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Provisioning: Refresh Subscription-manager
Heikki Halmet authored
Subscription manager need's to be refreshed so that redhat repositories
will stay available for provisioning scripts

Change-Id: Ie93aef60cbd2bb851673b4e1cd8afb5f23b1395c
Reviewed-by: default avatarFrederik Gladhorn <>
Continuous Integration

This directory contains files used by Qt's Continuous Integration system (Coin).

Contains scripts which are used to install software to tier1 machines manually.
E.g. Visual studio installation takes too long to be included to automatic provisioning of tier2 templates.

Contains scripts that apply to different test machines in order to run automatic tests on them.
For Windows scripts, make sure that the machine has "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force" set.
(Run as admin in PowerShell)