• Oswald Buddenhagen's avatar
    don't fail to check out some modules in pinned mode · 150071b3
    Oswald Buddenhagen authored
    when used without the --branch option, we clone with --no-checkout, to
    avoid unnecessarily checking out files twice when the recorded sha1
    doesn't happen to be the tip of the default branch. however, that would
    leave the index in a dirty state which would make the subsequent
    submodule update abort at some point, silently.
    to deal with the problem, we ignore this type of index dirtyness and use
    submodule update with --force.
    Task-number: QTBUG-57289
    Change-Id: I6fc9693b0eaadfb04d2d80f9c8f1f2e11be47ae9
    Reviewed-by: default avatarEdward Welbourne <edward.welbourne@qt.io>