Commit e8fd62c3 authored by Alan Alpert's avatar Alan Alpert Committed by Qt by Nokia
Browse files

Allow initial checkout of V8 with the Brisbane mirror

Change-Id: Iaaaa88884e0a793218e2e307bd9e56067760c514

Reviewed-by: default avatarQt Sanity Bot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAaron Kennedy <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAlan Alpert <>
parent 8e349b93
dev 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.10 5.12.11 5.12.12 5.12.2 5.12.3 5.12.4 5.12.5 5.12.6 5.12.7 5.12.8 5.12.9 5.13 5.13.0 5.13.1 5.13.2 5.14 5.14.0 5.14.1 5.14.2 5.15 5.15.0 5.15.1 5.15.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.9.8 6.0 6.0.0 6.1 6.1.0 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 6.2.0 6.2.1 6.2.2 ifw-5.12.10 ifw-5.12.11 pyside6.0 pyside6.1 wip/cmake wip/emulator/master wip/flashing-wizard/master wip/installer-framework/3.0 wip/installer-framework/3.1 wip/installer-framework/master wip/navigation wip/ogl-runtime/2.4 wip/ogl-runtime/2.5 wip/ogl-runtime/2.6 wip/ogl-runtime/2.7 wip/ogl-runtime/master wip/pyside-setup/5.11.0 wip/pyside-setup/5.14 wip/qbs/1.10 wip/qbs/master wip/qdb/master wip/qt3d-runtime/2.0 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.0.1 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.1 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.2 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.3 wip/qt3d-runtime/2.4 wip/qt3d-runtime/master wip/qt3dstudio/2.0 wip/qt3dstudio/2.0.1 wip/qt3dstudio/2.1 wip/qt3dstudio/2.2 wip/qt3dstudio/2.3 wip/qt3dstudio/2.4 wip/qt3dstudio/2.5 wip/qt3dstudio/2.6 wip/qt3dstudio/2.7 wip/qt3dstudio/master wip/qt3dstudio/runtime2 wip/qt6 wip/qtsaferenderer/1.0 wip/qtsaferenderer/1.1 wip/qtsaferenderer/1.2 wip/qtsaferenderer/master wip/qtwebkit/5.212 wip/tqtc-qt-config-gui/master wip/vxworks/5.9.5 wip/webassembly v5.15.0-alpha1 v5.14.1 v5.14.0 v5.14.0-rc2 v5.14.0-rc1 v5.14.0-beta3 v5.14.0-beta2 v5.14.0-beta1 v5.14.0-alpha1 v5.13.2 v5.13.1 v5.13.0 v5.13.0-rc3 v5.13.0-rc2 v5.13.0-rc1 v5.13.0-beta4 v5.13.0-beta3 v5.13.0-beta2 v5.13.0-beta1 v5.13.0-alpha1 v5.12.7 v5.12.6 v5.12.5 v5.12.4 v5.12.3 v5.12.2 v5.12.1 v5.12.0 v5.12.0-rc2 v5.12.0-rc1 v5.12.0-beta4 v5.12.0-beta3 v5.12.0-beta2 v5.12.0-beta1 v5.12.0-alpha1 v5.11.3 v5.11.2 v5.11.1 v5.11.0 v5.11.0-rc2 v5.11.0-rc1 v5.11.0-beta4 v5.11.0-beta3 v5.11.0-beta2 v5.11.0-beta1 v5.11.0-alpha1 v5.10.1 v5.10.0 v5.10.0-rc3 v5.10.0-rc2 v5.10.0-rc1 v5.10.0-beta4 v5.10.0-beta3 v5.10.0-beta2 v5.10.0-beta1 v5.10.0-alpha1 v5.9.9 v5.9.8 v5.9.7 v5.9.6 v5.9.5 v5.9.4 v5.9.3 v5.9.2 v5.9.1 v5.9.0 v5.9.0-rc2 v5.9.0-rc1 v5.9.0-beta4 v5.9.0-beta3 v5.9.0-beta2 v5.9.0-beta1 v5.9.0-alpha1 v5.8.0 v5.8.0-rc1 v5.8.0-beta1 v5.8.0-alpha1 v5.7.1 v5.7.0 v5.7.0-rc1 v5.7.0-beta1 v5.7.0-alpha1 v5.6.3 v5.6.2 v5.6.1 v5.6.1-1 v5.6.0 v5.6.0-rc1 v5.6.0-beta1 v5.6.0-alpha1 v5.5.1 v5.5.0 v5.5.0-rc1 v5.5.0-beta1 v5.5.0-alpha1 v5.4.2 v5.4.1 v5.4.0 v5.4.0-rc1 v5.4.0-beta1 v5.4.0-alpha1 v5.3.2 v5.3.1 v5.3.0 v5.3.0-rc1 v5.3.0-beta1 v5.3.0-alpha1 v5.2.1 v5.2.0 v5.2.0-rc1 v5.2.0-beta1 v5.2.0-alpha1 v5.1.1 v5.1.0 v5.1.0-rc2 v5.1.0-rc1 v5.1.0-beta1 v5.1.0-alpha1 v5.0.0-beta1 qt-v5.0.0-alpha1
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Showing with 20 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -254,6 +254,9 @@ my $BNE_MIRROR_URL_BASE
= 'git://';
= 'git://';
= 'git://';
......@@ -300,6 +303,7 @@ sub parse_arguments
'ignore-submodules' => 0 ,
'mirror-url' => "",
'mirror-webkit-url' => "",
'mirror-v8-url' => "",
'nokia-developer' => 0 ,
'protocol' => "",
'update' => 1 ,
......@@ -329,6 +333,7 @@ sub parse_arguments
$self->{'nokia-developer'} = 1;
$self->{'protocol'} = 'internal';
$self->{'mirror-url'} = $BNE_MIRROR_URL_BASE;
$self->{'mirror-v8-url'} = $BNE_MIRROR_V8_URL;
$self->{'mirror-webkit-url'} = $BNE_MIRROR_WEBKIT_URL;
$self->{'ignore-submodules'} = 1;
......@@ -539,6 +544,7 @@ sub git_clone_one_submodule
my $alternates = $self->{ 'alternates' };
my $mirror_url = $self->{ 'mirror-url' };
my $mirror_webkit_url = $self->{ 'mirror-webkit-url' };
my $mirror_v8_url = $self->{ 'mirror-v8-url' };
# `--reference FOO' args for the clone, if any.
my @reference_args;
......@@ -601,6 +607,20 @@ sub git_clone_one_submodule
if ($submodule eq "qtdeclarative") { #Extra step needed to setup declarative
$self->exe('git', 'submodule', 'init');
if ($do_clone and $mirror_v8_url) {
my @configresult = qx(git config -l);
my $v8url;
foreach my $line (@configresult) {
# Example line: submodule.qtqa.url=git://
next if ($line !~ /submodule.src\/3rdparty\/v8.url=(.*)/);
$v8url = $1;
chdir('src/3rdparty/') or confess "chdir $submodule/src/3rdparty: $OS_ERROR";
$self->exe('git', 'clone', $mirror_v8_url, 'v8');
chdir('v8') or confess "chdir $submodule/src/3rdparty/v8: $OS_ERROR";
$self->exe('git', 'config', 'remote.origin.url', $v8url);
chdir('../../..') or confess "cd ../../..: $OS_ERROR";
$self->exe('git', 'submodule', 'update');
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