To learn more about this project, read the wiki.
README 795 bytes
To clone and compile the submodules, do execute the following:

  ./qtrepotools/bin/qt5_tool -p

If you are a Nokia developer, you should add the -nokia-developer argument:

  ./init-repository -nokia-developer
  ./qtrepotools/bin/qt5_tool -p
  ./configure -nokia-developer 

Checkout qt5_tool --help for more interesting features, like -s <module> to 
switch to the staging repo of a module.

In order to install the grafts, run
git submodule foreach '../qtrepotools/bin/git-qt-grafts  <path_to_history>'

Note: Currently the repo is in a state, where it does not always build,
especially tests, examples, and demos.  Unfortunately make -k also does not 
help. A workaround is to configure with 

	-nomake tests -nomake examples -nomake demos.