Commit 88f6841a authored by Antti Määttä's avatar Antti Määttä
Browse files

Update EntityLoader docs

Change-Id: I5b87cc9a581267fab5a0c482f243f9e1d611423a
Reviewed-by: default avatarTomi Korpipää <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarSean Harmer <>
Showing with 10 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -93,7 +93,14 @@ private:
\qmltype EntityLoader
\inqmlmodule Qt3D.Core
\inherits Entity
\since 5.5
\brief Provides the facility to load entities from qml source
An EntityLoader provides the facitily to load predefined set of entities
from qml source file. EntityLoader itself is an entity and the loaded entity
tree is set as a child of the loader. The loaded entity tree root can be
accessed with EntityLoader::entity property.
Quick3DEntityLoader::Quick3DEntityLoader(QNode *parent)
: QEntity(*new Quick3DEntityLoaderPrivate, parent)
......@@ -107,7 +114,8 @@ Quick3DEntityLoader::~Quick3DEntityLoader()
\qmlproperty QtQml::QtObject Qt3DCore::EntityLoader::entity
\qmlproperty QtQml::QtObject EntityLoader::entity
Holds the loaded entity tree root.
QObject *Quick3DEntityLoader::entity() const
......@@ -118,6 +126,7 @@ QObject *Quick3DEntityLoader::entity() const
\qmlproperty url Qt3DCore::EntityLoader::source
Holds the source url.
QUrl Quick3DEntityLoader::source() const
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