squishInstall.ps1 5.54 KB
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## Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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## This file is part of the provisioning scripts of the Qt Toolkit.
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. "$PSScriptRoot\helpers.ps1"

# This script will install squish package for Windows.
# Squish is need by Release Test Automation (RTA)

$version = "6.3.0"
# Qt branch without dot (*.*)
$qtBranch = "59x"
$targetDir = "C:\Utils\squish"
$squishUrl = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\squish\coin"
$squishBranchUrl = "$squishUrl\$qtBranch"

# Squish license
$licensePackage = ".squish-3-license"

$OSVersion = (get-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ProductName).ProductName

# This can be removed when using vanilla os
if((Test-Path -Path "$targetDir" )){
    try {
        echo "Renaming old Squish"
        echo "Rename-Item -ErrorAction 'Stop' $targetDir $targetDir_deleted"
        Rename-Item -ErrorAction 'Stop' "$targetDir" squish_deleted
    } catch {}

Function DownloadAndInstallSquish {

    Param (

    $SquishUrl = $squishBranchUrl + "\squish-" + $version + "-qt" + $qtBranch + "-" + $bit + "-" + $squishPackage + ".exe"
    $SquishInstaller = "$targetDir\$squishPackage.exe"
    $SquishParameters = "unattended=1 targetdir=$targetDir\$squishPackage"
    $Command = "$SquishInstaller $SquishParameters"

    echo "Fetching from URL ..."
    Copy-Item "$SquishUrl" "$SquishInstaller"
    echo "Installing Squish"
    Execute-Command $Command
    remove-item $SquishInstaller

Function DownloadSquishLicence {

    Param (

    # This can be removed when using vanilla os
        echo "Removing SQUISH_LICENSEKEY_DIR env variable"
        Remove-Item Env:\SQUISH_LICENSEKEY_DIR

    echo "Installing Squish license to home directory"
    Copy-Item $squishUrl\$licensePackage ~\$licensePackage

echo "Creating $targetDir"
New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path "$targetDir"

DownloadSquishLicence $licensePackage $squishUrl $targetDir

if(($OSVersion -eq "Windows 10 Enterprise") -or ($OSVersion -eq "Windows 8.1 Enterprise"))
    # Squish for Visual Studio 2015
    $squishPackage = "msvc14"
    $squishPackage64bit = "msvc14_64"

    if(($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") -or ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq "AMD64"))
        echo "Installing $squishPackage_64"
        DownloadAndInstallSquish $version $squishBranchUrl $qtBranch win64 $targetDir $squishPackage
        mv $targetDir\$squishPackage $targetDir\$squishPackage64bit

    echo "Installing $squishPackage"
    DownloadAndInstallSquish $version $squishBranchUrl $qtBranch win32 $targetDir $squishPackage
if($OSVersion -eq "Windows 8.1 Enterprise")
    # Squish for Visual Studio 2013
    $squishPackage64bit = "msvc12_64"

    if(($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") -or ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq "AMD64"))
        echo "Installing $squishPackage_64"
        DownloadAndInstallSquish $version $squishBranchUrl $qtBranch win64 $targetDir $squishPackage
        mv $targetDir\$squishPackage $targetDir\$squishPackage64bit
        echo "Change secret file to normal one"
        attrib -h C:\Users\qt\.squish-3-license
    # Windows 7

    # Squish for MinGW
    $squishPackageMingw = "mingw_gcc53_posix_dwarf"
    echo "Installing $squishPackageMingw"
    DownloadAndInstallSquish $version $squishBranchUrl $qtBranch win32 $targetDir $squishPackageMingw
    mv $targetDir\$squishPackageMingw $targetDir\mingw

    # Squish for Visual Studio 2015
    $squishPackage = "msvc14"
    $squishPackage64bit = "msvc14_64"

    if(($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") -or ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq "AMD64"))
        echo "Installing $squishPackage64bit"
        DownloadAndInstallSquish $version $squishBranchUrl $qtBranch win64 $targetDir $squishPackage
        mv $targetDir\$squishPackage $targetDir\$squishPackage64bit
