• Heikki Halmet's avatar
    Provision: Script for linux to remove preinstalled software · 0c8536fc
    Heikki Halmet authored
    Script to remove tier1's preinstalled software. Script itself includes
    all information about the software that needs to be removed from tier2
    before provision starts to run installations. When this script is run
    for certain platform that platform needs to provision all removed
    software back to tier2 template. So user needs to make sure that all
    needed provision script are available when calling this removal-script.
    Goal is to have vanilla os when provision don't need to remove any
    software before installations. When this goal is reached this script
    and script calls can be removed from provision.
    Change-Id: I048909800807fabb1dc599e768a90e7457fbc2cf
    Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
linux-removethemall.sh 1.93 KiB