Commit 9e411002 authored by Leena Miettinen's avatar Leena Miettinen
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Doc: document Qt Notification example

Change-Id: I31500a15f61ab4aecba623fed4cbeeb9292520cf
Reviewed-by: default avatarEskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarTopi Reiniö <>
Showing with 54 additions and 0 deletions
......@@ -35,11 +35,65 @@
This example demonstrates how to add a custom Java class to an Android application, and
how to call into this using the JNI convenience APIs in the Qt Android Extras module.
The application UI is created by using Qt Quick.
Click on either of the smiley faces to put a notification in the status area of the Android
\include examples-run.qdocinc
\section1 Calling Java Methods from C++ Code
We define a custom Java class called \c NotificationClient in the file:
\quotefromfile notification/android-sources/src/org/qtproject/example/notification/
\skipto org.qtproject.example.notification
\printuntil /^\}/
In the NotificationClient C++ class header file, notificationclient.h, we
declare a simple C++ API to display notifications on an Android device. It
consists of a single string property, \c notification, and a slot,
\c updateAndroidNotification(), that calls the Java code:
\quotefromfile notification/notificationclient.h
\skipto Q_PROPERTY
\printuntil )
\skipto private slots
\printuntil updateAndroidNotification()
A NotificationClient object is exposed to the QML in the main source file,
\quotefromfile notification/main.cpp
\skipto QQuickView view;
\printuntil notificationClient);
In the NotificationClient C++ class source file, notificationclient.cpp, we
import the QtAndroidJniObject class to be able to use its functions:
\quotefromfile notification/notificationclient.cpp
\skipto QAndroidJniObject
\printuntil >
We connect the \c notificationChanged() signal to the
\c updateAndroidNotification() slot to update the notification text when the
\c notification property changes:
\printuntil }
The \c NotificationClient::updateAndroidNotification() function calls the
Java method. We construct a Java string from the \c notification string
\skipto updateAndroidNotification()
\printuntil fromString
And pass the string object as a parameter to the Java \c notify() method.
Note that we must supply the signature ourselves:
\printuntil }
\sa {Qt for Android}, {Qt Android Extras}
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