1. 27 Oct, 2016 - 4 commits
  2. 26 Oct, 2016 - 10 commits
  3. 25 Oct, 2016 - 2 commits
  4. 24 Oct, 2016 - 5 commits
  5. 23 Oct, 2016 - 1 commit
  6. 21 Oct, 2016 - 3 commits
    • Marc Mutz's avatar
      Plug new leaks in tst_QFormLayout · 080daae7
      Marc Mutz authored
      The new takeRow() functions return a pair of pointers to
      QLayoutItems and, as the name particle 'take' suggests,
      releases ownership of these layout items. Which in turn
      means that the caller of the function is supposed to deal
      with them.
      This was not done here.
      To fix, write a RAII class that takes ownership of the
      returned layout items, deleting them when it goes out of
      scope or gets a new value assigned (only move special
      member functions are implemented, making the class move
      Deleting the QLayoutItems is not so easy, though:
      QFormLayout has a special function for clearing the
      QLayoutItems out, so it appears that just calling their
      destructors is not going to fly (though I don't know off
      the top of the head why that should be a problem).
      Solve this, for now, by adding the layout items back into
      a temporary QFormLayout for destruction.
      Change-Id: If862989207b20f1e3f757c19ec9d498c4491184f
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSamuel Gaist <samuel.gaist@edeltech.ch>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarThiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
    • Timur Pocheptsov's avatar
      HTTP/2 - fix the handling of PUSH_PROMISE · 512934f7
      Timur Pocheptsov authored
      HTTP/2 allows a server to pre-emptively send (or "push") responses (along
      with corresponding "promised" requests) to a client in association with a
      previous client-initiated request. This can be useful when the server
      knows the client will need to have those responses available in order
      to fully process the response to the original request.
      Server push is semantically equivalent to a server responding to a request;
      however, in this case, that request is also sent by the server, as a
      PUSH_PROMISE frame.
      The PUSH_PROMISE frame includes a header block that contains a complete set
      of request header fields that the server attributes to the request.
      After sending the PUSH_PROMISE frame, the server can begin delivering the
      pushed response as a response on a server-initiated stream that uses the
      promised stream identifier.
      This patch:
      - fixes the HPACK decompression of PUSH_PROMISE frames;
      - allows a user to enable PUSH_PROMISE;
      - processes and caches pushed data for promised streams;
      - updates auto-test - emulates a simple PUSH_PROMISE
      Change-Id: Ic4850863a5e3895320baac3871a723fc091b4aca
      Reviewed-by: default avatarEdward Welbourne <edward.welbourne@qt.io>
    • Anton Kudryavtsev's avatar
      Plugins: use reserve() to optimize memory allocations · 016b5bc9
      Anton Kudryavtsev authored
      Change-Id: Id78ce43137e352292a9933222fe2f92d4ff4d69b
      Reviewed-by: default avatarEdward Welbourne <edward.welbourne@qt.io>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarThiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
  7. 20 Oct, 2016 - 2 commits
  8. 19 Oct, 2016 - 3 commits
  9. 18 Oct, 2016 - 9 commits
  10. 17 Oct, 2016 - 1 commit
    • Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt's avatar
      Windows: Fix rendering of MingLiU fonts at some scales · ce2ae6eb
      Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt authored
      At certain sizes and scales, GDI will clip away the bottom line
      of pixels when rendering the MingLiU fonts. Since DirectWrite
      renders it correctly, we force the use of DirectWrite in this case.
      This also requires supporting classic GDI rendering in the DirectWrite
      engine, to make sure the rendering still looks correct.
      Note that this does not cover the corner case where the font is loaded
      directly from data with QRawFont.
      [ChangeLog][QtGui][Windows] Fixed rendering error when using the
      MingLiU fonts at certain combinations of pixel size and scale.
      Task-number: QTBUG-49346
      Change-Id: Ie026c0d5932717858c4536dae077013eb6a1eafc
      Reviewed-by: default avatarKonstantin Ritt <ritt.ks@gmail.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarSimon Hausmann <simon.hausmann@qt.io>