Commit 2a39f8e5 authored by Liang Qi's avatar Liang Qi
Browse files

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.9' into 5.10

Change-Id: I7119e6e1853b0eef2b695fb8165518e90b18d250
parents d3c2de90 89d4dec8
dev 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.10 5.12.11 5.12.12 5.12.2 5.12.3 5.12.4 5.12.5 5.12.6 5.12.7 5.12.8 5.12.9 5.13 5.13.0 5.13.1 5.13.2 5.14 5.14.0 5.14.1 5.14.2 5.15 5.15.0 5.15.1 5.15.2 6.0 6.0.0 6.1 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 6.2.0 6.2.1 6.2.2 ifw-5.12.10 ifw-5.12.11 pyside6.0 pyside6.1 wip/cmake wip/emulator/master wip/flashing-wizard/master wip/navigation wip/ogl-runtime/2.4 wip/ogl-runtime/2.5 wip/ogl-runtime/2.6 wip/ogl-runtime/2.7 wip/ogl-runtime/master wip/pyside-setup/5.11.0 wip/pyside-setup/5.14 wip/qdb/master wip/qt3d-runtime/2.0 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.0.1 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.1 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.2 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.3 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.4 wip/qt3d-runtime/master wip/qt3dstudio/2.0 wip/qt3dstudio/2.0.1 wip/qt3dstudio/2.1 wip/qt3dstudio/2.2 wip/qt3dstudio/2.3 wip/qt3dstudio/2.4 wip/qt3dstudio/2.5 wip/qt3dstudio/2.6 wip/qt3dstudio/2.7 wip/qt3dstudio/master wip/qt3dstudio/runtime2 wip/qt6 wip/qtsaferenderer/1.1 wip/qtsaferenderer/1.2 wip/qtsaferenderer/master wip/qtwebkit/5.212 wip/tqtc-qt-config-gui/master wip/webassembly v5.15.0-alpha1 v5.14.1 v5.14.0 v5.14.0-rc2 v5.14.0-rc1 v5.14.0-beta3 v5.14.0-beta2 v5.14.0-beta1 v5.14.0-alpha1 v5.13.2 v5.13.1 v5.13.0 v5.13.0-rc3 v5.13.0-rc2 v5.13.0-rc1 v5.13.0-beta4 v5.13.0-beta3 v5.13.0-beta2 v5.13.0-beta1 v5.13.0-alpha1 v5.12.7 v5.12.6 v5.12.5 v5.12.4 v5.12.3 v5.12.2 v5.12.1 v5.12.0 v5.12.0-rc2 v5.12.0-rc1 v5.12.0-beta4 v5.12.0-beta3 v5.12.0-beta2 v5.12.0-beta1 v5.12.0-alpha1 v5.11.3 v5.11.2 v5.11.1 v5.11.0 v5.11.0-rc2 v5.11.0-rc1 v5.11.0-beta4 v5.11.0-beta3 v5.11.0-beta2 v5.11.0-beta1 v5.11.0-alpha1 v5.10.1
No related merge requests found
Showing with 88 additions and 59 deletions
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ qtci-windows-10-x86_64-10 x86 MSVC2015
qtci-windows-10-x86_64-10 MSVC2015 Packaging DebugAndRelease Release ForceDebugInfo OpenGLDynamic
qtci-windows-10-x86_64-10 WinRT_10 x86 MSVC2015 Packaging DebugAndRelease Release ForceDebugInfo DisableTests
qtci-windows-10-x86_64-10 WinRT_10 armv7 MSVC2015 Packaging DebugAndRelease Release ForceDebugInfo DisableTests
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 GCC NoWidgets ForceDebugInfo
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 GCC DeveloperBuild OutOfSourceBuild QtLibInfix QtNamespace BuildExamples Documentation
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 GCC NoWidgets ForceDebugInfo
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 GCC DeveloperBuild OutOfSourceBuild QtLibInfix QtNamespace BuildExamples Documentation
qtci-linux-openSUSE-42.3-x86_64 GCC DeveloperBuild NoPch
qtci-linux-openSUSE-42.3-x86_64 ICC_18 DeveloperBuild NoPch DisableTests SystemSQLite
qtci-linux-RHEL-6.6-x86_64 GCC Release ForceDebugInfo
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ qtci-macos-10.12-x86_64-8 IOS_ANY multi Clang
qtci-macos-10.12-x86_64-8 TvOS_ANY multi Clang Release DisableTests
qtci-macos-10.12-x86_64-8 WatchOS_ANY multi Clang Release DisableTests
qtci-linux-RHEL-7.4-x86_64 Android_ANY armv7 GCC Packaging Release DisableTests OpenGLES2 NoUseGoldLinker
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 QEMU armv7 GCC Release
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 QEMU arm64 GCC Release
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 GCC TestOnly LicenseCheck
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 QEMU armv7 GCC Release
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 QEMU arm64 GCC Release
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 GCC TestOnly LicenseCheck
qtci-linux-RHEL-6.6-x86_64 QNX_660 armv7 GCC Packaging Release DisableTests OpenGLES2 NoUseGoldLinker
qtci-linux-RHEL-7.4-x86_64 INTEGRITY_11_04 armv7 GCC Release DisableTests OpenGLES2 NoUseGoldLinker
Template Target OS Target arch Compiler Features
--------------------------------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 QEMU armv7 GCC DeveloperBuild DisableTests
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 QEMU arm64 GCC DeveloperBuild DisableTests
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 QEMU armv7 GCC DeveloperBuild DisableTests
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 QEMU arm64 GCC DeveloperBuild DisableTests
Template Target OS Target arch Compiler Features
--------------------------------- ------------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 QEMU armv7 GCC DeveloperBuild
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-1 QEMU arm64 GCC DeveloperBuild
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 QEMU armv7 GCC DeveloperBuild
qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 QEMU arm64 GCC DeveloperBuild
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../common/"
source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../common/"
source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../common/"
......@@ -79,10 +80,20 @@ try
rm "$toolsTargetFile" || throw $ExceptionRmTools
echo "Changing ownership of Android files."
sudo chown -R qt:wheel "$targetFolder"
if uname -a |grep -q "el6\|el7"; then
sudo chown -R qt:wheel "$targetFolder"
sudo chown -R qt:users "$targetFolder"
echo "Running SDK manager for platforms;$sdkApiLevel, tools, platform-tools and build-tools;$sdkBuildToolsVersion."
echo "y" |"$sdkTargetFolder/tools/bin/sdkmanager" "platforms;$sdkApiLevel" "tools" "platform-tools" "build-tools;$sdkBuildToolsVersion" || throw $ExceptionSdkManager
if [ "$proxy" != "" ]; then
proxy_host=$(echo $proxy | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d':' -f1)
proxy_port=$(echo $proxy | cut -d':' -f3)
echo "y" |"$sdkTargetFolder/tools/bin/sdkmanager" --no_https --proxy=http --proxy_host=$proxy_host --proxy_port=$proxy_port "platforms;$sdkApiLevel" "tools" "platform-tools" "build-tools;$sdkBuildToolsVersion" || throw $ExceptionSdkManager
echo "y" |"$sdkTargetFolder/tools/bin/sdkmanager" "platforms;$sdkApiLevel" "tools" "platform-tools" "build-tools;$sdkBuildToolsVersion" || throw $ExceptionSdkManager
echo "export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=$sdkTargetFolder" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$targetFolder/android-ndk-$ndkVersion" >> ~/.bashrc
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
## Contact:
## This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see For further
## information use the contact form at
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
## Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
## LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
## following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
## requirements will be met: and
## As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/"
source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/http_proxy.txt"
wget -q -e "http_proxy=$proxy" --spider
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Setting http_proxy to $proxy"
export http_proxy=$proxy
echo "Proxy not detected at $proxy"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
......@@ -39,29 +39,12 @@ $version = "53_1"
if(($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") -or ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq "AMD64")) {
$url_official_2012 = "" + $version + "_msvc_2012_64_devel.7z"
$url_cache_2012 = "\\\provisioning\windows\icu_" + $version + "_msvc_2012_64_devel.7z"
$sha1_2012 = "8A8C371F3ED58E81BBCF58CF5F8388CEF51FA9AC"
$url_official_2013 = "" + $version + "_msvc_2013_64_devel.7z"
$url_cache_2013 = "\\" + $version + "_msvc_2013_64_devel.7z"
$sha1_2013 = "7267CF8C5BD39C4218F2CCFE31ECA81B7644ED6F"
$icuPackage_msvc2012_64 = "C:\Windows\Temp\icu-$version-msvc2012_64.7z"
$icuPackage_msvc2013_64 = "C:\Windows\Temp\icu-$version-msvc2013_64.7z"
if (!(Test-Path C:\Utils\icu_"$version"_msvc_2012_64_devel\)) {
echo "Fetching from URL ..."
Download $url_official_2012 $url_cache_2012 $icuPackage_msvc2012_64
Verify-Checksum $icuPackage_msvc2012_64 $sha1_2012
Get-ChildItem $icuPackage_msvc2012_64 | % {& "C:\Utils\sevenzip\7z.exe" "x" $_.fullname -o""C:\Utils\icu_"$version"_msvc_2012_64_devel\""}
echo "Cleaning $icuPackage_msvc2012_64..."
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $icuPackage_msvc2012_64
echo "ICU MSVC2012 = $version" >> ~\versions.txt
if (!(Test-Path C:\Utils\icu_"$version"_msvc_2013_64_devel\)) {
echo "Fetching from URL ..."
Download $url_official_2013 $url_cache_2013 $icuPackage_msvc2013_64
......@@ -75,7 +58,6 @@ if(($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") -or ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -e
# FIXME: do we really want to have it per MSVC version? What about MSVC2015?
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CI_ICU_PATH_MSVC2012", "C:\\Utils\\icu_53_1_msvc_2012_64_devel\\icu53_1", "Machine")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CI_ICU_PATH_MSVC2013", "C:\\Utils\\icu_53_1_msvc_2013_64_devel\\icu53_1", "Machine")
# FIXME: do we really want to use the 4.8.2 ICU build?
......@@ -83,29 +65,12 @@ if(($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") -or ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -e
} else {
$url_official_2012_32 = "" + $version + "_msvc_2012_32_devel.7z"
$url_cache_2012_32 = "\\\provisioning\windows\icu_" + $version + "_msvc_2012_32_devel.7z"
$sha1_2012_32 = "F2FF287EEB0163B015D37AE08871165FBA87BCF0"
$url_official_2013_32 = "" + $version + "_msvc_2013_32_devel.7z"
$url_cache_2013_32 = "\\" + $version + "_msvc_2013_32_devel.7z"
$sha1_2013_32 = "D745A5F0F6A3817AE989501A01A5A0BA53FDB800"
$icuPackage_msvc2012_32 = "C:\Windows\Temp\icu-$version-msvc2012_32.7z"
$icuPackage_msvc2013_32 = "C:\Windows\Temp\icu-$version-msvc2013_32.7z"
if (!(Test-Path C:\Utils\icu_"$version"_msvc_2012_32_devel\)) {
echo "Fetching from URL ..."
Download $url_official_2012_32 $url_cache_2012_32 $icuPackage_msvc2012_32
Verify-Checksum $icuPackage_msvc2012_32 $sha1_2012_32
Get-ChildItem $icuPackage_msvc2012_32 | % {& "C:\Utils\sevenzip\7z.exe" "x" $_.fullname -o""C:\Utils\icu_"$version"_msvc_2012_32_devel\""}
echo "Cleaning $icuPackage_msvc2012_32..."
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $icuPackage_msvc2012_32
echo "ICU MSVC2012 = $version" >> ~\versions.txt
if (!(Test-Path C:\Utils\icu_"$version"_msvc_2013_32_devel\)) {
echo "Fetching from URL ..."
Download $url_official_2013_32 $url_cache_2013_32 $icuPackage_msvc2013_32
......@@ -119,7 +84,6 @@ if(($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") -or ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -e
# FIXME: do we really want to have it per MSVC version? What about MSVC2015?
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CI_ICU_PATH_MSVC2012", "C:\\Utils\\icu_53_1_msvc_2012_32_devel\\icu53_1", "Machine")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CI_ICU_PATH_MSVC2013", "C:\\Utils\\icu_53_1_msvc_2013_32_devel\\icu53_1", "Machine")
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
# In case of Linux, we expect to get the values as args
set -e
source "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../common/"
BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0")
. $BASEDIR/sw_versions.txt
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