Commit 11ad5007 authored by Timur Pocheptsov's avatar Timur Pocheptsov
Browse files

tst_qudpsocket - remove insignificant

BLACKLIST should make it, recent regression in QUdpSocket went unnoticed
(first) because of 'insignificant'. We'd like to avoid such regressions
in future (again, using BLACKLIST if needed and fixig the real problem then).

NB: BLACKLIST in this patch was extended to deal with previously unnoticed failures on
Windows and OS X. 'multicast' and related family of of functions on OS X
will probably stay like this (seems to be a Darwin's quirk), datagram
size related tests - fixed in dev or 5.7 (change is in nativesocket engine,

Task-number: QTBUG-52714
Change-Id: I039b05935a02983ce1648de449907dfa765f7db7
Reviewed-by: default avatarFriedemann Kleint <>
parent 88c43880
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