Commit 4da2dda2 authored by Thiago Macieira's avatar Thiago Macieira
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Long live QNetworkDatagram!

This commit adds a new class called QNetworkDatagram that encapsulates
the IP packet header and UDP/IP stack metadata along with the actual
payload data. It can be used for both receiving as well as sending data.

It's called QNetworkDatagram so it can be used by QSctpSocket too, when
that lands.

[ChangeLog][QtNetwork] Added QNetworkDatagram class, along with new
function receiveDatagram in QUdpSocket that returns it and an overload
to writeDatagram that can accept it.

Change-Id: Iee8cbc07c4434ce9b560ffff13ca467f425ddc3d
Reviewed-by: default avatarAlex Trotsenko <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRichard J. Moore <>
parent 3aaa5d6b
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