qmakeevaluator.cpp 66.47 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include "qmakeevaluator.h"
#include "qmakeevaluator_p.h"
#include "qmakeglobals.h"
#include "qmakeparser.h"
#include "ioutils.h"
#include <qbytearray.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qstack.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
# include <qthreadpool.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace QMakeInternal; QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #define fL1S(s) QString::fromLatin1(s) QMakeBaseKey::QMakeBaseKey(const QString &_root, bool _hostBuild) : root(_root), hostBuild(_hostBuild) { } uint qHash(const QMakeBaseKey &key) { return qHash(key.root) ^ (uint)key.hostBuild; } bool operator==(const QMakeBaseKey &one, const QMakeBaseKey &two) { return one.root == two.root && one.hostBuild == two.hostBuild; } QMakeBaseEnv::QMakeBaseEnv() : evaluator(0) { #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE inProgress = false; #endif } QMakeBaseEnv::~QMakeBaseEnv() { delete evaluator; } namespace QMakeInternal { QMakeStatics statics; } void QMakeEvaluator::initStatics() { if (!statics.field_sep.isNull()) return; statics.field_sep = QLatin1String(" "); statics.strtrue = QLatin1String("true"); statics.strfalse = QLatin1String("false"); statics.strCONFIG = ProKey("CONFIG"); statics.strARGS = ProKey("ARGS"); statics.strDot = QLatin1String("."); statics.strDotDot = QLatin1String(".."); statics.strever = QLatin1String("ever"); statics.strforever = QLatin1String("forever"); statics.strhost_build = QLatin1String("host_build"); statics.strTEMPLATE = ProKey("TEMPLATE"); statics.strQMAKE_PLATFORM = ProKey("QMAKE_PLATFORM"); #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_FULL statics.strREQUIRES = ProKey("REQUIRES"); #endif statics.fakeValue = ProStringList(ProString("_FAKE_")); // It has to have a unique begin() value initFunctionStatics(); static const struct { const char * const oldname, * const newname; } mapInits[] = {
{ "INTERFACES", "FORMS" }, { "QMAKE_POST_BUILD", "QMAKE_POST_LINK" }, { "TARGETDEPS", "POST_TARGETDEPS" }, { "LIBPATH", "QMAKE_LIBDIR" }, { "QMAKE_EXT_MOC", "QMAKE_EXT_CPP_MOC" }, { "QMAKE_MOD_MOC", "QMAKE_H_MOD_MOC" }, { "QMAKE_LFLAGS_SHAPP", "QMAKE_LFLAGS_APP" }, { "PRECOMPH", "PRECOMPILED_HEADER" }, { "PRECOMPCPP", "PRECOMPILED_SOURCE" }, { "INCPATH", "INCLUDEPATH" }, { "QMAKE_EXTRA_WIN_COMPILERS", "QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS" }, { "QMAKE_EXTRA_UNIX_COMPILERS", "QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS" }, { "QMAKE_EXTRA_WIN_TARGETS", "QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS" }, { "QMAKE_EXTRA_UNIX_TARGETS", "QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS" }, { "QMAKE_EXTRA_UNIX_INCLUDES", "QMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDES" }, { "QMAKE_EXTRA_UNIX_VARIABLES", "QMAKE_EXTRA_VARIABLES" }, { "QMAKE_RPATH", "QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH" }, { "QMAKE_FRAMEWORKDIR", "QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH" }, { "QMAKE_FRAMEWORKDIR_FLAGS", "QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH_FLAGS" }, { "IN_PWD", "PWD" } }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(mapInits)/sizeof(mapInits[0]); ++i) statics.varMap.insert(ProKey(mapInits[i].oldname), ProKey(mapInits[i].newname)); } const ProKey &QMakeEvaluator::map(const ProKey &var) { QHash<ProKey, ProKey>::ConstIterator it = statics.varMap.constFind(var); if (it == statics.varMap.constEnd()) return var; deprecationWarning(fL1S("Variable %1 is deprecated; use %2 instead.") .arg(var.toQString(), it.value().toQString())); return it.value(); } QMakeEvaluator::QMakeEvaluator(QMakeGlobals *option, QMakeParser *parser, QMakeHandler *handler) : #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_DEBUG m_debugLevel(option->debugLevel), #endif m_option(option), m_parser(parser), m_handler(handler) { // So that single-threaded apps don't have to call initialize() for now. initStatics(); // Configuration, more or less m_caller = 0; #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_CUMULATIVE m_cumulative = false; #endif m_hostBuild = false; // Evaluator state #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_CUMULATIVE m_skipLevel = 0; #endif m_listCount = 0; m_valuemapStack.push(ProValueMap()); m_valuemapInited = false; } QMakeEvaluator::~QMakeEvaluator() { } void QMakeEvaluator::initFrom(const QMakeEvaluator &other) { Q_ASSERT_X(&other, "QMakeEvaluator::visitProFile", "Project not prepared");
m_functionDefs = other.m_functionDefs; m_valuemapStack = other.m_valuemapStack; m_valuemapInited = true; m_qmakespec = other.m_qmakespec; m_qmakespecName = other.m_qmakespecName; m_mkspecPaths = other.m_mkspecPaths; m_featureRoots = other.m_featureRoots; m_dirSep = other.m_dirSep; } //////// Evaluator tools ///////// uint QMakeEvaluator::getBlockLen(const ushort *&tokPtr) { uint len = *tokPtr++; len |= (uint)*tokPtr++ << 16; return len; } ProString QMakeEvaluator::getStr(const ushort *&tokPtr) { uint len = *tokPtr++; ProString ret(m_current.pro->items(), tokPtr - m_current.pro->tokPtr(), len); ret.setSource(m_current.pro); tokPtr += len; return ret; } ProKey QMakeEvaluator::getHashStr(const ushort *&tokPtr) { uint hash = getBlockLen(tokPtr); uint len = *tokPtr++; ProKey ret(m_current.pro->items(), tokPtr - m_current.pro->tokPtr(), len, hash); tokPtr += len; return ret; } void QMakeEvaluator::skipStr(const ushort *&tokPtr) { uint len = *tokPtr++; tokPtr += len; } void QMakeEvaluator::skipHashStr(const ushort *&tokPtr) { tokPtr += 2; uint len = *tokPtr++; tokPtr += len; } // FIXME: this should not build new strings for direct sections. // Note that the E_SPRINTF and E_LIST implementations rely on the deep copy. ProStringList QMakeEvaluator::split_value_list(const QString &vals, const ProFile *source) { QString build; ProStringList ret; if (!source) source = currentProFile(); const QChar *vals_data = vals.data(); const int vals_len = vals.length(); ushort quote = 0; bool hadWord = false; for (int x = 0; x < vals_len; x++) { ushort unicode = vals_data[x].unicode(); if (unicode == quote) { quote = 0; continue; }
switch (unicode) { case '"': case '\'': quote = unicode; hadWord = true; continue; case ' ': case '\t': if (!quote) { if (hadWord) { ret << ProString(build).setSource(source); build.clear(); hadWord = false; } continue; } build += QChar(unicode); break; case '\\': if (x + 1 != vals_len) { ushort next = vals_data[++x].unicode(); if (next == '\'' || next == '"' || next == '\\') unicode = next; else --x; } // fallthrough default: hadWord = true; build += QChar(unicode); break; } } if (hadWord) ret << ProString(build).setSource(source); return ret; } static void zipEmpty(ProStringList *value) { for (int i = value->size(); --i >= 0;) if (value->at(i).isEmpty()) value->remove(i); } static void insertUnique(ProStringList *varlist, const ProStringList &value) { foreach (const ProString &str, value) if (!str.isEmpty() && !varlist->contains(str)) varlist->append(str); } static void removeAll(ProStringList *varlist, const ProString &value) { for (int i = varlist->size(); --i >= 0; ) if (varlist->at(i) == value) varlist->remove(i); } void QMakeEvaluator::removeEach(ProStringList *varlist, const ProStringList &value) { foreach (const ProString &str, value) if (!str.isEmpty()) removeAll(varlist, str); } static void replaceInList(ProStringList *varlist, const QRegExp &regexp, const QString &replace, bool global, QString &tmp) { for (ProStringList::Iterator varit = varlist->begin(); varit != varlist->end(); ) {
QString val = varit->toQString(tmp); QString copy = val; // Force detach and have a reference value val.replace(regexp, replace); if (!val.isSharedWith(copy) && val != copy) { if (val.isEmpty()) { varit = varlist->erase(varit); } else { (*varit).setValue(val); ++varit; } if (!global) break; } else { ++varit; } } } //////// Evaluator ///////// static ALWAYS_INLINE void addStr( const ProString &str, ProStringList *ret, bool &pending, bool joined) { if (joined) { ret->last().append(str, &pending); } else { if (!pending) { pending = true; *ret << str; } else { ret->last().append(str); } } } static ALWAYS_INLINE void addStrList( const ProStringList &list, ushort tok, ProStringList *ret, bool &pending, bool joined) { if (!list.isEmpty()) { if (joined) { ret->last().append(list, &pending, !(tok & TokQuoted)); } else { if (tok & TokQuoted) { if (!pending) { pending = true; *ret << ProString(); } ret->last().append(list); } else { if (!pending) { // Another qmake bizzarity: if nothing is pending and the // first element is empty, it will be eaten if (!list.at(0).isEmpty()) { // The common case pending = true; *ret += list; return; } } else { ret->last().append(list.at(0)); } // This is somewhat slow, but a corner case for (int j = 1; j < list.size(); ++j) { pending = true; *ret << list.at(j); } } } } }
void QMakeEvaluator::evaluateExpression( const ushort *&tokPtr, ProStringList *ret, bool joined) { debugMsg(2, joined ? "evaluating joined expression" : "evaluating expression"); if (joined) *ret << ProString(); bool pending = false; forever { ushort tok = *tokPtr++; if (tok & TokNewStr) { debugMsg(2, "new string"); pending = false; } ushort maskedTok = tok & TokMask; switch (maskedTok) { case TokLine: m_current.line = *tokPtr++; break; case TokLiteral: { const ProString &val = getStr(tokPtr); debugMsg(2, "literal %s", dbgStr(val)); addStr(val, ret, pending, joined); break; } case TokHashLiteral: { const ProKey &val = getHashStr(tokPtr); debugMsg(2, "hashed literal %s", dbgStr(val.toString())); addStr(val, ret, pending, joined); break; } case TokVariable: { const ProKey &var = getHashStr(tokPtr); const ProStringList &val = values(map(var)); debugMsg(2, "variable %s => %s", dbgKey(var), dbgStrList(val)); addStrList(val, tok, ret, pending, joined); break; } case TokProperty: { const ProKey &var = getHashStr(tokPtr); const ProString &val = propertyValue(var); debugMsg(2, "property %s => %s", dbgKey(var), dbgStr(val)); addStr(val, ret, pending, joined); break; } case TokEnvVar: { const ProString &var = getStr(tokPtr); const ProString &val = ProString(m_option->getEnv(var.toQString(m_tmp1))); debugMsg(2, "env var %s => %s", dbgStr(var), dbgStr(val)); addStr(val, ret, pending, joined); break; } case TokFuncName: { const ProKey &func = getHashStr(tokPtr); debugMsg(2, "function %s", dbgKey(func)); addStrList(evaluateExpandFunction(func, tokPtr), tok, ret, pending, joined); break; } default: debugMsg(2, "evaluated expression => %s", dbgStrList(*ret)); tokPtr--; return; } } } void QMakeEvaluator::skipExpression(const ushort *&pTokPtr) { const ushort *tokPtr = pTokPtr; forever { ushort tok = *tokPtr++; switch (tok) { case TokLine: m_current.line = *tokPtr++; break; case TokValueTerminator:
case TokFuncTerminator: pTokPtr = tokPtr; return; case TokArgSeparator: break; default: switch (tok & TokMask) { case TokLiteral: case TokEnvVar: skipStr(tokPtr); break; case TokHashLiteral: case TokVariable: case TokProperty: skipHashStr(tokPtr); break; case TokFuncName: skipHashStr(tokPtr); pTokPtr = tokPtr; skipExpression(pTokPtr); tokPtr = pTokPtr; break; default: Q_ASSERT_X(false, "skipExpression", "Unrecognized token"); break; } } } } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::visitProBlock( ProFile *pro, const ushort *tokPtr) { m_current.pro = pro; m_current.line = 0; return visitProBlock(tokPtr); } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::visitProBlock( const ushort *tokPtr) { traceMsg("entering block"); ProStringList curr; bool okey = true, or_op = false, invert = false; uint blockLen; while (ushort tok = *tokPtr++) { VisitReturn ret; switch (tok) { case TokLine: m_current.line = *tokPtr++; continue; case TokAssign: case TokAppend: case TokAppendUnique: case TokRemove: case TokReplace: visitProVariable(tok, curr, tokPtr); curr.clear(); continue; case TokBranch: blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); if (m_cumulative) { #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_CUMULATIVE if (!okey) m_skipLevel++; ret = blockLen ? visitProBlock(tokPtr) : ReturnTrue; tokPtr += blockLen; blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); if (!okey) m_skipLevel--;
else m_skipLevel++; if ((ret == ReturnTrue || ret == ReturnFalse) && blockLen) ret = visitProBlock(tokPtr); if (okey) m_skipLevel--; #endif } else { if (okey) { traceMsg("taking 'then' branch"); ret = blockLen ? visitProBlock(tokPtr) : ReturnTrue; traceMsg("finished 'then' branch"); } tokPtr += blockLen; blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); if (!okey) { traceMsg("taking 'else' branch"); ret = blockLen ? visitProBlock(tokPtr) : ReturnTrue; traceMsg("finished 'else' branch"); } } tokPtr += blockLen; okey = true, or_op = false; // force next evaluation break; case TokForLoop: if (m_cumulative) { // This is a no-win situation, so just pretend it's no loop skipHashStr(tokPtr); uint exprLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); tokPtr += exprLen; blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); ret = visitProBlock(tokPtr); } else if (okey != or_op) { const ProKey &variable = getHashStr(tokPtr); uint exprLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); const ushort *exprPtr = tokPtr; tokPtr += exprLen; blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); ret = visitProLoop(variable, exprPtr, tokPtr); } else { skipHashStr(tokPtr); uint exprLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); tokPtr += exprLen; blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); traceMsg("skipped loop"); ret = ReturnTrue; } tokPtr += blockLen; okey = true, or_op = false; // force next evaluation break; case TokTestDef: case TokReplaceDef: if (m_cumulative || okey != or_op) { const ProKey &name = getHashStr(tokPtr); blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); visitProFunctionDef(tok, name, tokPtr); traceMsg("defined %s function %s", tok == TokTestDef ? "test" : "replace", dbgKey(name)); } else { traceMsg("skipped function definition"); skipHashStr(tokPtr); blockLen = getBlockLen(tokPtr); } tokPtr += blockLen; okey = true, or_op = false; // force next evaluation continue; case TokNot: traceMsg("NOT"); invert ^= true; continue; case TokAnd:
traceMsg("AND"); or_op = false; continue; case TokOr: traceMsg("OR"); or_op = true; continue; case TokCondition: if (!m_skipLevel && okey != or_op) { if (curr.size() != 1) { if (!m_cumulative || !curr.isEmpty()) evalError(fL1S("Conditional must expand to exactly one word.")); okey = false; } else { okey = isActiveConfig(curr.at(0).toQString(m_tmp2), true); traceMsg("condition %s is %s", dbgStr(curr.at(0)), dbgBool(okey)); okey ^= invert; } } else { traceMsg("skipped condition %s", curr.size() == 1 ? dbgStr(curr.at(0)) : "<invalid>"); } or_op = !okey; // tentatively force next evaluation invert = false; curr.clear(); continue; case TokTestCall: if (!m_skipLevel && okey != or_op) { if (curr.size() != 1) { if (!m_cumulative || !curr.isEmpty()) evalError(fL1S("Test name must expand to exactly one word.")); skipExpression(tokPtr); okey = false; } else { traceMsg("evaluating test function %s", dbgStr(curr.at(0))); ret = evaluateConditionalFunction(curr.at(0).toKey(), tokPtr); switch (ret) { case ReturnTrue: okey = true; break; case ReturnFalse: okey = false; break; default: traceMsg("aborting block, function status: %s", dbgReturn(ret)); return ret; } traceMsg("test function returned %s", dbgBool(okey)); okey ^= invert; } } else if (m_cumulative) { #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_CUMULATIVE m_skipLevel++; if (curr.size() != 1) skipExpression(tokPtr); else evaluateConditionalFunction(curr.at(0).toKey(), tokPtr); m_skipLevel--; #endif } else { skipExpression(tokPtr); traceMsg("skipped test function %s", curr.size() == 1 ? dbgStr(curr.at(0)) : "<invalid>"); } or_op = !okey; // tentatively force next evaluation invert = false; curr.clear(); continue; case TokReturn: m_returnValue = curr; curr.clear(); ret = ReturnReturn; goto ctrlstm; case TokBreak: ret = ReturnBreak; goto ctrlstm;
case TokNext: ret = ReturnNext; ctrlstm: if (!m_skipLevel && okey != or_op) { traceMsg("flow control statement '%s', aborting block", dbgReturn(ret)); return ret; } traceMsg("skipped flow control statement '%s'", dbgReturn(ret)); okey = false, or_op = true; // force next evaluation continue; default: { const ushort *oTokPtr = --tokPtr; evaluateExpression(tokPtr, &curr, false); if (tokPtr != oTokPtr) continue; } Q_ASSERT_X(false, "visitProBlock", "unexpected item type"); continue; } if (ret != ReturnTrue && ret != ReturnFalse) { traceMsg("aborting block, status: %s", dbgReturn(ret)); return ret; } } traceMsg("leaving block, okey=%s", dbgBool(okey)); return returnBool(okey); } void QMakeEvaluator::visitProFunctionDef( ushort tok, const ProKey &name, const ushort *tokPtr) { QHash<ProKey, ProFunctionDef> *hash = (tok == TokTestDef ? &m_functionDefs.testFunctions : &m_functionDefs.replaceFunctions); hash->insert(name, ProFunctionDef(m_current.pro, tokPtr - m_current.pro->tokPtr())); } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::visitProLoop( const ProKey &_variable, const ushort *exprPtr, const ushort *tokPtr) { VisitReturn ret = ReturnTrue; bool infinite = false; int index = 0; ProKey variable; ProStringList oldVarVal; ProString it_list = expandVariableReferences(exprPtr, 0, true).at(0); if (_variable.isEmpty()) { if (it_list != statics.strever) { evalError(fL1S("Invalid loop expression.")); return ReturnFalse; } it_list = ProString(statics.strforever); } else { variable = map(_variable); oldVarVal = values(variable); } ProStringList list = values(it_list.toKey()); if (list.isEmpty()) { if (it_list == statics.strforever) { infinite = true; } else { const QString &itl = it_list.toQString(m_tmp1); int dotdot = itl.indexOf(statics.strDotDot); if (dotdot != -1) { bool ok; int start = itl.left(dotdot).toInt(&ok); if (ok) { int end = itl.mid(dotdot+2).toInt(&ok);
if (ok) { if (start < end) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) list << ProString(QString::number(i)); } else { for (int i = start; i >= end; i--) list << ProString(QString::number(i)); } } } } } } if (infinite) traceMsg("entering infinite loop for %s", dbgKey(variable)); else traceMsg("entering loop for %s over %s", dbgKey(variable), dbgStrList(list)); forever { if (infinite) { if (!variable.isEmpty()) m_valuemapStack.top()[variable] = ProStringList(ProString(QString::number(index++))); if (index > 1000) { evalError(fL1S("Ran into infinite loop (> 1000 iterations).")); break; } traceMsg("loop iteration %d", index); } else { ProString val; do { if (index >= list.count()) goto do_break; val = list.at(index++); } while (val.isEmpty()); // stupid, but qmake is like that traceMsg("loop iteration %s", dbgStr(val)); m_valuemapStack.top()[variable] = ProStringList(val); } ret = visitProBlock(tokPtr); switch (ret) { case ReturnTrue: case ReturnFalse: break; case ReturnNext: ret = ReturnTrue; break; case ReturnBreak: ret = ReturnTrue; goto do_break; default: goto do_break; } } do_break: traceMsg("done looping"); if (!variable.isEmpty()) m_valuemapStack.top()[variable] = oldVarVal; return ret; } void QMakeEvaluator::visitProVariable( ushort tok, const ProStringList &curr, const ushort *&tokPtr) { int sizeHint = *tokPtr++; if (curr.size() != 1) { skipExpression(tokPtr);
if (!m_cumulative || !curr.isEmpty()) evalError(fL1S("Left hand side of assignment must expand to exactly one word.")); return; } const ProKey &varName = map(curr.first()); if (tok == TokReplace) { // ~= // DEFINES ~= s/a/b/?[gqi] const ProStringList &varVal = expandVariableReferences(tokPtr, sizeHint, true); const QString &val = varVal.at(0).toQString(m_tmp1); if (val.length() < 4 || val.at(0) != QLatin1Char('s')) { evalError(fL1S("The ~= operator can handle only the s/// function.")); return; } QChar sep = val.at(1); QStringList func = val.split(sep); if (func.count() < 3 || func.count() > 4) { evalError(fL1S("The s/// function expects 3 or 4 arguments.")); return; } bool global = false, quote = false, case_sense = false; if (func.count() == 4) { global = func[3].indexOf(QLatin1Char('g')) != -1; case_sense = func[3].indexOf(QLatin1Char('i')) == -1; quote = func[3].indexOf(QLatin1Char('q')) != -1; } QString pattern = func[1]; QString replace = func[2]; if (quote) pattern = QRegExp::escape(pattern); QRegExp regexp(pattern, case_sense ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive); // We could make a union of modified and unmodified values, // but this will break just as much as it fixes, so leave it as is. replaceInList(&valuesRef(varName), regexp, replace, global, m_tmp2); debugMsg(2, "replaced %s with %s", dbgQStr(pattern), dbgQStr(replace)); } else { ProStringList varVal = expandVariableReferences(tokPtr, sizeHint); switch (tok) { default: // whatever - cannot happen case TokAssign: // = zipEmpty(&varVal); if (!m_cumulative) { // FIXME: add check+warning about accidental value removal. // This may be a bit too noisy, though. m_valuemapStack.top()[varName] = varVal; } else { if (!varVal.isEmpty()) { // We are greedy for values. But avoid exponential growth. ProStringList &v = valuesRef(varName); if (v.isEmpty()) { v = varVal; } else { ProStringList old = v; v = varVal; QSet<ProString> has; has.reserve(v.size()); foreach (const ProString &s, v) has.insert(s); v.reserve(v.size() + old.size()); foreach (const ProString &s, old) if (!has.contains(s)) v << s; } } } debugMsg(2, "assigning");
break; case TokAppendUnique: // *= insertUnique(&valuesRef(varName), varVal); debugMsg(2, "appending unique"); break; case TokAppend: // += zipEmpty(&varVal); valuesRef(varName) += varVal; debugMsg(2, "appending"); break; case TokRemove: // -= if (!m_cumulative) { removeEach(&valuesRef(varName), varVal); } else { // We are stingy with our values, too. } debugMsg(2, "removing"); break; } } traceMsg("%s := %s", dbgKey(varName), dbgStrList(values(varName))); if (varName == statics.strTEMPLATE) setTemplate(); else if (varName == statics.strQMAKE_PLATFORM) updateFeaturePaths(); #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_FULL else if (varName == statics.strREQUIRES) checkRequirements(values(varName)); #endif } void QMakeEvaluator::setTemplate() { ProStringList &values = valuesRef(statics.strTEMPLATE); if (!m_option->user_template.isEmpty()) { // Don't allow override values = ProStringList(ProString(m_option->user_template)); } else { if (values.isEmpty()) values.append(ProString("app")); else values.erase(values.begin() + 1, values.end()); } if (!m_option->user_template_prefix.isEmpty()) { QString val = values.first().toQString(m_tmp1); if (!val.startsWith(m_option->user_template_prefix)) { val.prepend(m_option->user_template_prefix); values = ProStringList(ProString(val)); } } } void QMakeEvaluator::loadDefaults() { ProValueMap &vars = m_valuemapStack.top(); vars[ProKey("DIR_SEPARATOR")] << ProString(m_option->dir_sep); vars[ProKey("DIRLIST_SEPARATOR")] << ProString(m_option->dirlist_sep); vars[ProKey("_DATE_")] << ProString(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString()); if (!m_option->qmake_abslocation.isEmpty()) vars[ProKey("QMAKE_QMAKE")] << ProString(m_option->qmake_abslocation); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.os")] << ProString("Windows"); DWORD name_length = 1024; wchar_t name[1024]; if (GetComputerName(name, &name_length)) vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.name")] << ProString(QString::fromWCharArray(name));
QSysInfo::WinVersion ver = QSysInfo::WindowsVersion; vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.version")] << ProString(QString::number(ver)); ProString verStr; switch (ver) { case QSysInfo::WV_Me: verStr = ProString("WinMe"); break; case QSysInfo::WV_95: verStr = ProString("Win95"); break; case QSysInfo::WV_98: verStr = ProString("Win98"); break; case QSysInfo::WV_NT: verStr = ProString("WinNT"); break; case QSysInfo::WV_2000: verStr = ProString("Win2000"); break; case QSysInfo::WV_2003: verStr = ProString("Win2003"); break; case QSysInfo::WV_XP: verStr = ProString("WinXP"); break; case QSysInfo::WV_VISTA: verStr = ProString("WinVista"); break; default: verStr = ProString("Unknown"); break; } vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.version_string")] << verStr; SYSTEM_INFO info; GetSystemInfo(&info); ProString archStr; switch (info.wProcessorArchitecture) { # ifdef PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: archStr = ProString("x86_64"); break; # endif case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL: archStr = ProString("x86"); break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64: # ifdef PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA32_ON_WIN64 case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA32_ON_WIN64: # endif archStr = ProString("IA64"); break; default: archStr = ProString("Unknown"); break; } vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.arch")] << archStr; # if defined(Q_CC_MSVC) // ### bogus condition, but nobody x-builds for msvc with a different qmake QLatin1Char backslash('\\'); QString paths = m_option->getEnv(QLatin1String("PATH")); QString vcBin64 = m_option->getEnv(QLatin1String("VCINSTALLDIR")); if (!vcBin64.endsWith(backslash)) vcBin64.append(backslash); vcBin64.append(QLatin1String("bin\\amd64")); QString vcBinX86_64 = m_option->getEnv(QLatin1String("VCINSTALLDIR")); if (!vcBinX86_64.endsWith(backslash)) vcBinX86_64.append(backslash); vcBinX86_64.append(QLatin1String("bin\\x86_amd64")); if (paths.contains(vcBin64, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || paths.contains(vcBinX86_64, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) vars[ProKey("QMAKE_TARGET.arch")] << ProString("x86_64"); else vars[ProKey("QMAKE_TARGET.arch")] << ProString("x86"); # endif #elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX) struct utsname name; if (!uname(&name)) { vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.os")] << ProString(name.sysname); vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.name")] << ProString(QString::fromLocal8Bit(name.nodename)); vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.version")] << ProString(name.release); vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.version_string")] << ProString(name.version); vars[ProKey("QMAKE_HOST.arch")] << ProString(name.machine); } #endif m_valuemapInited = true; }
bool QMakeEvaluator::prepareProject(const QString &inDir) { QString superdir; if (m_option->do_cache) { QString conffile; QString cachefile = m_option->cachefile; if (cachefile.isEmpty()) { //find it as it has not been specified if (m_outputDir.isEmpty()) goto no_cache; superdir = m_outputDir; forever { QString superfile = superdir + QLatin1String("/.qmake.super"); if (IoUtils::exists(superfile)) { m_superfile = QDir::cleanPath(superfile); break; } QFileInfo qdfi(superdir); if (qdfi.isRoot()) { superdir.clear(); break; } superdir = qdfi.path(); } QString sdir = inDir; QString dir = m_outputDir; forever { conffile = sdir + QLatin1String("/.qmake.conf"); if (!IoUtils::exists(conffile)) conffile.clear(); cachefile = dir + QLatin1String("/.qmake.cache"); if (!IoUtils::exists(cachefile)) cachefile.clear(); if (!conffile.isEmpty() || !cachefile.isEmpty()) { if (dir != sdir) m_sourceRoot = sdir; m_buildRoot = dir; break; } if (dir == superdir) goto no_cache; QFileInfo qsdfi(sdir); QFileInfo qdfi(dir); if (qsdfi.isRoot() || qdfi.isRoot()) goto no_cache; sdir = qsdfi.path(); dir = qdfi.path(); } } else { m_buildRoot = QFileInfo(cachefile).path(); } m_conffile = QDir::cleanPath(conffile); m_cachefile = QDir::cleanPath(cachefile); } no_cache: // Look for mkspecs/ in source and build. First to win determines the root. QString sdir = inDir; QString dir = m_outputDir; while (dir != m_buildRoot) { if ((dir != sdir && QFileInfo(sdir, QLatin1String("mkspecs")).isDir()) || QFileInfo(dir, QLatin1String("mkspecs")).isDir()) { if (dir != sdir) m_sourceRoot = sdir; m_buildRoot = dir; break; } if (dir == superdir) break; QFileInfo qsdfi(sdir);
QFileInfo qdfi(dir); if (qsdfi.isRoot() || qdfi.isRoot()) break; sdir = qsdfi.path(); dir = qdfi.path(); } return true; } bool QMakeEvaluator::loadSpecInternal() { if (evaluateFeatureFile(QLatin1String("spec_pre.prf")) != ReturnTrue) return false; QString spec = m_qmakespec + QLatin1String("/qmake.conf"); if (evaluateFile(spec, QMakeHandler::EvalConfigFile, LoadProOnly) != ReturnTrue) { evalError(fL1S("Could not read qmake configuration file %1.").arg(spec)); return false; } #ifndef QT_BUILD_QMAKE // Legacy support for Qt4 default specs # ifdef Q_OS_UNIX if (m_qmakespec.endsWith(QLatin1String("/default-host")) || m_qmakespec.endsWith(QLatin1String("/default"))) { QString rspec = QFileInfo(m_qmakespec).readLink(); if (!rspec.isEmpty()) m_qmakespec = QDir::cleanPath(QDir(m_qmakespec).absoluteFilePath(rspec)); } # else // We can't resolve symlinks as they do on Unix, so configure.exe puts // the source of the qmake.conf at the end of the default/qmake.conf in // the QMAKESPEC_ORIGINAL variable. const ProString &orig_spec = first(ProKey("QMAKESPEC_ORIGINAL")); if (!orig_spec.isEmpty()) m_qmakespec = orig_spec.toQString(); # endif #endif valuesRef(ProKey("QMAKESPEC")) << ProString(m_qmakespec); m_qmakespecName = IoUtils::fileName(m_qmakespec).toString(); if (evaluateFeatureFile(QLatin1String("spec_post.prf")) != ReturnTrue) return false; // The MinGW and x-build specs may change the separator; $$shell_{path,quote}() need it m_dirSep = first(ProKey("QMAKE_DIR_SEP")); return true; } bool QMakeEvaluator::loadSpec() { QString qmakespec = m_option->expandEnvVars( m_hostBuild ? m_option->qmakespec : m_option->xqmakespec); { QMakeEvaluator evaluator(m_option, m_parser, m_handler); if (!m_superfile.isEmpty()) { valuesRef(ProKey("_QMAKE_SUPER_CACHE_")) << ProString(m_superfile); if (evaluator.evaluateFile( m_superfile, QMakeHandler::EvalConfigFile, LoadProOnly) != ReturnTrue) return false; } if (!m_conffile.isEmpty()) { valuesRef(ProKey("_QMAKE_CONF_")) << ProString(m_conffile); if (evaluator.evaluateFile( m_conffile, QMakeHandler::EvalConfigFile, LoadProOnly) != ReturnTrue) return false; } if (!m_cachefile.isEmpty()) { valuesRef(ProKey("_QMAKE_CACHE_")) << ProString(m_cachefile); if (evaluator.evaluateFile( m_cachefile, QMakeHandler::EvalConfigFile, LoadProOnly) != ReturnTrue) return false;
} if (qmakespec.isEmpty()) { if (!m_hostBuild) qmakespec = evaluator.first(ProKey("XQMAKESPEC")).toQString(); if (qmakespec.isEmpty()) qmakespec = evaluator.first(ProKey("QMAKESPEC")).toQString(); } m_qmakepath = evaluator.values(ProKey("QMAKEPATH")).toQStringList(); m_qmakefeatures = evaluator.values(ProKey("QMAKEFEATURES")).toQStringList(); } updateMkspecPaths(); if (qmakespec.isEmpty()) qmakespec = propertyValue(ProKey(m_hostBuild ? "QMAKE_SPEC" : "QMAKE_XSPEC")).toQString(); #ifndef QT_BUILD_QMAKE // Legacy support for Qt4 qmake in Qt Creator, etc. if (qmakespec.isEmpty()) qmakespec = m_hostBuild ? QLatin1String("default-host") : QLatin1String("default"); #endif if (IoUtils::isRelativePath(qmakespec)) { foreach (const QString &root, m_mkspecPaths) { QString mkspec = root + QLatin1Char('/') + qmakespec; if (IoUtils::exists(mkspec)) { qmakespec = mkspec; goto cool; } } evalError(fL1S("Could not find qmake configuration file %1.").arg(qmakespec)); return false; } cool: m_qmakespec = QDir::cleanPath(qmakespec); if (!m_superfile.isEmpty() && evaluateFile(m_superfile, QMakeHandler::EvalConfigFile, LoadProOnly) != ReturnTrue) { return false; } if (!loadSpecInternal()) return false; if (!m_conffile.isEmpty() && evaluateFile(m_conffile, QMakeHandler::EvalConfigFile, LoadProOnly) != ReturnTrue) { return false; } if (!m_cachefile.isEmpty() && evaluateFile(m_cachefile, QMakeHandler::EvalConfigFile, LoadProOnly) != ReturnTrue) { return false; } return true; } void QMakeEvaluator::setupProject() { setTemplate(); ProValueMap &vars = m_valuemapStack.top(); ProFile *proFile = currentProFile(); vars[ProKey("TARGET")] << ProString(QFileInfo(currentFileName()).baseName()).setSource(proFile); vars[ProKey("_PRO_FILE_")] << ProString(currentFileName()).setSource(proFile); vars[ProKey("_PRO_FILE_PWD_")] << ProString(currentDirectory()).setSource(proFile); vars[ProKey("OUT_PWD")] << ProString(m_outputDir).setSource(proFile); } void QMakeEvaluator::evaluateCommand(const QString &cmds, const QString &where) { if (!cmds.isEmpty()) { if (ProFile *pro = m_parser->parsedProBlock(cmds, where, -1)) { if (pro->isOk()) { m_locationStack.push(m_current); visitProBlock(pro, pro->tokPtr()); m_current = m_locationStack.pop(); }
pro->deref(); } } } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateConfigFeatures() { QSet<QString> processed; forever { bool finished = true; ProStringList configs = values(statics.strCONFIG); for (int i = configs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { QString config = configs.at(i).toQString(m_tmp1).toLower(); if (!processed.contains(config)) { config.detach(); processed.insert(config); VisitReturn vr = evaluateFeatureFile(config, true); if (vr == ReturnError) return vr; if (vr == ReturnTrue) { finished = false; break; } } } if (finished) break; } return ReturnTrue; } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::visitProFile( ProFile *pro, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type, LoadFlags flags) { if (!m_cumulative && !pro->isOk()) return ReturnFalse; if (flags & LoadPreFiles) { if (!prepareProject(pro->directoryName())) return ReturnFalse; m_hostBuild = pro->isHostBuild(); #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE m_option->mutex.lock(); #endif QMakeBaseEnv **baseEnvPtr = &m_option->baseEnvs[QMakeBaseKey(m_buildRoot, m_hostBuild)]; if (!*baseEnvPtr) *baseEnvPtr = new QMakeBaseEnv; QMakeBaseEnv *baseEnv = *baseEnvPtr; #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE { QMutexLocker locker(&baseEnv->mutex); m_option->mutex.unlock(); if (baseEnv->inProgress) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->releaseThread(); baseEnv->cond.wait(&baseEnv->mutex); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->reserveThread(); if (!baseEnv->isOk) return ReturnFalse; } else #endif if (!baseEnv->evaluator) { #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE baseEnv->inProgress = true; locker.unlock(); #endif QMakeEvaluator *baseEval = new QMakeEvaluator(m_option, m_parser, m_handler);
baseEnv->evaluator = baseEval; baseEval->m_superfile = m_superfile; baseEval->m_conffile = m_conffile; baseEval->m_cachefile = m_cachefile; baseEval->m_sourceRoot = m_sourceRoot; baseEval->m_buildRoot = m_buildRoot; baseEval->m_hostBuild = m_hostBuild; bool ok = baseEval->loadSpec(); #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE locker.relock(); baseEnv->isOk = ok; baseEnv->inProgress = false; baseEnv->cond.wakeAll(); #endif if (!ok) return ReturnFalse; } #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE } #endif initFrom(*baseEnv->evaluator); } else { if (!m_valuemapInited) loadDefaults(); } for (ProValueMap::ConstIterator it = m_extraVars.constBegin(); it != m_extraVars.constEnd(); ++it) m_valuemapStack.first().insert(it.key(), it.value()); VisitReturn vr; m_handler->aboutToEval(currentProFile(), pro, type); m_profileStack.push(pro); valuesRef(ProKey("PWD")) = ProStringList(ProString(currentDirectory())); if (flags & LoadPreFiles) { setupProject(); if ((vr = evaluateFeatureFile(QLatin1String("default_pre.prf"))) == ReturnError) goto failed; evaluateCommand(m_option->precmds, fL1S("(command line)")); // After user configs, to override them if (!m_extraConfigs.isEmpty()) evaluateCommand(fL1S("CONFIG += ") + m_extraConfigs.join(QLatin1Char(' ')), fL1S("(extra configs)")); } debugMsg(1, "visiting file %s", qPrintable(pro->fileName())); if ((vr = visitProBlock(pro, pro->tokPtr())) == ReturnError) goto failed; debugMsg(1, "done visiting file %s", qPrintable(pro->fileName())); if (flags & LoadPostFiles) { evaluateCommand(m_option->postcmds, fL1S("(command line -after)")); // Again, to ensure the project does not mess with us. // Specifically, do not allow a project to override debug/release within a // debug_and_release build pass - it's too late for that at this point anyway. if (!m_extraConfigs.isEmpty()) evaluateCommand(fL1S("CONFIG += ") + m_extraConfigs.join(QLatin1Char(' ')), fL1S("(extra configs)")); if ((vr = evaluateFeatureFile(QLatin1String("default_post.prf"))) == ReturnError) goto failed; if ((vr = evaluateConfigFeatures()) == ReturnError) goto failed;
} vr = ReturnTrue; failed: m_profileStack.pop(); valuesRef(ProKey("PWD")) = ProStringList(ProString(currentDirectory())); m_handler->doneWithEval(currentProFile()); return vr; } void QMakeEvaluator::updateMkspecPaths() { QStringList ret; const QString concat = QLatin1String("/mkspecs"); foreach (const QString &it, m_option->getPathListEnv(QLatin1String("QMAKEPATH"))) ret << it + concat; foreach (const QString &it, m_qmakepath) ret << it + concat; if (!m_buildRoot.isEmpty()) ret << m_buildRoot + concat; if (!m_sourceRoot.isEmpty()) ret << m_sourceRoot + concat; ret << m_option->propertyValue(ProKey("QT_HOST_DATA/get")) + concat; ret.removeDuplicates(); m_mkspecPaths = ret; } void QMakeEvaluator::updateFeaturePaths() { QString mkspecs_concat = QLatin1String("/mkspecs"); QString features_concat = QLatin1String("/features/"); QStringList feature_roots; foreach (const QString &f, m_option->getPathListEnv(QLatin1String("QMAKEFEATURES"))) feature_roots += f; feature_roots += m_qmakefeatures; feature_roots += m_option->propertyValue(ProKey("QMAKEFEATURES")).toQString(m_mtmp).split( m_option->dirlist_sep, QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList feature_bases; if (!m_buildRoot.isEmpty()) feature_bases << m_buildRoot; if (!m_sourceRoot.isEmpty()) feature_bases << m_sourceRoot; foreach (const QString &item, m_option->getPathListEnv(QLatin1String("QMAKEPATH"))) feature_bases << (item + mkspecs_concat); foreach (const QString &item, m_qmakepath) feature_bases << (item + mkspecs_concat); if (!m_qmakespec.isEmpty()) { // The spec is already platform-dependent, so no subdirs here. feature_roots << (m_qmakespec + features_concat); // Also check directly under the root directory of the mkspecs collection QDir specdir(m_qmakespec); while (!specdir.isRoot() && specdir.cdUp()) { const QString specpath = specdir.path(); if (specpath.endsWith(mkspecs_concat)) { if (IoUtils::exists(specpath + features_concat))
feature_bases << specpath; break; } } } feature_bases << (m_option->propertyValue(ProKey("QT_HOST_DATA/get")).toQString(m_mtmp) + mkspecs_concat); foreach (const QString &fb, feature_bases) { foreach (const ProString &sfx, values(ProKey("QMAKE_PLATFORM"))) feature_roots << (fb + features_concat + sfx + QLatin1Char('/')); feature_roots << (fb + features_concat); } for (int i = 0; i < feature_roots.count(); ++i) if (!feature_roots.at(i).endsWith((ushort)'/')) feature_roots[i].append((ushort)'/'); feature_roots.removeDuplicates(); QStringList ret; foreach (const QString &root, feature_roots) if (IoUtils::exists(root)) ret << root; m_featureRoots = ret; } ProString QMakeEvaluator::propertyValue(const ProKey &name) const { if (name == QLatin1String("QMAKE_MKSPECS")) return ProString(m_mkspecPaths.join(m_option->dirlist_sep)); ProString ret = m_option->propertyValue(name); // if (ret.isNull()) // evalError(fL1S("Querying unknown property %1").arg(name.toQString(m_mtmp))); return ret; } ProFile *QMakeEvaluator::currentProFile() const { if (m_profileStack.count() > 0) return m_profileStack.top(); return 0; } QString QMakeEvaluator::currentFileName() const { ProFile *pro = currentProFile(); if (pro) return pro->fileName(); return QString(); } QString QMakeEvaluator::currentDirectory() const { ProFile *pro = currentProFile(); if (pro) return pro->directoryName(); return QString(); } bool QMakeEvaluator::isActiveConfig(const QString &config, bool regex) { // magic types for easy flipping if (config == statics.strtrue) return true; if (config == statics.strfalse) return false; if (config == statics.strhost_build)
return m_hostBuild; if (regex && (config.contains(QLatin1Char('*')) || config.contains(QLatin1Char('?')))) { QString cfg = config; cfg.detach(); // Keep m_tmp out of QRegExp's cache QRegExp re(cfg, Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard); // mkspecs if (re.exactMatch(m_qmakespecName)) return true; // CONFIG variable int t = 0; foreach (const ProString &configValue, values(statics.strCONFIG)) { if (re.exactMatch(configValue.toQString(m_tmp[t]))) return true; t ^= 1; } } else { // mkspecs if (m_qmakespecName == config) return true; // CONFIG variable if (values(statics.strCONFIG).contains(ProString(config))) return true; } return false; } ProStringList QMakeEvaluator::expandVariableReferences( const ushort *&tokPtr, int sizeHint, bool joined) { ProStringList ret; ret.reserve(sizeHint); forever { evaluateExpression(tokPtr, &ret, joined); switch (*tokPtr) { case TokValueTerminator: case TokFuncTerminator: tokPtr++; return ret; case TokArgSeparator: if (joined) { tokPtr++; continue; } // fallthrough default: Q_ASSERT_X(false, "expandVariableReferences", "Unrecognized token"); break; } } } QList<ProStringList> QMakeEvaluator::prepareFunctionArgs(const ushort *&tokPtr) { QList<ProStringList> args_list; if (*tokPtr != TokFuncTerminator) { for (;; tokPtr++) { ProStringList arg; evaluateExpression(tokPtr, &arg, false); args_list << arg; if (*tokPtr == TokFuncTerminator) break; Q_ASSERT(*tokPtr == TokArgSeparator); } } tokPtr++;
return args_list; } ProStringList QMakeEvaluator::evaluateFunction( const ProFunctionDef &func, const QList<ProStringList> &argumentsList, VisitReturn *ok) { VisitReturn vr; ProStringList ret; if (m_valuemapStack.count() >= 100) { evalError(fL1S("Ran into infinite recursion (depth > 100).")); vr = ReturnFalse; } else { m_valuemapStack.push(ProValueMap()); m_locationStack.push(m_current); ProStringList args; for (int i = 0; i < argumentsList.count(); ++i) { args += argumentsList[i]; m_valuemapStack.top()[ProKey(QString::number(i+1))] = argumentsList[i]; } m_valuemapStack.top()[statics.strARGS] = args; vr = visitProBlock(func.pro(), func.tokPtr()); if (vr == ReturnReturn) vr = ReturnTrue; ret = m_returnValue; m_returnValue.clear(); m_current = m_locationStack.pop(); m_valuemapStack.pop(); } if (ok) *ok = vr; if (vr == ReturnTrue) return ret; return ProStringList(); } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateBoolFunction( const ProFunctionDef &func, const QList<ProStringList> &argumentsList, const ProString &function) { VisitReturn vr; ProStringList ret = evaluateFunction(func, argumentsList, &vr); if (vr == ReturnTrue) { if (ret.isEmpty()) return ReturnTrue; if (ret.at(0) != statics.strfalse) { if (ret.at(0) == statics.strtrue) return ReturnTrue; bool ok; int val = ret.at(0).toQString(m_tmp1).toInt(&ok); if (ok) { if (val) return ReturnTrue; } else { evalError(fL1S("Unexpected return value from test '%1': %2.") .arg(function.toQString(m_tmp1)) .arg(ret.join(QLatin1String(" :: ")))); } } return ReturnFalse; } return vr; } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateConditionalFunction( const ProKey &func, const ushort *&tokPtr) { if (int func_t = statics.functions.value(func)) {
//why don't the builtin functions just use args_list? --Sam return evaluateBuiltinConditional(func_t, func, expandVariableReferences(tokPtr, 5, true)); } QHash<ProKey, ProFunctionDef>::ConstIterator it = m_functionDefs.testFunctions.constFind(func); if (it != m_functionDefs.testFunctions.constEnd()) { const QList<ProStringList> args = prepareFunctionArgs(tokPtr); traceMsg("calling %s(%s)", dbgKey(func), dbgStrListList(args)); return evaluateBoolFunction(*it, args, func); } skipExpression(tokPtr); evalError(fL1S("'%1' is not a recognized test function.").arg(func.toQString(m_tmp1))); return ReturnFalse; } ProStringList QMakeEvaluator::evaluateExpandFunction( const ProKey &func, const ushort *&tokPtr) { if (int func_t = statics.expands.value(func)) { //why don't the builtin functions just use args_list? --Sam return evaluateBuiltinExpand(func_t, func, expandVariableReferences(tokPtr, 5, true)); } QHash<ProKey, ProFunctionDef>::ConstIterator it = m_functionDefs.replaceFunctions.constFind(func); if (it != m_functionDefs.replaceFunctions.constEnd()) { const QList<ProStringList> args = prepareFunctionArgs(tokPtr); traceMsg("calling $$%s(%s)", dbgKey(func), dbgStrListList(args)); return evaluateFunction(*it, args, 0); } skipExpression(tokPtr); evalError(fL1S("'%1' is not a recognized replace function.").arg(func.toQString(m_tmp1))); return ProStringList(); } bool QMakeEvaluator::evaluateConditional(const QString &cond, const QString &where, int line) { bool ret = false; ProFile *pro = m_parser->parsedProBlock(cond, where, line, QMakeParser::TestGrammar); if (pro) { if (pro->isOk()) { m_locationStack.push(m_current); ret = visitProBlock(pro, pro->tokPtr()) == ReturnTrue; m_current = m_locationStack.pop(); } pro->deref(); } return ret; } #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_FULL void QMakeEvaluator::checkRequirements(const ProStringList &deps) { ProStringList &failed = valuesRef(ProKey("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS")); foreach (const ProString &dep, deps) if (!evaluateConditional(dep.toQString(), m_current.pro->fileName(), m_current.line)) failed << dep; } #endif ProValueMap *QMakeEvaluator::findValues(const ProKey &variableName, ProValueMap::Iterator *rit) { ProValueMapStack::Iterator vmi = m_valuemapStack.end(); do { --vmi; ProValueMap::Iterator it = (*vmi).find(variableName); if (it != (*vmi).end()) {
if (it->constBegin() == statics.fakeValue.constBegin()) return 0; *rit = it; return &(*vmi); } } while (vmi != m_valuemapStack.begin()); return 0; } ProStringList &QMakeEvaluator::valuesRef(const ProKey &variableName) { ProValueMap::Iterator it = m_valuemapStack.top().find(variableName); if (it != m_valuemapStack.top().end()) { if (it->constBegin() == statics.fakeValue.constBegin()) it->clear(); return *it; } ProValueMapStack::Iterator vmi = m_valuemapStack.end(); if (--vmi != m_valuemapStack.begin()) { do { --vmi; ProValueMap::ConstIterator it = (*vmi).constFind(variableName); if (it != (*vmi).constEnd()) { ProStringList &ret = m_valuemapStack.top()[variableName]; if (it->constBegin() != statics.fakeValue.constBegin()) ret = *it; return ret; } } while (vmi != m_valuemapStack.begin()); } return m_valuemapStack.top()[variableName]; } ProStringList QMakeEvaluator::values(const ProKey &variableName) const { ProValueMapStack::ConstIterator vmi = m_valuemapStack.constEnd(); do { --vmi; ProValueMap::ConstIterator it = (*vmi).constFind(variableName); if (it != (*vmi).constEnd()) { if (it->constBegin() == statics.fakeValue.constBegin()) break; return *it; } } while (vmi != m_valuemapStack.constBegin()); return ProStringList(); } ProString QMakeEvaluator::first(const ProKey &variableName) const { const ProStringList &vals = values(variableName); if (!vals.isEmpty()) return vals.first(); return ProString(); } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateFile( const QString &fileName, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type, LoadFlags flags) { if (ProFile *pro = m_parser->parsedProFile(fileName, true)) { m_locationStack.push(m_current); VisitReturn ok = visitProFile(pro, type, flags); m_current = m_locationStack.pop(); pro->deref(); #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_FULL if (ok == ReturnTrue) { ProStringList &iif = m_valuemapStack.first()[ProKey("QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES")]; ProString ifn(fileName); if (!iif.contains(ifn)) iif << ifn;
} #endif return ok; } else { if (!(flags & LoadSilent) && !IoUtils::exists(fileName)) evalError(fL1S("WARNING: Include file %1 not found").arg(fileName)); return ReturnFalse; } } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateFileChecked( const QString &fileName, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type, LoadFlags flags) { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return ReturnFalse; QMakeEvaluator *ref = this; do { foreach (const ProFile *pf, ref->m_profileStack) if (pf->fileName() == fileName) { evalError(fL1S("Circular inclusion of %1.").arg(fileName)); return ReturnFalse; } } while ((ref = ref->m_caller)); return evaluateFile(fileName, type, flags); } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateFeatureFile( const QString &fileName, bool silent) { QString fn = fileName; if (!fn.endsWith(QLatin1String(".prf"))) fn += QLatin1String(".prf"); if (m_featureRoots.isEmpty()) updateFeaturePaths(); int start_root = 0; QString currFn = currentFileName(); if (IoUtils::fileName(currFn) == IoUtils::fileName(fn)) { for (int root = 0; root < m_featureRoots.size(); ++root) if (currFn == m_featureRoots.at(root) + fn) { start_root = root + 1; break; } } for (int root = start_root; root < m_featureRoots.size(); ++root) { QString fname = m_featureRoots.at(root) + fn; if (IoUtils::exists(fname)) { fn = fname; goto cool; } } #ifdef QMAKE_BUILTIN_PRFS fn.prepend(QLatin1String(":/qmake/features/")); if (QFileInfo(fn).exists()) goto cool; #endif if (!silent) evalError(fL1S("Cannot find feature %1").arg(fileName)); return ReturnFalse; cool: ProStringList &already = valuesRef(ProKey("QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FEATURES")); ProString afn(fn); if (already.contains(afn)) { if (!silent) languageWarning(fL1S("Feature %1 already included").arg(fileName)); return ReturnTrue; } already.append(afn);
#ifdef PROEVALUATOR_CUMULATIVE bool cumulative = m_cumulative; m_cumulative = false; #endif // The path is fully normalized already. VisitReturn ok = evaluateFile(fn, QMakeHandler::EvalFeatureFile, LoadProOnly); #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_CUMULATIVE m_cumulative = cumulative; #endif return ok; } QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateFileInto( const QString &fileName, ProValueMap *values, LoadFlags flags) { QMakeEvaluator visitor(m_option, m_parser, m_handler); visitor.m_caller = this; visitor.m_outputDir = m_outputDir; visitor.m_featureRoots = m_featureRoots; VisitReturn ret = visitor.evaluateFileChecked(fileName, QMakeHandler::EvalAuxFile, flags); if (ret != ReturnTrue) return ret; *values = visitor.m_valuemapStack.top(); #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_FULL ProKey qiif("QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES"); ProStringList &iif = m_valuemapStack.first()[qiif]; foreach (const ProString &ifn, values->value(qiif)) if (!iif.contains(ifn)) iif << ifn; #endif return ReturnTrue; } void QMakeEvaluator::message(int type, const QString &msg) const { if (!m_skipLevel) m_handler->message(type, msg, m_current.line ? m_current.pro->fileName() : QString(), m_current.line != 0xffff ? m_current.line : -1); } #ifdef PROEVALUATOR_DEBUG void QMakeEvaluator::debugMsgInternal(int level, const char *fmt, ...) const { va_list ap; if (level <= m_debugLevel) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG %d: ", level); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fputc('\n', stderr); } } void QMakeEvaluator::traceMsgInternal(const char *fmt, ...) const { va_list ap; if (!m_current.pro) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG 1: "); else if (m_current.line <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG 1: %s: ", qPrintable(m_current.pro->fileName())); else fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG 1: %s:%d: ", qPrintable(m_current.pro->fileName()), m_current.line); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap);
fputc('\n', stderr); } QString QMakeEvaluator::formatValue(const ProString &val, bool forceQuote) { QString ret; ret.reserve(val.size() + 2); const QChar *chars = val.constData(); bool quote = forceQuote || val.isEmpty(); for (int i = 0, l = val.size(); i < l; i++) { QChar c = chars[i]; ushort uc = c.unicode(); if (uc < 32) { switch (uc) { case '\r': ret += QLatin1String("\\r"); break; case '\n': ret += QLatin1String("\\n"); break; case '\t': ret += QLatin1String("\\t"); break; default: ret += QString::fromLatin1("\\x%1").arg(uc, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); break; } } else { switch (uc) { case '\\': ret += QLatin1String("\\\\"); break; case '"': ret += QLatin1String("\\\""); break; case '\'': ret += QLatin1String("\\'"); break; case 32: quote = true; // fallthrough default: ret += c; break; } } } if (quote) { ret.prepend(QLatin1Char('"')); ret.append(QLatin1Char('"')); } return ret; } QString QMakeEvaluator::formatValueList(const ProStringList &vals, bool commas) { QString ret; foreach (const ProString &str, vals) { if (!ret.isEmpty()) { if (commas) ret += QLatin1Char(','); ret += QLatin1Char(' '); } ret += formatValue(str); } return ret; } QString QMakeEvaluator::formatValueListList(const QList<ProStringList> &lists)
{ QString ret; foreach (const ProStringList &list, lists) { if (!ret.isEmpty()) ret += QLatin1String(", "); ret += formatValueList(list); } return ret; } #endif QT_END_NAMESPACE