Commit 45528e68 authored by Liang Qi's avatar Liang Qi
Browse files

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.9' into 5.10

Change-Id: I0fdced87d2064e8459fa0b9c4e16a53c1f44ac0a
parents 21e73443 786be66e
dev 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.10 5.12.11 5.12.12 5.12.2 5.12.3 5.12.4 5.12.5 5.12.6 5.12.7 5.12.8 5.12.9 5.13 5.13.0 5.13.1 5.13.2 5.14 5.14.0 5.14.1 5.14.2 5.15 5.15.0 5.15.1 5.15.2 6.0 6.0.0 6.1 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 6.2.0 6.2.1 6.2.2 ifw-5.12.10 ifw-5.12.11 pyside6.0 pyside6.1 wip/cmake wip/emulator/master wip/flashing-wizard/master wip/navigation wip/ogl-runtime/2.4 wip/ogl-runtime/2.5 wip/ogl-runtime/2.6 wip/ogl-runtime/2.7 wip/ogl-runtime/master wip/pyside-setup/5.11.0 wip/pyside-setup/5.14 wip/qdb/master wip/qt3d-runtime/2.0 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.0.1 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.1 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.2 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.3 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.4 wip/qt3d-runtime/master wip/qt3dstudio/2.0 wip/qt3dstudio/2.0.1 wip/qt3dstudio/2.1 wip/qt3dstudio/2.2 wip/qt3dstudio/2.3 wip/qt3dstudio/2.4 wip/qt3dstudio/2.5 wip/qt3dstudio/2.6 wip/qt3dstudio/2.7 wip/qt3dstudio/master wip/qt3dstudio/runtime2 wip/qt6 wip/qtsaferenderer/1.1 wip/qtsaferenderer/1.2 wip/qtsaferenderer/master wip/qtwebkit/5.212 wip/tqtc-qt-config-gui/master wip/webassembly v5.15.0-alpha1 v5.14.1 v5.14.0 v5.14.0-rc2 v5.14.0-rc1 v5.14.0-beta3 v5.14.0-beta2 v5.14.0-beta1 v5.14.0-alpha1 v5.13.2 v5.13.1 v5.13.0 v5.13.0-rc3 v5.13.0-rc2 v5.13.0-rc1 v5.13.0-beta4 v5.13.0-beta3 v5.13.0-beta2 v5.13.0-beta1 v5.13.0-alpha1 v5.12.7 v5.12.6 v5.12.5 v5.12.4 v5.12.3 v5.12.2 v5.12.1 v5.12.0 v5.12.0-rc2 v5.12.0-rc1 v5.12.0-beta4 v5.12.0-beta3 v5.12.0-beta2 v5.12.0-beta1 v5.12.0-alpha1 v5.11.3 v5.11.2 v5.11.1 v5.11.0 v5.11.0-rc2 v5.11.0-rc1 v5.11.0-beta4 v5.11.0-beta3 v5.11.0-beta2 v5.11.0-beta1 v5.11.0-alpha1 v5.10.1
No related merge requests found
Showing with 25 additions and 14 deletions
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ qtci-linux-Ubuntu-16.04-x86_64-2 GCC
qtci-linux-openSUSE-42.3-x86_64 GCC DeveloperBuild NoPch
qtci-linux-openSUSE-42.3-x86_64 ICC_18 DeveloperBuild NoPch DisableTests SystemSQLite
qtci-linux-RHEL-6.6-x86_64 GCC Release ForceDebugInfo
qtci-linux-RHEL-7.4-x86_64 GCC Packaging Release NoUseGoldLinker ForceDebugInfo
qtci-linux-RHEL-7.4-x86_64 GCC Packaging Release NoUseGoldLinker
qtci-macos-10.12-x86_64-8 Clang Packaging DebugAndRelease Release
qtci-osx-10.11-x86_64-3 Clang DeveloperBuild Release QtNamespace NoPch
qtci-osx-10.10-x86_64 Clang Release NoFramework DisableTests
......@@ -33,5 +33,22 @@
# This script disables the automatic Windows updates
stop-service wuauserv
set-service wuauserv startup disabled
$service = get-service wuauserv
if (-not $service) {
Write-Host "Windows Update service not found."
exit 0
if ($service.Status -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Host "Windows Update service already stopped."
} else {
Write-Host "Stopping Windows Update service."
stop-service wuauserv
$startup = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "wuauserv"} | Select -ExpandProperty "StartMode"
if ($startup -ne "Disabled") {
set-service wuauserv -startup disabled
} else {
Write-Host "Windows Update service startup already disabled."
......@@ -57,11 +57,6 @@ Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$nppPackage"
echo "Notepad++ = $version" >> ~\versions.txt
if( (is64bitWinHost) -eq 1 ) {
Rename-Item -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\updater" -NewName "updater_disabled"
else {
Rename-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\updater" -NewName "updater_disabled"
Rename-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\updater" -NewName "updater_disabled"
echo "Auto-updating disabled."
......@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ ExceptionProxy=104
echo "Set timezone to UTC" || throw $ExceptionTimezone
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Etc/UTC
echo "Set timezone to UTC."
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Etc/UTC || throw $ExceptionTimezone
echo "Timeout for blanking the screen (0 = never)"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0 || throw $ExceptionGsettings1
echo "Prevents screen lock when screesaver goes active."
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
$zip = "c:\users\qt\downloads\qnx700.7z"
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $zip
Verify-Checksum $zip "2eab8bcf993056f79c9e2585c9c05e05658ba8bb"
Verify-Checksum $zip "DD3346A3429C06B59BF4D45CE0782F737D2424C7"
Extract-7Zip $zip C:\
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("QNX_700", "C:\QNX700", "Machine")
......@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@ $url_cache = "\\\provisioning\windows\VS2013.5.exe"
echo "Fetching patch for Visual Studio $version..."
Copy-Item $url_cache $package
$commandLine = $package
echo "Installing Update 5 for Visual Studio $version..."
. $commandLine /norestart /passive
Start-Process -FilePath $package -ArgumentList "/norestart /passive" -Wait
echo "Removing $package ..."
remove-item $package
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