• John Koleszar's avatar
    cosmetics: trim trailing whitespace · 94c52e4d
    John Koleszar authored
    When the license headers were updated, they accidentally contained
    trailing whitespace, so unfortunately we have to touch all the files
    Change-Id: I236c05fade06589e417179c0444cb39b09e4200d
y4minput.c 29.18 KiB
 *  Copyright (c) 2010 The VP8 project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
 *  Based on code from the OggTheora software codec source code,
 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2010 The Xiph.Org Foundation and contributors.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "y4minput.h"
static int y4m_parse_tags(y4m_input *_y4m,char *_tags){
  int   got_w;
  int   got_h;
  int   got_fps;
  int   got_interlace;
  int   got_par;
  int   got_chroma;
  char *p;
  char *q;
    /*Skip any leading spaces.*/
    while(*p==' ')p++;
    /*If that's all we have, stop.*/
    /*Find the end of this tag.*/
    for(q=p+1;*q!='\0'&&*q!=' ';q++);
    /*Process the tag.*/
      case 'W':{
        if(sscanf(p+1,"%d",&_y4m->pic_w)!=1)return -1;
      case 'H':{
        if(sscanf(p+1,"%d",&_y4m->pic_h)!=1)return -1;
      case 'F':{
          return -1;
      case 'I':{
      case 'A':{
          return -1;
      case 'C':{
        if(q-p>16)return -1;
      /*Ignore unknown tags.*/
  if(!got_w||!got_h||!got_fps)return -1;
if(!got_par)_y4m->par_n=_y4m->par_d=0; /*Chroma-type is not specified in older files, e.g., those generated by mplayer.*/ if(!got_chroma)strcpy(_y4m->chroma_type,"420"); return 0; } /*All anti-aliasing filters in the following conversion functions are based on one of two window functions: The 6-tap Lanczos window (for down-sampling and shifts): sinc(\pi*t)*sinc(\pi*t/3), |t|<3 (sinc(t)==sin(t)/t) 0, |t|>=3 The 4-tap Mitchell window (for up-sampling): 7|t|^3-12|t|^2+16/3, |t|<1 -(7/3)|x|^3+12|x|^2-20|x|+32/3, |t|<2 0, |t|>=2 The number of taps is intentionally kept small to reduce computational overhead and limit ringing. The taps from these filters are scaled so that their sum is 1, and the result is scaled by 128 and rounded to integers to create a filter whose intermediate values fit inside 16 bits. Coefficients are rounded in such a way as to ensure their sum is still 128, which is usually equivalent to normal rounding. Conversions which require both horizontal and vertical filtering could have these steps pipelined, for less memory consumption and better cache performance, but we do them separately for simplicity.*/ #define OC_MINI(_a,_b) ((_a)>(_b)?(_b):(_a)) #define OC_MAXI(_a,_b) ((_a)<(_b)?(_b):(_a)) #define OC_CLAMPI(_a,_b,_c) (OC_MAXI(_a,OC_MINI(_b,_c))) /*420jpeg chroma samples are sited like: Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | BR | | BR | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | BR | | BR | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | 420mpeg2 chroma samples are sited like: Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | BR | BR | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | BR | BR | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | |
We use a resampling filter to shift the site locations one quarter pixel (at the chroma plane's resolution) to the right. The 4:2:2 modes look exactly the same, except there are twice as many chroma lines, and they are vertically co-sited with the luma samples in both the mpeg2 and jpeg cases (thus requiring no vertical resampling).*/ static void y4m_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg_helper(unsigned char *_dst, const unsigned char *_src,int _c_w,int _c_h){ int pli; int y; int x; for(y=0;y<_c_h;y++){ /*Filter: [4 -17 114 35 -9 1]/128, derived from a 6-tap Lanczos window.*/ for(x=0;x<OC_MINI(_c_w,2);x++){ _dst[x]=(unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0,(4*_src[0]-17*_src[OC_MAXI(x-1,0)]+ 114*_src[x]+35*_src[OC_MINI(x+1,_c_w-1)]-9*_src[OC_MINI(x+2,_c_w-1)]+ _src[OC_MINI(x+3,_c_w-1)]+64)>>7,255); } for(;x<_c_w-3;x++){ _dst[x]=(unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0,(4*_src[x-2]-17*_src[x-1]+ 114*_src[x]+35*_src[x+1]-9*_src[x+2]+_src[x+3]+64)>>7,255); } for(;x<_c_w;x++){ _dst[x]=(unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0,(4*_src[x-2]-17*_src[x-1]+ 114*_src[x]+35*_src[OC_MINI(x+1,_c_w-1)]-9*_src[OC_MINI(x+2,_c_w-1)]+ _src[_c_w-1]+64)>>7,255); } _dst+=_c_w; _src+=_c_w; } } /*Handles both 422 and 420mpeg2 to 422jpeg and 420jpeg, respectively.*/ static void y4m_convert_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg(y4m_input *_y4m,unsigned char *_dst, unsigned char *_aux){ int c_w; int c_h; int c_sz; int pli; int y; int x; /*Skip past the luma data.*/ _dst+=_y4m->pic_w*_y4m->pic_h; /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/ c_w=(_y4m->pic_w+_y4m->dst_c_dec_h-1)/_y4m->dst_c_dec_h; c_h=(_y4m->pic_h+_y4m->dst_c_dec_v-1)/_y4m->dst_c_dec_v; c_sz=c_w*c_h; for(pli=1;pli<3;pli++){ y4m_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg_helper(_dst,_aux,c_w,c_h); _dst+=c_sz; _aux+=c_sz; } } /*This format is only used for interlaced content, but is included for completeness. 420jpeg chroma samples are sited like: Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | BR | | BR | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | BR | | BR |
| | | | Y-------Y-------Y-------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | 420paldv chroma samples are sited like: YR------Y-------YR------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | YB------Y-------YB------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | YR------Y-------YR------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | YB------Y-------YB------Y------- | | | | | | | | | | | | We use a resampling filter to shift the site locations one quarter pixel (at the chroma plane's resolution) to the right. Then we use another filter to move the C_r location down one quarter pixel, and the C_b location up one quarter pixel.*/ static void y4m_convert_42xpaldv_42xjpeg(y4m_input *_y4m,unsigned char *_dst, unsigned char *_aux){ unsigned char *tmp; int c_w; int c_h; int c_sz; int pli; int y; int x; /*Skip past the luma data.*/ _dst+=_y4m->pic_w*_y4m->pic_h; /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/ c_w=(_y4m->pic_w+1)/2; c_h=(_y4m->pic_h+_y4m->dst_c_dec_h-1)/_y4m->dst_c_dec_h; c_sz=c_w*c_h; tmp=_aux+2*c_sz; for(pli=1;pli<3;pli++){ /*First do the horizontal re-sampling. This is the same as the mpeg2 case, except that after the horizontal case, we need to apply a second vertical filter.*/ y4m_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg_helper(tmp,_aux,c_w,c_h); _aux+=c_sz; switch(pli){ case 1:{ /*Slide C_b up a quarter-pel. This is the same filter used above, but in the other order.*/ for(x=0;x<c_w;x++){ for(y=0;y<OC_MINI(c_h,3);y++){ _dst[y*c_w]=(unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0,(tmp[0] -9*tmp[OC_MAXI(y-2,0)*c_w]+35*tmp[OC_MAXI(y-1,0)*c_w] +114*tmp[y*c_w]-17*tmp[OC_MINI(y+1,c_h-1)*c_w] +4*tmp[OC_MINI(y+2,c_h-1)*c_w]+64)>>7,255); } for(;y<c_h-2;y++){ _dst[y*c_w]=(unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0,(tmp[(y-3)*c_w] -9*tmp[(y-2)*c_w]+35*tmp[(y-1)*c_w]+114*tmp[y*c_w] -17*tmp[(y+1)*c_w]+4*tmp[(y+2)*c_w]+64)>>7,255); } for(;y<c_h;y++){ _dst[y*c_w]=(unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0,(tmp[(y-3)*c_w] -9*tmp[(y-2)*c_w]+35*tmp[(y-1)*c_w]+114*tmp[y*c_w] -17*tmp[OC_MINI(y+1,c_h-1)*c_w]+4*tmp[(c_h-1)*c_w]+64)>>7,255);