1. 21 Oct, 2018 - 1 commit
  2. 20 Oct, 2018 - 6 commits
  3. 19 Oct, 2018 - 9 commits
    • Giuseppe D'Angelo's avatar
      OpenSSL: force the "1.0.0" soname when loading OpenSSL 1.0 · 2708c6c1
      Giuseppe D'Angelo authored
      Some Linux distributions patch OpenSSL's soname, making builds
      on such distributions not deployable elsewhere. The problem is that
      the code loading OpenSSL symbols would attempt to use the soname
      of the build machine, and therefore not finding the OpenSSL
      libraries on the deploy system.
      The binary builds of Qt for Linux are affected by this problem,
      as they build under RHEL7.4 which changes to soname of OpenSSL to
      a non-standard string. This makes the binary builds not pick up
      OpenSSL 1.0 from the machine where the build gets installed on.
      Given that in the pre-1.1 versions only the 1.0 series is supported,
      bump the minimum requirement of Qt to that. The 1.0.x releases
      (up to 1.0.2, at the time of this writing) have kept binary
      compatibility, and advertise a soname of "1.0.0", which is used
      by most distributions.
      So, if loading of OpenSSL with the build-time soname fails,
      try to load them with the "1.0.0" hardcoded soname.
      [ChangeLog][QtNetwork][SSL] OpenSSL >= 1.0 is now required to build
      Qt with OpenSSL support.
      Task-number: QTBUG-68156
      Change-Id: Ieff1561a3c1d278b511f09fef06580f034f188c6
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTimur Pocheptsov <timur.pocheptsov@qt.io>
    • Timur Pocheptsov's avatar
      QMacStyle: fix group box for macOS Mojave · 3c4f94b7
      Timur Pocheptsov authored
      This change is based on a patch started by Gabriel. It works around the
      apparently noop (on macOS Mojave, light theme)  -drawRect: call on NSBox,
      replacing it with  -displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inContext:. Unfortunately,
      this turns out to be  extremely slow with dark theme, so we have to resort
      to a custom version of NSBox/-drawRect:  which calls its super's -drawRect:
      and look more or less correct.
      Task-number: QTBUG-69650
      Change-Id: I5a614d7cd8002b378c6c3804663b6559e227f628
      Reviewed-by: default avatarRichard Moe Gustavsen <richard.gustavsen@qt.io>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMorten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@qt.io>
    • Timur Pocheptsov's avatar
      Fix a regression in qmacstyle · 0b4ab214
      Timur Pocheptsov authored
      square/flat button had an erroneous size adjustment, resulting in a
      wrong highlighted area. This button is anyway nothing like a real
      control on macOS - they don't have 'flat' button which highlights
      when pressed. Anyway, now our flat button looks more like AppKit's
      'square' button when pressed.
      Task-number: QTBUG-69533
      Change-Id: I9643c1d4a25329c3f3c2148cc1821922655d9a8b
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@qt.io>
    • Christian Ehrlicher's avatar
      QTableWidget: fix cellChanged signal emitted by takeItem() · c18a91b0
      Christian Ehrlicher authored
      QTableWidget::takeItem() emitted cellChanged with row and column set to
      -1. The internal functions searched for item after it was reset to
      nullptr and therefore it was not found.
      Since the modified cell is known because it's passed to the takeItem
      function, the correct row/column can be retrieved from there.
      Task-number: QTBUG-70478
      Change-Id: I5ff5991c49f3200efe95fde4c7d0d28e19be7ebf
      Reviewed-by: default avatarRichard Moe Gustavsen <richard.gustavsen@qt.io>
    • Edward Welbourne's avatar
      Update dbus header and document its provenance · c14103be
      Edward Welbourne authored
      There's been one minor change in a struct and some minor re-ordering
      of other things within their files (reflected here to simplify future
      checks); and qt_attribution.json didn't document enough details to
      ensure reliable review.
      Task-number: QTBUG-70011
      Change-Id: Iccff9cfd899e58cb42837c4628acacd7877c5b01
      Reviewed-by: default avatarVolker Hilsheimer <volker.hilsheimer@qt.io>
    • Simon Hausmann's avatar
      Fix re-running of cmake when a qrc file changes · b98b49ba
      Simon Hausmann authored
      Commit 2af12776
       renamed out_depends to
      _out_depends inside qt5_add_resources but the old (empty) variable was
      used with add_custom_command.
      Change-Id: I8005674992b4538bd82375a4f1f70484bc0f0ae5
      Reviewed-by: default avatarAndré Klitzing <aklitzing@gmail.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io>
    • Mikhail Svetkin's avatar
      qedidparser: Fix a condition typo · ef567c3b
      Mikhail Svetkin authored
      '\040' is 32 and '\176' is 126.
      The condition is always false "if (buffer[i] < '\040' || buffer[i] > '\176')"
      Task-number: QTBUG-71156
      Change-Id: Ic3d6eae5b8ddb56742315af7e78b58bea2393d7a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLaszlo Agocs <laszlo.agocs@qt.io>
    • Timur Pocheptsov's avatar
      QCocoaMenuItem: ignore font hints · 5760545e
      Timur Pocheptsov authored
      Native applications do not use custom fonts in menus, so we should
      avoid it - our own example app 'menus' demonstrates the problem.
      To quote Gabriel: Although the Mac HIG don't say that you shouldn't, and there's
      even a API to do it (which we're obviously not using properly), the truth
      is that nobody does it. Simply put, it looks wrong on Mac (although it's
      arguable whether it looks good or bad regardless of the platform).
      Task-number: QTBUG-29654
      Change-Id: Iffd08ad63d419164102b2e738cdf1ebda1967a05
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@qt.io>
    • Thiago Macieira's avatar
      QWinEventNotifier: fix crash on application shutdown · 948f8ce2
      Thiago Macieira authored
      The event dispatcher can be null already but we may have outstanding
      QWinEventNotifier objects (like in a QProcess).
      Patch-By: Tamas Karpati
      Task-number: QTBUG-70214
      Change-Id: I5e432e273def425ea334fffd154f34abfd6cb11a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarFriedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@qt.io>
  4. 18 Oct, 2018 - 10 commits
  5. 17 Oct, 2018 - 14 commits