• Thiago Macieira's avatar
    Add detection of C++14 and C++1z compiler features · 4684c1af
    Thiago Macieira authored
    [ChangeLog][General Improvements] Qt's buildsystem now detects whether
    the compiler supports C++14 and experimental support for C++1z. If the
    compiler supports it, then Qt is automatically compiled using that
    This does not apply to user applications built using qmake: those are
    still built with C++11 support only. To enable support for C++14 in your
    application, add to your .pro file: CONFIG += c++14 (similarly for
    Change-Id: Ib056b47dde3341ef9a52ffff13ef1f5d01c42596
    Reviewed-by: default avatarLars Knoll <lars.knoll@theqtcompany.com>