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Andrew Knight authored
This version of ANGLE provides partial ES3 support, numerous bug fixes, and several potentially useful vendor extensions. All patches have been rebased. The following changes are noted: 0000-General-fixes-for-ANGLE-2.1.patch contains compile fixes for the new ANGLE 0004-Make-it-possible-to-link-ANGLE-statically-for-single.patch has incorporated patch 0015. 0007-Make-DX9-DX11-mutually-exclusive.patch has been removed as it was fixed upstream. 0007-Fix-ANGLE-build-with-Microsoft-Visual-Studio-14-CTP.patch has been moved up to fill the patch number gap. 0010-ANGLE-Enable-D3D11-for-feature-level-9-cards.patch now contains patch 0014 and 0017. 0013-ANGLE-Allow-for-universal-program-binaries.patch has been removed as it is no longer relevant. 0014-ANGLE-D3D11-Fix-internal-index-buffer-for-level-9-ha.patch has been merged with patch 0010. 0015-ANGLE-Don-t-export-DLLMain-functions-for-static-buil.patch has been merged with patch 0004. 0016-ANGLE-WinRT-Call-Trim-when-application-suspends.patch has been removed and will be replaced by a follow-up patch using a different technique. 0017-ANGLE-D3D11-Don-t-use-mipmaps-in-level-9-textures.patch has been merged with patch 0010. 0018-ANGLE-WinRT-Create-swap-chain-using-physical-resolut.patch has been removed and will be replaced by a follow-up patch extending the EGL_ANGLE_window_fixed_size extension. 0019-Fix-ANGLE-build-with-Microsoft-Visual-Studio-14-CTP.patch is now patch 0007. [ChangeLog][Third-party libraries] ANGLE has been upgraded to version 2.1, bringing partial support for OpenGL ES3 over Direct3D 11, numerous bug fixes, and several new vendor extensions. Change-Id: I6d95ce1480462d67228d83c1e5c74a1706b5b21c Reviewed-by:
Friedemann Kleint <>
%modules = ( # path to module name map
"QtGui" => "$basedir/src/gui",
"QtWidgets" => "$basedir/src/widgets",
"QtPrintSupport" => "$basedir/src/printsupport",
"QtOpenGL" => "$basedir/src/opengl",
"QtCore" => "$basedir/src/corelib",
"QtXml" => "$basedir/src/xml",
"QtSql" => "$basedir/src/sql",
"QtNetwork" => "$basedir/src/network",
"QtTest" => "$basedir/src/testlib",
"QtDBus" => "$basedir/src/dbus",
"QtConcurrent" => "$basedir/src/concurrent",
"QtPlatformSupport" => "$basedir/src/platformsupport",
"QtPlatformHeaders" => "$basedir/src/platformheaders",
"QtANGLE/KHR" => "!$basedir/src/3rdparty/angle/include/KHR",
"QtANGLE/GLES2" => "!$basedir/src/3rdparty/angle/include/GLES2",
"QtANGLE/GLES3" => "!$basedir/src/3rdparty/angle/include/GLES3",
"QtANGLE/EGL" => "!$basedir/src/3rdparty/angle/include/EGL",
"QtZlib" => "!$basedir/src/3rdparty/zlib",
"QtOpenGLExtensions" => "$basedir/src/openglextensions",
%moduleheaders = ( # restrict the module headers to those found in relative path
@allmoduleheadersprivate = (
%classnames = (
"qglobal.h" => "QtGlobal",
"qendian.h" => "QtEndian",
"qconfig.h" => "QtConfig",
"qplugin.h" => "QtPlugin",
"qalgorithms.h" => "QtAlgorithms",
"qcontainerfwd.h" => "QtContainerFwd",
"qdebug.h" => "QtDebug",
"qevent.h" => "QtEvents",
"qnamespace.h" => "Qt",
"qnumeric.h" => "QtNumeric",
"qvariant.h" => "QVariantHash,QVariantList,QVariantMap",
"qgl.h" => "QGL",
"qsql.h" => "QSql",
"qssl.h" => "QSsl",
"qtest.h" => "QTest",
"qtconcurrentmap.h" => "QtConcurrentMap",
"qtconcurrentfilter.h" => "QtConcurrentFilter",
"qtconcurrentrun.h" => "QtConcurrentRun",
%deprecatedheaders = (
"QtGui" => {
"QGenericPlugin" => "QtGui/QGenericPlugin",
"QGenericPluginFactory" => "QtGui/QGenericPluginFactory"
@qpa_headers = ( qr/^qplatform/, qr/^qwindowsystem/ );
my @angle_headers = ('egl.h', 'eglext.h', 'eglplatform.h', 'gl2.h', 'gl2ext.h', 'gl2platform.h', 'ShaderLang.h', 'khrplatform.h');
my @internal_zlib_headers = ( "crc32.h", "deflate.h", "gzguts.h", "inffast.h", "inffixed.h", "inflate.h", "inftrees.h", "trees.h", "zutil.h" );
my @zlib_headers = ( "zconf.h", "zlib.h" );
@ignore_headers = ( @internal_zlib_headers );
@ignore_for_include_check = ( "qsystemdetection.h", "qcompilerdetection.h", "qprocessordetection.h", @zlib_headers, @angle_headers);
@ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check = ( "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qatomic_arch.h", "qatomic_windowsce.h", "qt_windows.h", "qatomic_macosx.h", @zlib_headers, @angle_headers);
%inject_headers = ( "$basedir/src/corelib/global" => [ "qconfig.h", "qfeatures.h" ] );
# Module dependencies.
# Every module that is required to build this module should have one entry.
# Each of the module version specifiers can take one of the following values:
# - A specific Git revision.
# - any git symbolic ref resolvable from the module's repository (e.g. "refs/heads/master" to track master branch)
%dependencies = (