• Yaowu Xu's avatar
    added checks to prevent rate/distortion overflow · ea284d62
    Yaowu Xu authored
    At speed 2, due to the threshold scheme used, it is possible the rate
    and distortion assigned with INT_MAX value. The patch added checking
    to prevent the INT_MAX value is used in further calculation of RD
    scores. The patch also changed the assertion in rd_use_partition() to
    be mirror similar assertion in rd_pick_partition().
    Change-Id: Idb52c543cc1e10abdf6e6a5d6e9cb535a42214dc
qquickwindwmfeatures.cpp 9.11 KiB
 ** Copyright (C) 2013 Ivan Vizir <define-true-false@yandex.com>
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#include "qquickwindwmfeatures.h"
#include "qquickwindwmfeatures_p.h"
#include <QtWinExtras/private/qwineventfilter_p.h>
#include <QWinColorizationColorChangeEvent>
#include <QWinCompositionStateChangeEvent>
#include <QQuickWindow>
    \qmltype WinDwmFeatures
    \instantiates QQuickWinDwmFeatures
    \inqmlmodule QtWinExtras
    \brief Enables you to manage the Windows DWM features.
    \since 5.2
    The WinDwmFeatures type enables you to extend a glass frame into the client
    area, as well as to control the behavior of Aero Peek and Flip3D.
    \class QQuickWinDwmFeatures
QQuickWinDwmFeatures::QQuickWinDwmFeatures(QQuickItem *parent) :
QQuickItem(parent), d_ptr(new QQuickWinDwmFeaturesPrivate(this)) { QWinEventFilter::setup(); } QQuickWinDwmFeatures::~QQuickWinDwmFeatures() { } void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setCompositionEnabled(bool enabled) { QWinExtras::setCompositionEnabled(enabled); } bool QQuickWinDwmFeatures::isCompositionEnabled() const { return QWinExtras::isCompositionEnabled(); } QColor QQuickWinDwmFeatures::colorizationColor() const { return QWinExtras::colorizationColor(); } QColor QQuickWinDwmFeatures::realColorizationColor() const { return QWinExtras::realColorizationColor(); } bool QQuickWinDwmFeatures::colorizationOpaqueBlend() const { bool opaque; QWinExtras::colorizationColor(&opaque); return opaque; } /*! \qmlproperty int WinDwmFeatures::topGlassMargin The top glass frame margin. The default value is 0. */ void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setTopGlassMargin(int margin) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); d->topMargin = margin; d->update(); } /*! \qmlproperty int WinDwmFeatures::rightGlassMargin The right glass frame margin. The default value is 0. */ void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setRightGlassMargin(int margin) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); d->rightMargin = margin; d->update(); } /*! \qmlproperty int WinDwmFeatures::bottomGlassMargin The bottom glass frame margin. The default value is 0. */ void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setBottomGlassMargin(int margin) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); d->bottomMargin = margin; d->update();
} /*! \qmlproperty int WinDwmFeatures::leftGlassMargin The left glass frame margin. The default value is 0. */ void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setLeftGlassMargin(int margin) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); d->leftMargin = margin; d->update(); } int QQuickWinDwmFeatures::topGlassMargin() const { Q_D(const QQuickWinDwmFeatures); return d->topMargin; } int QQuickWinDwmFeatures::rightGlassMargin() const { Q_D(const QQuickWinDwmFeatures); return d->rightMargin; } int QQuickWinDwmFeatures::bottomGlassMargin() const { Q_D(const QQuickWinDwmFeatures); return d->bottomMargin; } int QQuickWinDwmFeatures::leftGlassMargin() const { Q_D(const QQuickWinDwmFeatures); return d->leftMargin; } /*! \qmlproperty bool WinDwmFeatures::excludedFromPeek Specifies whether the window is excluded from Aero Peek. The default value is false. */ bool QQuickWinDwmFeatures::excludedFromPeek() const { Q_D(const QQuickWinDwmFeatures); if (window()) return QWinExtras::isWindowExcludedFromPeek(window()); else return d->peekExcluded; } void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setExcludedFromPeek(bool exclude) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); d->peekExcluded = exclude; } /*! \qmlproperty bool WinDwmFeatures::peekDisallowed Set this value to true if you want to forbid Aero Peek when the user hovers the mouse over the window thumbnail. The default value is false. */ bool QQuickWinDwmFeatures::peekDisallowed() const { Q_D(const QQuickWinDwmFeatures); if (window()) return QWinExtras::isWindowPeekDisallowed(window());
else return d->peekDisallowed; } void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setPeekDisallowed(bool disallow) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); d->peekDisallowed = disallow; } /*! \enum QQuickWinDwmFeatures::Flip3DPolicy See QtWinExtras::WindowFlip3DPolicy. */ /*! \qmlproperty WinDwmFeatures::Flip3DPolicy WinDwmFeatures::flip3DPolicy The current Flip3D policy for the window. */ QQuickWinDwmFeatures::Flip3DPolicy QQuickWinDwmFeatures::flip3DPolicy() const { Q_D(const QQuickWinDwmFeatures); if (window()) return static_cast<Flip3DPolicy>(QWinExtras::windowFlip3DPolicy(window())); else return static_cast<Flip3DPolicy>(d->flipPolicy); } void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::setFlip3DPolicy(QQuickWinDwmFeatures::Flip3DPolicy policy) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); d->flipPolicy = policy; } bool QQuickWinDwmFeatures::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { bool filterOut = false; if (object == window()) { if (event->type() == QWinCompositionStateChangeEvent::eventType()) { emit isCompositionEnabledChanged(); filterOut = true; } else if (event->type() == QWinColorizationColorChangeEvent::eventType()) { emit colorizationColorChanged(); emit realColorizationColorChanged(); emit colorizationOpaqueBlendChanged(); filterOut = true; } } if (!filterOut) return QQuickItem::eventFilter(object, event); else return filterOut; } QQuickWinDwmFeatures *QQuickWinDwmFeatures::qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *parentObject) { QQuickWinDwmFeatures *featuresObj = new QQuickWinDwmFeatures(); QQuickItem *parentItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(parentObject); if (parentItem) featuresObj->setParentItem(parentItem); else featuresObj->setParent(parentObject); return featuresObj; } void QQuickWinDwmFeatures::itemChange(QQuickItem::ItemChange change, const QQuickItem::ItemChangeData &data) { Q_D(QQuickWinDwmFeatures);
if (change == ItemSceneChange && data.window) { d->update(); data.window->installEventFilter(this); } QQuickItem::itemChange(change, data); } QQuickWinDwmFeaturesPrivate::QQuickWinDwmFeaturesPrivate(QQuickWinDwmFeatures *parent) : topMargin(0), rightMargin(0), bottomMargin(0), leftMargin(0), peekDisallowed(false), peekExcluded(false), flipPolicy(QQuickWinDwmFeatures::FlipDefault), q_ptr(parent), formatSet(false), frameUpdateScheduled(false), attributesUpdateScheduled(false) { } void QQuickWinDwmFeaturesPrivate::update() { Q_Q(QQuickWinDwmFeatures); QWindow *w = q->window(); if (w) { if (!formatSet) { formatSet = true; QSurfaceFormat format = w->format(); format.setAlphaBufferSize(8); w->setFormat(format); q->window()->setColor(Qt::transparent); } if (peekExcluded) QWinExtras::setWindowExcludedFromPeek(w, peekExcluded); if (peekDisallowed) QWinExtras::setWindowDisallowPeek(w, peekDisallowed); if (flipPolicy != QQuickWinDwmFeatures::FlipDefault) QWinExtras::setWindowFlip3DPolicy(w, static_cast<QWinExtras::WindowFlip3DPolicy>(flipPolicy)); if (topMargin || rightMargin || bottomMargin || leftMargin) QWinExtras::extendFrameIntoClientArea(w, leftMargin, topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin); } } QT_END_NAMESPACE