rate_hist.c 7.38 KiB
 *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "./rate_hist.h"
#define RATE_BINS 100
#define HIST_BAR_MAX 40
struct hist_bucket {
  int low;
  int high;
  int count;
struct rate_hist {
  int64_t *pts;
  int *sz;
  int samples;
  int frames;
  struct hist_bucket bucket[RATE_BINS];
  int total;
struct rate_hist *init_rate_histogram(const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
                                      const vpx_rational_t *fps) {
  int i;
  struct rate_hist *hist = malloc(sizeof(*hist));
  // Determine the number of samples in the buffer. Use the file's framerate
  // to determine the number of frames in rc_buf_sz milliseconds, with an
  // adjustment (5/4) to account for alt-refs
  hist->samples = cfg->rc_buf_sz * 5 / 4 * fps->num / fps->den / 1000;
  // prevent division by zero
  if (hist->samples == 0)
    hist->samples = 1;
  hist->frames = 0;
  hist->total = 0;
  hist->pts = calloc(hist->samples, sizeof(*hist->pts));
  hist->sz = calloc(hist->samples, sizeof(*hist->sz));
  for (i = 0; i < RATE_BINS; i++) {
    hist->bucket[i].low = INT_MAX;
    hist->bucket[i].high = 0;
    hist->bucket[i].count = 0;
  return hist;
void destroy_rate_histogram(struct rate_hist *hist) {
  if (hist) {
} void update_rate_histogram(struct rate_hist *hist, const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg, const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) { int i; int64_t then = 0; int64_t avg_bitrate = 0; int64_t sum_sz = 0; const int64_t now = pkt->data.frame.pts * 1000 * (uint64_t)cfg->g_timebase.num / (uint64_t)cfg->g_timebase.den; int idx = hist->frames++ % hist->samples; hist->pts[idx] = now; hist->sz[idx] = (int)pkt->data.frame.sz; if (now < cfg->rc_buf_initial_sz) return; then = now; /* Sum the size over the past rc_buf_sz ms */ for (i = hist->frames; i > 0 && hist->frames - i < hist->samples; i--) { const int i_idx = (i - 1) % hist->samples; then = hist->pts[i_idx]; if (now - then > cfg->rc_buf_sz) break; sum_sz += hist->sz[i_idx]; } if (now == then) return; avg_bitrate = sum_sz * 8 * 1000 / (now - then); idx = (int)(avg_bitrate * (RATE_BINS / 2) / (cfg->rc_target_bitrate * 1000)); if (idx < 0) idx = 0; if (idx > RATE_BINS - 1) idx = RATE_BINS - 1; if (hist->bucket[idx].low > avg_bitrate) hist->bucket[idx].low = (int)avg_bitrate; if (hist->bucket[idx].high < avg_bitrate) hist->bucket[idx].high = (int)avg_bitrate; hist->bucket[idx].count++; hist->total++; } static int merge_hist_buckets(struct hist_bucket *bucket, int max_buckets, int *num_buckets) { int small_bucket = 0, merge_bucket = INT_MAX, big_bucket = 0; int buckets = *num_buckets; int i; /* Find the extrema for this list of buckets */ big_bucket = small_bucket = 0; for (i = 0; i < buckets; i++) { if (bucket[i].count < bucket[small_bucket].count) small_bucket = i; if (bucket[i].count > bucket[big_bucket].count) big_bucket = i; } /* If we have too many buckets, merge the smallest with an adjacent * bucket. */ while (buckets > max_buckets) { int last_bucket = buckets - 1;
/* merge the small bucket with an adjacent one. */ if (small_bucket == 0) merge_bucket = 1; else if (small_bucket == last_bucket) merge_bucket = last_bucket - 1; else if (bucket[small_bucket - 1].count < bucket[small_bucket + 1].count) merge_bucket = small_bucket - 1; else merge_bucket = small_bucket + 1; assert(abs(merge_bucket - small_bucket) <= 1); assert(small_bucket < buckets); assert(big_bucket < buckets); assert(merge_bucket < buckets); if (merge_bucket < small_bucket) { bucket[merge_bucket].high = bucket[small_bucket].high; bucket[merge_bucket].count += bucket[small_bucket].count; } else { bucket[small_bucket].high = bucket[merge_bucket].high; bucket[small_bucket].count += bucket[merge_bucket].count; merge_bucket = small_bucket; } assert(bucket[merge_bucket].low != bucket[merge_bucket].high); buckets--; /* Remove the merge_bucket from the list, and find the new small * and big buckets while we're at it */ big_bucket = small_bucket = 0; for (i = 0; i < buckets; i++) { if (i > merge_bucket) bucket[i] = bucket[i + 1]; if (bucket[i].count < bucket[small_bucket].count) small_bucket = i; if (bucket[i].count > bucket[big_bucket].count) big_bucket = i; } } *num_buckets = buckets; return bucket[big_bucket].count; } static void show_histogram(const struct hist_bucket *bucket, int buckets, int total, int scale) { const char *pat1, *pat2; int i; switch ((int)(log(bucket[buckets - 1].high) / log(10)) + 1) { case 1: case 2: pat1 = "%4d %2s: "; pat2 = "%4d-%2d: "; break; case 3: pat1 = "%5d %3s: "; pat2 = "%5d-%3d: "; break; case 4: pat1 = "%6d %4s: "; pat2 = "%6d-%4d: "; break; case 5: pat1 = "%7d %5s: "; pat2 = "%7d-%5d: "; break;
case 6: pat1 = "%8d %6s: "; pat2 = "%8d-%6d: "; break; case 7: pat1 = "%9d %7s: "; pat2 = "%9d-%7d: "; break; default: pat1 = "%12d %10s: "; pat2 = "%12d-%10d: "; break; } for (i = 0; i < buckets; i++) { int len; int j; float pct; pct = (float)(100.0 * bucket[i].count / total); len = HIST_BAR_MAX * bucket[i].count / scale; if (len < 1) len = 1; assert(len <= HIST_BAR_MAX); if (bucket[i].low == bucket[i].high) fprintf(stderr, pat1, bucket[i].low, ""); else fprintf(stderr, pat2, bucket[i].low, bucket[i].high); for (j = 0; j < HIST_BAR_MAX; j++) fprintf(stderr, j < len ? "=" : " "); fprintf(stderr, "\t%5d (%6.2f%%)\n", bucket[i].count, pct); } } void show_q_histogram(const int counts[64], int max_buckets) { struct hist_bucket bucket[64]; int buckets = 0; int total = 0; int scale; int i; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (counts[i]) { bucket[buckets].low = bucket[buckets].high = i; bucket[buckets].count = counts[i]; buckets++; total += counts[i]; } } fprintf(stderr, "\nQuantizer Selection:\n"); scale = merge_hist_buckets(bucket, max_buckets, &buckets); show_histogram(bucket, buckets, total, scale); } void show_rate_histogram(struct rate_hist *hist, const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg, int max_buckets) { int i, scale; int buckets = 0; for (i = 0; i < RATE_BINS; i++) { if (hist->bucket[i].low == INT_MAX) continue; hist->bucket[buckets++] = hist->bucket[i]; } fprintf(stderr, "\nRate (over %dms window):\n", cfg->rc_buf_sz); scale = merge_hist_buckets(hist->bucket, max_buckets, &buckets);
show_histogram(hist->bucket, buckets, hist->total, scale); }