• Oswald Buddenhagen's avatar
    automatically launch new configure system in top-level builds · 64cc947d
    Oswald Buddenhagen authored
    this includes moving the -skip option here, where it belongs.
    the implementation is a bit hacky, but the proper one would be vastly
    more complex: we'd have to load all modules, then parse the command
    line properly (the -skip parsing would be a custom callback, to avoid
    needing to process features), then discard all now excluded modules
    again, then re-process the command line (so we can complain about
    options which are now invalid), and only now proceed with the actual
    feature processing.
    that seems a bit over the top, so we accept that -skip cannot be the
    argument of another option, which seems quite reasonable.
    Change-Id: I0053658e6d7e11b82cdfe55893cb553b664a9298
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJake Petroules <jake.petroules@qt.io>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarFrederik Gladhorn <frederik.gladhorn@qt.io>
qt.pro 2.50 KiB
# Create the super cache so modules will add themselves to it.
cache(, super)
TEMPLATE      = subdirs
CONFIG += prepare_docs qt_docs_targets
# Extract submodules from .gitmodules.
lines = $$cat(.gitmodules, lines)
for (line, lines) {
    mod = $$replace(line, "^\\[submodule \"([^\"]+)\"\\]$", \\1)
    !equals(mod, $$line) {
        module = $$mod
        modules += $$mod
    } else {
        prop = $$replace(line, "^$$escape_expand(\\t)([^ =]+) *=.*$", \\1)
        !equals(prop, $$line) {
            val = $$replace(line, "^[^=]+= *", )
            module.$${module}.$$prop = $$split(val)
        } else {
            error("Malformed line in .gitmodules: $$line")
uikit {
    QT_SKIP_MODULES += qtdoc qtmacextras qtserialport qtwebkit qtwebkit-examples
    !ios: QT_SKIP_MODULES += qtscript
# This is a bit hacky, but a proper implementation is not worth it.
for (ever) {
    isEmpty(args): break()
    a = $$take_first(args)
    equals(a, -skip) {
        isEmpty(args): break()
        m = $$take_first(args)
        contains(m, -.*): next()
        m ~= s/^(qt)?/qt/
        !contains(modules, $$m): \
            error("-skip command line argument used with non-existent module '$$m'.")
        QT_SKIP_MODULES += $$m
modules = $$sort_depends(modules, module., .depends .recommends)
modules = $$reverse(modules)
for (mod, modules) {
    equals(module.$${mod}.qt, false): \
    deps = $$eval(module.$${mod}.depends)
    recs = $$eval(module.$${mod}.recommends)
    for (d, $$list($$deps $$recs)): \
        !contains(modules, $$d): \
            error("'$$mod' depends on undeclared '$$d'.")
    contains(QT_SKIP_MODULES, $$mod): \
    !isEmpty(QT_BUILD_MODULES):!contains(QT_BUILD_MODULES, $$mod): \
    project = $$eval(module.$${mod}.project)
    isEmpty(project) {
        !exists($$mod/$${mod}.pro): \
$${mod}.subdir = $$mod } else { !exists($$mod/$$project): \ next() $${mod}.file = $$mod/$$project $${mod}.makefile = Makefile } $${mod}.target = module-$$mod for (d, deps) { !contains(SUBDIRS, $$d) { $${mod}.target = break() } $${mod}.depends += $$d } isEmpty($${mod}.target): \ next() for (d, recs) { contains(SUBDIRS, $$d): \ $${mod}.depends += $$d } SUBDIRS += $$mod } load(qt_configure)