1. 05 Nov, 2014 - 1 commit
  2. 30 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  3. 28 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  4. 27 Oct, 2014 - 3 commits
  5. 23 Oct, 2014 - 2 commits
  6. 20 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  7. 17 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  8. 10 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  9. 09 Oct, 2014 - 1 commit
  10. 30 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  11. 25 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Allan Sandfeld Jensen's avatar
      Balloon tip must follow systemtray icon · cc3875c2
      Allan Sandfeld Jensen authored
      If the a message notification is created at the same time as the system
      tray icon is embedded it may start at a wrong location, since the icon
      location it bases its own location is not yet final.
      This patch adds code to update the balloon tip location when the system
      tray icon is moved or resized.
      The bug and fix can be tested by the systray example by disabling the
      icon and letting show message trigger both showing it and the message.
      Change-Id: Ie1dc10489ad420e581e32afeb757c236fb5129ab
      Reviewed-by: default avatarShawn Rutledge <shawn.rutledge@digia.com>
  12. 24 Sep, 2014 - 2 commits
  13. 19 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  14. 18 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  15. 17 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  16. 10 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
  17. 04 Sep, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
      hellowindow: Set all the state for each frame · f4ae4f41
      Laszlo Agocs authored
      Trying to be smart and minimizing the amount of GL calls per frame
      to provide a good example was a mistake (in a way): There are
      components, like the eglfs mouse cursor, that change the context state.
      To make sure the example work in these cases, set the state upon
      each frame.
      Change-Id: Ief1fd7bbb0fb1955a64dac97a071b7a3d9d506d4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJørgen Lind <jorgen.lind@digia.com>
  18. 25 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  19. 24 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  20. 18 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
  21. 14 Aug, 2014 - 3 commits
  22. 13 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
      Fix composition for windows with alpha · 5621a7c5
      Laszlo Agocs authored
      While we will cover the entire surface with our textured quads, the clear
      is still necessary in order to make top-levels with TranslucentBackground
      render correctly: We don't want to blend transparent areas with undefined
      content that is in the surface's framebuffer.
      Blending is problematic for alpha values. We now prevent the blended alpha
      from being written out. This ensures that in examples like qquickviewcomparison,
      where the backingstore image contains an alpha of 0.5 while the QQuickWidget
      texture 1.0, the result is still an alpha value of 1.0 in the final image.
      Writing out an alpha of 0.5 would break on systems where windows get an alpha
      buffer by default.
      hellogl2 can now take a --transparent parameter which makes the QOpenGLWidget
      being cleared to transparent in order to verify it works in combination
      with Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground.
      The swapped red and blue problem is also corrected. RGBA8888 does not need
      swizzling. The only format that needs this is RGB32.
      Task-number: QTBUG-40716
      Change-Id: I54a9fd3a91a1b59575b38cdb908835315514e40f
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJørgen Lind <jorgen.lind@digia.com>
  23. 12 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
      Modernize the OpenGL examples · 611558d8
      Laszlo Agocs authored
      Change them to use QOpenGLWidget and QOpenGLTexture.
      Advocate also the usage of VBOs.
      Hopeless examples, that rely on the fixed pipeline and will
      not compile or work in ES and dynamic builds, are moved to
      a "legacy" directory. The documentation pages for these are
      removed. This long due change avoids the confusion newcomers
      experience when trying to get started with Qt 5 and OpenGL.
      hellowindow's behavior is changed to open a single window only
      by default. The old default behavior, that opened three windows
      on platforms that supported both MultipleWindows & ThreadedOpenGL,
      can be requested by passing --multiple. --single is removed since it
      is the default now. This plays much nicer with drivers that have
      issues with threading.
      In addition, say hello to hellogl2.
      This is the old hellogl example updated to use QOpenGLWidget and
      OpenGL 2. It also has a mainwindow with multiple (un)dockable widgets
      containing the OpenGL widgets. This helps testing the behavior when
      the top-level of the QOpenGLWidget changes and provides a very
      important example of how to do proper resource management in this case.
      (must use aboutToBeDestroyed() of the context, since the context goes
      away and is replaced by a new one on every dock/undock)
      As a bonus, the logo is now real 3D, no more orthographic nonsense.
      Launch with --multisample to request 4x MSAA.
      Launch with --coreprofile to request 3.2 Core. In this particular example
      the shaders are present in both versions and there is a VAO so the application
      is functional with core profile contexts.
      Change-Id: Id780a80cb0708ef164cc172450ed74050f065596
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@jollamobile.com>
  24. 11 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Gabriel de Dietrich's avatar
      Font Database: Add support for private, system UI font families · 909d3f5c
      Gabriel de Dietrich authored
      We introduce QPlatformFontDatabase::isPrivateFontFamily() to allow
      testing for private, system UI font families. Both QFontComboBox
      and QFontDialog need to filter out those private font families
      which, by definition, should be hidden from the end user.
      (The textedit example had to be updated to fix the issue where the
      default font would be private. In 5.4, we will be adding an equivalent,
      public API in QFontDatabase, and a better solution for the textedit
      example and QTexEdit in general).
      In particular, on OS X and iOS, private fonts are used for the system
      UI font. Those have their font family name prefixed by a dot.
      QCoreTextFontDatabase knows about this, and makes sure those are
      tested positive as private font families. In order to have a cleaner
      layer separation, we moved the QPA theme font resolution from the
      platform theme classes into QCoreTextFontDatabase for both Cocoa and
      iOS QPA plugins.
      In both cases, we use CoreText's CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(), that
      nicely maps to the HITheme API we were using so far on Mac. That means
      one HITheme dependency less. We also cache the font descriptors we get
      for these font for each time QCTFD::populateFamilies() gets called.
      (While not common, this currently happens in auto-tests, like
      tst_QFontDatabase, and could happen in actual applications -- specially
      when adding and removing application fonts.)
      Change-Id: Ic6f0b60f9f597afee1a43596a669742dc546b97f
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMorten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@digia.com>
  25. 07 Aug, 2014 - 2 commits
  26. 05 Aug, 2014 - 2 commits
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
      Introduce QRasterWindow · 34fbc61f
      Laszlo Agocs authored
      A simple convenience class providing a QWindow that has a
      paintEvent and supports opening a painter on itself. It
      behaves exactly like QOpenGLWindow in this respect, which is not
      surprising since they share the same base class (QPaintDeviceWindow).
      QRasterWindow does not however have any OpenGL dependencies and will
      be present in -no-opengl builds too.
      [ChangeLog] Added QRasterWindow, a thin convenience wrapper for a
      QWindow on which a QPainter can be opened.
      Done-with: Jorgen Lind <jorgen.lind@digia.com>
      Change-Id: I37e82720492945d7b85d5f713eea8d5f7556e511
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAllan Sandfeld Jensen <allan.jensen@digia.com>
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
      Introduce QOpenGLWindow · e48737ae
      Laszlo Agocs authored
      [ChangeLog] Added QOpenGLWindow. This serves as a convenience class for
      creating windows showing OpenGL content via an API similar to QGLWidget
      and without any widget dependencies.
      Done-with: Jorgen Lind <jorgen.lind@digia.com>
      Task-number: QTBUG-36899
      Change-Id: I52e9bc61acb129dbfd3841b3adeffab2dbcf7f05
      Reviewed-by: default avatarGunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@jollamobile.com>
  27. 01 Aug, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
      Make QOpenGLWidget public · e453484b
      Laszlo Agocs authored
      QOpenGLWidget is now public.
      In addition Qt::WA_AlwaysStackOnTop is introduced to support the
      special case of semi-transparent QOpenGLWidget or QQuickWidget on
      top of regular widgets.
      hellogl_es2 becomes the qopenglwidget example. This example performs
      painting both via QPainter and native GL commands and has the OpenGL
      widget combined with other, normal widgets.
      The widget stack receives some changes when it comes to renderToTexture
      widgets like QQuickWidget and QOpenGLWidget. Calling update() will now
      result in a paint event, which is essential for QOpenGLWidget since we
      want it to behave like a regular widget. The dirty region handling is
      extended specially for such widgets due to performance reasons.
      (an OpenGL content update must not result in any backingstore painting,
      and is thus handled as a different kind of dirtiness)
      [ChangeLog] Added QOpenGLWidget. This widget serves as a replacement for QGLWidget.
      Task-number: QTBUG-36899
      Task-number: QTBUG-40086
      Change-Id: Ibf7f82fea99b39edfffd2fc088e7e0eadbca25cf
      Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Olav Tvete <paul.tvete@digia.com>
  28. 31 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
  29. 15 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit
    • Olivier Goffart's avatar
      Examples: Add Q_DECL_OVERRIDE to overridden functions · 3b0c2b7c
      Olivier Goffart authored
      Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (which expands to 'override' for supported compiler)
      helps to declare the intent (that it is an overridden function) and
      force compilation error when there is no such virtual function in the
      base class.
      The examples should show the best practice of having it, as it may save
      the programmer quite some time in case of change of API or typo in the
      function name or arguments.
      This change was done automatically with
      clang-modernize -add-override -override-macros
      And fixed MSVC compilation by removing inline for TorrentViewDelegate::paint
      Change-Id: Ice66ae93fae571266f908703d5b8892b2c1ebb1a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJędrzej Nowacki <jedrzej.nowacki@digia.com>
  30. 09 Jul, 2014 - 1 commit