1. 18 Feb, 2016 - 1 commit
  2. 15 Feb, 2016 - 1 commit
    • Andreas Hartmetz's avatar
      Add option to disable "session management by closing windows". · e7bf0edf
      Andreas Hartmetz authored
      That feature is a poor man's session management for applications
      that do not implement any specific session management features.
      It badly interferes with proper session management support, so
      applications must be able to disable it.
      This enables fixing applications with
      QGuiApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed() true - the default -
      dying too early, before they are enumerated for the list of
      applications to restart on session restore, thus preventing them
      from being restored. See
      [ChangeLog][QtGui] Qt asking to close windows on session exit as
      a fallback session management mechanism has been made optional.
      Disabling it fixes session management for applications that
      implement full session management. See
      Task-number: QTBUG-49667
      Change-Id: Ib22e58c9c64351dea8b7e2a74db91d26dd7ab7aa
      Reviewed-by: default avatarOswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarDavid Faure <david.faure@kdab.com>
  3. 09 Feb, 2016 - 2 commits
  4. 05 Feb, 2016 - 6 commits
  5. 02 Feb, 2016 - 12 commits
  6. 01 Feb, 2016 - 6 commits
  7. 31 Jan, 2016 - 1 commit
  8. 30 Jan, 2016 - 7 commits
  9. 29 Jan, 2016 - 4 commits
    • Tor Arne Vestbø's avatar
      QWindow::destroy(): only reset QGuiApp::focus_window and friends as a last resort · 4c71db75
      Tor Arne Vestbø authored
      Resetting focus_window and other internal QGuiApplication variables before
      calling setVisible(false) and destroying the platform window means that the
      platform window can't reason about whether or not it was the focus window
      unless it can resolve that using native APIs. We should let the platform
      window take care of resetting the focus window and related states, and
      only execute our fallback logic if the plugin doesn't do the right
      We also use QPA to update the state instead of modifying the internal
      QGuiApplication variables directly, so that events and signals are
      emitted as a result of the reset.
      The QLineEdit test gets two added calls to processEvents(), since
      assuming that activateWindow() is synchronous is not correct, and
      would result in the QMenu resetting the focus window to 0 on destroy.
      Task-number: QTBUG-46414
      Change-Id: I562788393ed0ffd77d7a4be2279862322f721c1a
      Reviewed-by: default avatarBłażej Szczygieł <spaz16@wp.pl>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@theqtcompany.com>
    • Tor Arne Vestbø's avatar
      Move Cocoa key code helper functions to QtCore · 164c631d
      Tor Arne Vestbø authored
      Can be useful for e.g. testlib for handling native key events.
      Change-Id: I6560c6e28799e25eb3bdcaa0f2ca3c17644c62db
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJake Petroules <jake.petroules@theqtcompany.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.vestbo@theqtcompany.com>
    • Laszlo Agocs's avatar
      eglfs: Sanitize the widget compositor's context handling · 09e8d69b
      Laszlo Agocs authored
      createPlatformOpenGLContext() used to silently set the widget
      compositor's context as the context to share resources with.
      This works mostly, but is the wrong level to enforce the resource
      sharing.  For example, QOpenGLContext::shareGroup() becomes
      inconsistent since from QOpenGLContext's view there was no
      shareContext specified.
      The inability to test via shareGroup() is the reason eglfs started to
      show warnings when exiting applications. The resource sharing was in
      place on EGL level but QOpenGLContext knew nothing about it.
      Therefore, let's switch over to the way other components, f.ex. Web
      Engine use: set the internal global share context pointer to the
      widget compositor's context. This way everything remains consistent:
      the widget compositor's context is stored upon creating the main
      QEGLFSWindow, QWidget::shareContext() picks this up then, and as a
      result we have sharing set up on QOpenGLContext's level instead of
      sneaking it in in the QPlatformOpenGLContext implementation.
      Task-number: QTBUG-50707
      Change-Id: I5fc1dec58c69c46aa83c7b4cab1eadce6fa633ce
      Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Olav Tvete <paul.tvete@theqtcompany.com>
    • Friedemann Kleint's avatar
      Windows QPA: Clear maximized state before setting the normal geometry. · ae572a98
      Friedemann Kleint authored
      A sequence of state changes fullscreen, maximized and back can leave the
      window in a maximized state after setting the top level style. It needs to
      be cleared before applying the normal geometry, otherwise, the window ends
      up with a maximized button and normal geometry. Amends change
      Task-number: QTBUG-49709
      Change-Id: I0bb4ac1d60693e25d5ee74e763d293405636bb13
      Reviewed-by: default avatarBłażej Szczygieł <spaz16@wp.pl>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJoerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann@theqtcompany.com>