1. 08 Feb, 2012 - 1 commit
  2. 22 Dec, 2011 - 1 commit
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      Add missing includes for multi-res · 09080d4e
      John Koleszar authored
      Makes the distribution tree (built with 'make dist') buildable with
      --enable-install-srcs --enable-multi-res-encoding
      Change-Id: If2ea7632f7b26615196e9abcfaa34618cc50112a
  3. 05 Dec, 2011 - 1 commit
    • Yunqing Wang's avatar
      Multiple-resolution encoder · aa7335e6
      Yunqing Wang authored
      The example encoder down-samples the input video frames a number of
      times with a down-sampling factor, and then encodes and outputs
      bitstreams with different resolutions.
      Support arbitrary down-sampling factor, and down-sampling factor
      can be different for each encoding level.
      For example, the encoder can be tested as follows.
      1. Configure with multi-resolution encoding enabled:
      ../libvpx/configure --target=x86-linux-gcc --disable-codecs
      --enable-vp8 --enable-runtime_cpu_detect --enable-debug
      --disable-install-docs --enable-error-concealment
      2. Run make
      3. Encode:
      If input video is 1280x720, run:
      ./vp8_multi_resolution_encoder 1280 720 input.yuv 1.ivf 2.ivf 3.ivf 1
      (output: 1.ivf(1280x720); 2.ivf(640x360); 3.ivf(320x180).
      The last parameter is set to 1/0 to show/not show PSNR.)
      4. Decode:
      ./simple_decoder 1.ivf 1.yuv
      ./simple_decoder 2.ivf 2.yuv
      ./simple_decoder 3.ivf 3.yuv
      5. View video:
      mplayer 1.yuv -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=1280:h=720 -loop 0 -fps 30
      mplayer 2.yuv -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=640:h=360 -loop 0 -fps 30
      mplayer 3.yuv -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=320:h=180 -loop 0 -fps 30
      The encoding parameters can be modified in vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.c,
      for example, target bitrate, frame rate...
      Modified API. John helped a lot with that. Thanks!
      Change-Id: I03be9a51167eddf94399f92d269599fb3f3d54f5
  4. 11 Oct, 2011 - 1 commit
    • Adrian Grange's avatar
      Added rate-targeted temporal scalability · 217591fd
      Adrian Grange authored
      Added the ability to create rate-targeted, temporally
      scalable, VP8 compatible bitstreams.
      The application vp8_scalable_patterns.c demonstrates how
      to use this capability. Users can create output bitstreams
      containing upto 5 temporally separable streams encoded
      as a single VP8 bitstream.
      (previously abandoned as:
      Change-Id: I156250a3fe930be57c069d508c41b6a7a4ea8d6a
  5. 22 Sep, 2011 - 1 commit
  6. 25 Jul, 2011 - 1 commit
  7. 19 May, 2011 - 1 commit
    • Stefan Holmer's avatar
      Adding error-concealment to the decoder. · d04f8523
      Stefan Holmer authored
      The error-concealer is plugged in after any motion vectors have been
      decoded. It tries to estimate any missing motion vectors from the
      motion vectors of the previous frame. Intra blocks with missing
      residual are replaced with inter blocks with estimated motion vectors.
      This feature was developed in a separate sandbox
      Change-Id: I5c8917b031078d79dbafd90f6006680e84a23412
  8. 02 May, 2011 - 1 commit
    • Ronald S. Bultje's avatar
      build: change LDFLAGS/CFLAGS ordering. · bbf890fe
      Ronald S. Bultje authored
      Always use CFLAGS/LDFLAGS that point to headers and libvpx.a inside our
      build tree before ones from the environment, which could reference
      headers or libs outside the build tree.
      This fixes issue 307.
      Change-Id: I34d176b8c21098f6da5ea71f0147d3c49283cc45
  9. 28 Jan, 2011 - 1 commit
    • Tero Rintaluoma's avatar
      Adds "armvX-none-rvct" targets · 11a222f5
      Tero Rintaluoma authored
      Adds following targets to configure script to support RVCT compilation
      without operating system support (for Profiler or bare metal images).
       - armv5te-none-rvct
       - armv6-none-rvct
       - armv7-none-rvct
      To strip OS specific parts from the code "os_support"-config was added
      to script and CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT flag is used in the code to exclude OS
      specific parts such as OS specific includes and function calls for
      timers and threads etc. This was done to enable RVCT compilation for
      profiling purposes or running the image on bare metal target with
      Removed separate AREA directives for READONLY data in armv6 and neon
      assembly files to fix the RVCT compilation. Otherwise
      "ldr <reg>, =label" syntax would have been needed to prevent linker
      errors. This syntax is not supported by older gnu assemblers.
      Change-Id: I14f4c68529e8c27397502fbc3010a54e505ddb43
  10. 02 Nov, 2010 - 1 commit
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      fix pipe support on windows · c377bf0e
      John Koleszar authored
      STDIO streams are opened in text mode by default on Windows. This patch
      changes the stdin/stdout streams to be in binary mode if they are being
      used for I/O from the vpxenc or vpxdec tools.
      Fixes issue #216. Thanks to mw AT hesotech.de for the fix.
      Change-Id: I34525b3ce2a4a031d5a48d36df4667589372225b
  11. 27 Oct, 2010 - 1 commit
  12. 26 Oct, 2010 - 3 commits
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      rename ivf{enc,dec} to vpx{enc,dec} · ea68ee04
      John Koleszar authored
      The new WebM output support should be preferred to IVF, but we can't
      change the default behavior of the ivf* tools. There are a few other
      default behaviors for these tools that are counterintuitive for
      historical reasons, and changing the binary name provides the
      opportunity to clean those up as well. This patch takes the first
      step by renaming the binaries.
      Change-Id: I647008ae37cc352dd27ec1da7ed13489e0609b24
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      ivfenc: webm output support · dc66630c
      John Koleszar authored
      This patch adds the --webm option, to allow the creation of WebM streams
      without having to remux ivf into webm.
      Change-Id: Ief93c114a6913c55a04cf51bce38f594372d0ad0
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      ivfdec: webm reader support · ad252daf
      John Koleszar authored
      This patch enables ivfdec to decode WebM files. WebM demuxing is
      provided by the Matthew Gregan's Nestegg library.
      This patch also makes minor changes to the timebase->framerate
      handling when doing Y4M output. For WebM files, the framerate is
      guessed by looking at the first second of video. For IVF files,
      the timebase=1/(2*fps) hack is still in place, but is only used
      if the timebase denominator is less than 1000. This is in anticipation
      of change I8d25b5b, which introduces the distinction between
      framerate and timebase to ivfenc. In the case of high resolution
      timebases, like 100ns, we would have to guess the framerate
      like we do for WebM, but since WebM support in ivfenc will
      deprecate IVF output, we just assume 30fps rather than writing the
      lookahead code.
      Change-Id: I1dd8600f13bf6071533d2816f005da9ede4f60a2
  13. 09 Sep, 2010 - 1 commit
  14. 18 Jun, 2010 - 1 commit
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      cosmetics: trim trailing whitespace · 94c52e4d
      John Koleszar authored
      When the license headers were updated, they accidentally contained
      trailing whitespace, so unfortunately we have to touch all the files
      Change-Id: I236c05fade06589e417179c0444cb39b09e4200d
  15. 04 Jun, 2010 - 1 commit
  16. 03 Jun, 2010 - 1 commit
  17. 25 May, 2010 - 2 commits
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      install includes in DIST_DIR/include/vpx, move vpx_codec/ to vpx/ · b7492341
      John Koleszar authored
      This renames the vpx_codec/ directory to vpx/, to allow applications
      to more consistently reference these includes with the vpx/ prefix.
      This allows the includes to be installed in /usr/local/include/vpx
      rather than polluting the system includes directory with an
      excessive number of includes.
      Change-Id: I7b0652a20543d93f38f421c60b0bbccde4d61b4f
    • John Koleszar's avatar
      make: make install target behave as expected · ee8bcb1a
      John Koleszar authored
      Split the 'make install' target into two: install and dist. dist
      retains the old make install behavior of building a "distribution"
      release, with source files, build system, etc. install does what
      one one expects -- installs into a tree in the filesystem, /usr/local
      by default.
      Change-Id: I0805681ac10f853ef94cdc3aa70981c6bea81b45
  18. 18 May, 2010 - 1 commit