1. 06 Feb, 2017 - 1 commit
  2. 05 Feb, 2017 - 1 commit
  3. 03 Feb, 2017 - 4 commits
    • Heikki Halmet's avatar
      Provision: Storage android sdk and ndk version information · a3697796
      Heikki Halmet authored
      Sdk and ndk version information will be storaged to versions.txt.
      Versions.txt will be used for all provision scripts and later on it's
      data will be printed to provision log.
      Also script name changed to match both android sdk and ndk.
      Change-Id: I3366e596f539099c3b587466d90905d0889398fe
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTony Sarajärvi <tony.sarajarvi@qt.io>
    • Heikki Halmet's avatar
      Provision: Script to print sw versions to provision log · 6afffd69
      Heikki Halmet authored
      This script is the last script that is run by provisioning. It will
      print all storaged sw information to provision log
      Change-Id: I2c76d5f7cccf9c116cb660ffcb67d3bece473da8
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTony Sarajärvi <tony.sarajarvi@qt.io>
    • Joerg Bornemann's avatar
      Update jom to 1.1.2 · 32b5e271
      Joerg Bornemann authored
      The most important changes that affect the CI are:
        - Fixed bogus path in error message for failed targets.
        - Fixed error "JobClient destroyed while still acquiring."
          that could be yielded for failed builds.
        - Fixed /k option (QTCREATORBUG-17131).
        - Added the special .NOTPARALLEL target that disables parallel
          build for the containing makefile. (This one is needed to
          build QtWebEngine in debug-and-release properly.)
        - Introduced the JOMFLAGS environment variable.
          This is a MAKEFLAGS pendant. JOMFLAGS is useful to set up
          separate flags for nmake and jom.
      Change-Id: Icb2462d06b000a3fe29e1e9290b294cb1e900409
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
    • Heikki Halmet's avatar
      Provision: Script for linux to remove preinstalled software · 0c8536fc
      Heikki Halmet authored
      Script to remove tier1's preinstalled software. Script itself includes
      all information about the software that needs to be removed from tier2
      before provision starts to run installations. When this script is run
      for certain platform that platform needs to provision all removed
      software back to tier2 template. So user needs to make sure that all
      needed provision script are available when calling this removal-script.
      Goal is to have vanilla os when provision don't need to remove any
      software before installations. When this goal is reached this script
      and script calls can be removed from provision.
      Change-Id: I048909800807fabb1dc599e768a90e7457fbc2cf
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
  4. 31 Jan, 2017 - 3 commits
  5. 28 Jan, 2017 - 1 commit
  6. 25 Jan, 2017 - 1 commit
  7. 24 Jan, 2017 - 2 commits
    • Heikki Halmet's avatar
      Provision: Set bash_profile to read .bashrc · 3276f075
      Heikki Halmet authored
      The method (vmware tools) of launching a process inside a virtual
      machine results in the launch of a process that does not originate
      from a login shell. Therefore the CI system explicitly starts the
      agent with "bash -l -c" to enforce the invocation as login shell
      and thus execute settings from /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.
      This brings the behavior of the system closer to what we see as
      However the shell is a non-interactive shell, therefore ~/.bashrc
      is not read by default.
      On Linux systems such as RHEL, ~/.bash_profile is configured to still
      read ~/.bashrc.
      For consistency we apply the same logic to the macOS configurations.
      Change-Id: I417ecd7866bc4ae1b50beb14c19b456588b4050a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
    • Heikki Halmet's avatar
      Add Android NDK/SDK to provision for macOS 10.10 and 10.11 · eeea4e5c
      Heikki Halmet authored
      Install latest Android sdk and ndk.
      It also runs update for SDK API level 18
      Task-number: QTBUG-58370
      Change-Id: I1bf8cb42dd3e753be27fa9fcd2c1ac8ccbdb87c3
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
  8. 21 Jan, 2017 - 1 commit
  9. 11 Jan, 2017 - 5 commits
  10. 09 Jan, 2017 - 1 commit
  11. 08 Jan, 2017 - 3 commits
  12. 06 Jan, 2017 - 1 commit
  13. 24 Dec, 2016 - 1 commit
  14. 21 Dec, 2016 - 1 commit
  15. 19 Dec, 2016 - 2 commits
  16. 16 Dec, 2016 - 1 commit
  17. 08 Dec, 2016 - 1 commit
    • Simon Hausmann's avatar
      Improve disabling of screensaver on macOS · 16d05b08
      Simon Hausmann authored
      Setting the idleTime on currentHost works well, until the hardware UUID changes
      and thus the host ID for the setting. With kvm that happens quite frequently,
      with vmware less but also occasionally (deep clone for example). By disabling
      the screensaver on start-up we can cover all cases quite easily.
      Change-Id: Ibdcf404430656f9caa47386ca3c732366ddfc8c7
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJędrzej Nowacki <jedrzej.nowacki@qt.io>
  18. 07 Dec, 2016 - 4 commits
  19. 30 Nov, 2016 - 2 commits
    • Konstantin Tokarev's avatar
      Copy conanfile to conanbuildinfos directory · 860b3811
      Konstantin Tokarev authored
      Conanfile is required for running "conan imports" as a part of "make install"
      procedure, however its original location is unknown to build system of
      Conanfile is copied with its conventional name "conanfile.txt" to avoid
      tying module build system to more qt5.git layout peculiarities. In
      future we may want to have several conanfiles in one provisioning dir,
      like qtwebkit-mingw.txt and qtwebkit-msvc.txt.
      Also simplified syntax of PowerShell variables interpolation, $() is needed
      only for interpolating expressions.
      Task-number: QTQAINFRA-998
      Change-Id: I6904e80f4f85bb5269b0830272c6eaa2c8100789
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
    • Konstantin Tokarev's avatar
      Updated conan to 0.16.0 · 7dc66c95
      Konstantin Tokarev authored
      * Use --no-imports when installing packages, imports will be performed
      on "make install" step with new "conan imports" command.
      * Add txt generator to all conanfiles because it will be needed for
      "conan imports".
      Change-Id: Ie5e7ac6bfbf14dfa32ce82136b6be5e39476e393
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>
  20. 25 Nov, 2016 - 1 commit
  21. 23 Nov, 2016 - 2 commits
  22. 22 Nov, 2016 - 1 commit