Frederik Gladhorn authored
Installing Update 5 for Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 (KB2829760)... Removing C:\Windows\Temp\vs12-kb2829760.exe ... Caught System.UnauthorizedAccessException Access to the path 'C:\Windows\Temp\vs12-kb2829760.exe' is denied. Change-Id: I9fe136f0361ee21e38563dd17bf76bf4fd53747f Reviewed-by:
Tony Sarajärvi <tony.sarajarvi@qt.io>
## Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
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## This file is part of the provisioning scripts of the Qt Toolkit.
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. "$PSScriptRoot\..\common\windows\helpers.ps1"
# Install Visual Studio 2013 update 5
$version = "2013 Update 5 (KB2829760)"
$package = "C:\Windows\Temp\vs12-kb2829760.exe"
$url_cache = "\\ci-files01-hki.intra.qt.io\provisioning\windows\VS2013.5.exe"
echo "Fetching patch for Visual Studio $version..."
Copy-Item $url_cache $package
echo "Installing Update 5 for Visual Studio $version..."
Start-Process -FilePath $package -ArgumentList "/norestart /passive" -Wait
echo "Removing $package ..."
remove-item $package
echo "Visual Studio = $version" >> ~\versions.txt