1. 07 Sep, 2012 - 2 commits
    • Paul Wilkins's avatar
      Partial merge of NEWBESTREFMV and NEW_MVREF. · 778ec421
      Paul Wilkins authored
      This commit merges those parts of the CONFIG_NEW_MVREF
      that specifically relate to choosing a better set of candidate
      MV references into the NEWBESTREFMV experiment.
      CONFIG_NEW_MVREF will then be used for changes relating
      to the explicit coding of a cost optimized MV reference in the
      bitstream as part of MV coding.
      Change-Id: Ied982c0ad72093eab29e38b8cd74d5c3d7458b10
    • Paul Wilkins's avatar
      MV reference changes · 38e1c791
      Paul Wilkins authored
      Extend experiment to use both vectors from MBs
      coded using compound prediction as candidates.
      In final sort only consider best 4 candidates
      for now but make sure 0,0 is always one of them.
      Other minor changes to new MV reference code.
      Pass in Mv list to vp8_find_best_ref_mvs().
      Change-Id: Ib96220c33c6b80bd1d5e0fbe8b68121be7997095
  2. 24 Aug, 2012 - 1 commit
    • Paul Wilkins's avatar
      New Motion Reference Search · 2d60bee1
      Paul Wilkins authored
      Alternative strategy for finding a list of candidate motion
      vectors to use as reference values in mv coding and as
      nearest and near.
      Sort by sad in vp8_find_best_ref_mvs() rather than just
      pick the best. Allow 0,0 as a best ref option but not a
      nearest or near unless there are no alternatives.
      Encode/Decode verified on at least some clips.
      Some commented out experimental and stats code still in place.
      Gain over existing code averages about 1% on derf (alll metrics)
      with improvement on all clips. Other test results pending.
      The entropy coding of the mode (nearest/near etc) still
      depends upon and requires the old "findnear" code so
      this needs looking at and may provide room for further gains.
      Change-Id: I871d7cba1d1c379c4bad9bcccce1fb19c46b8247