Commit 9ddf7c53 authored by Friedemann Kleint's avatar Friedemann Kleint Committed by The Qt Project
Browse files

Stabilize QGraphicsWidget test.

The test showed frequent failures with XCB in
initialShow2() (line 3200) after

 (QTBUG-30923) which
can be fixed by ensuring the widget from the HFW-test is deleted.

Use QScopedPointer to ensure widgets are always deleted in case
of test failures, too.

Task-number: QTBUG-20778
Task-number: QTBUG-30923
Change-Id: I2af7737b604820463f760d6b6787dd5a5a93d602
Reviewed-by: default avatarJan Arve Sæther <>
parent e1d3687d
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