1. 18 May, 2016 - 1 commit
  2. 18 Feb, 2016 - 1 commit
  3. 14 Oct, 2015 - 1 commit
  4. 03 Sep, 2013 - 1 commit
  5. 12 Aug, 2013 - 1 commit
  6. 06 Mar, 2013 - 1 commit
    • Oswald Buddenhagen's avatar
      require modules to define their version · b4d30474
      Oswald Buddenhagen authored
      otherwise they would inherit it from qtbase, which may effectively
      result in a lie if building against a different release.
      for convenience we define the version centrally per repo.
      qtbase is special, in that we use the version defined in qglobal.h to
      avoid defining it redundantly (the instance in qglobal.h is currently
      needed to bootstrap qmake; the configures would need some work to change
      Task-number: QTBUG-29838
      Change-Id: Ie9a5b0ff0d64b69ff2d34af2f7c42d6278e957cc
      Reviewed-by: default avatarThiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
  7. 03 Dec, 2012 - 1 commit
  8. 18 Oct, 2012 - 1 commit