
    Dmitry Kovalev authored
    It is more logical to use dqcoeff buffer to put there *dequantized*
    transform coefficients (inside inverse_transform_block and
    decode_coefs functions). Dequantization happens inside WRITE_COEF_CONTINUE
    qcoeff buffer should be only used in the encoder for *quantized*
    transform coefficients.
    Change-Id: Ifd54bef272bbf5311ced6669c4f1079f998af5d7
EbmlBufferWriter.h 376 bytes
typedef struct {
  unsigned long long offset;
} EbmlLoc;
typedef struct {
  unsigned char *buf;
  unsigned int length;
  unsigned int offset;
} EbmlGlobal;
void Ebml_StartSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob, EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc, unsigned long class_id);
void Ebml_EndSubElement(EbmlGlobal *glob,  EbmlLoc *ebmlLoc);