1. 07 Aug, 2015 - 4 commits
  2. 06 Aug, 2015 - 1 commit
  3. 05 Aug, 2015 - 4 commits
  4. 04 Aug, 2015 - 7 commits
  5. 03 Aug, 2015 - 3 commits
    • Friedemann Kleint's avatar
      QtGui/QtOpenGL: Fix compiler warnings by MSVC2015 (64bit). · 44520dff
      Friedemann Kleint authored
      opengl\qtriangulatingstroker.cpp(130): warning C4305: '=': truncation from 'double' to 'float'
      opengl\qtriangulatingstroker.cpp(546): warning C4305: '=': truncation from 'double' to 'float'
      opengl\qopenglshaderprogram.cpp(1779): warning C4312: 'reinterpret_cast': conversion from 'int' to 'const void *' of greater size
      qglshaderprogram.cpp(1709): warning C4312: 'reinterpret_cast': conversion from 'int' to 'const void *' of greater size
      Change-Id: If1de629aada308d18c3641b504d74d3294b1e8bf
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLaszlo Agocs <laszlo.agocs@theqtcompany.com>
    • Topi Reinio's avatar
      qdoc: Make \target and \keyword commands link as expected · 7b77ef6b
      Topi Reinio authored
      When resolving targets added for each node, QDoc didn't run the
      check recursively; this meant that \target and \keyword commands
      did not link when used in documentation nodes that are not direct
      children of the root node. There include e.g. documentation for
      functions and QML properties/methods.
      This commit fixes that issue, and also modifies the behavior of
      \keyword slightly: Using a \keyword no longer generates a HTML
      anchor reference. Instead, linking to a keyword links directly
      to the parent item which defines the \keyword. This produces
      cleaner HTML by omitting unnecessary anchors.
      Change-Id: I87659642770a5372409ecb09cb576fbad295155e
      Task-number: QTBUG-47286
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMartin Smith <martin.smith@digia.com>
    • Jani Vähäkangas's avatar
      Blacklist some cases from tst_qftp · 789c9954
      Jani Vähäkangas authored
      Also removed the XFAIL from connectToUnresponsiveHost
      Change-Id: Ie0f5685a8fa437c00d22f9e76b51ac61347ce03b
      Task-number: QTBUG-15111
      Reviewed-by: default avatarCaroline Chao <caroline.chao@theqtcompany.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTony Sarajärvi <tony.sarajarvi@digia.com>
  6. 02 Aug, 2015 - 1 commit
  7. 01 Aug, 2015 - 5 commits
  8. 31 Jul, 2015 - 9 commits
  9. 30 Jul, 2015 - 6 commits
    • Thiago Macieira's avatar
      Add QStorageInfo::blockSize · cc7fcecd
      Thiago Macieira authored
      [ChangeLog][QtCore][QStorageInfo] Added QStorageInfo::blockSize(), which
      returns the optimal block size for data transfer to and from the
      Change-Id: Ib306f8f647014b399b87ffff13f4eba6000452d4
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJake Petroules <jake.petroules@petroules.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarTobias Koenig <tobias.koenig@kdab.com>
    • Paul Olav Tvete's avatar
      Extend high-DPI manual test · 62bd4f58
      Paul Olav Tvete authored
      Add several new tests to verify that Qt behaves properly when
      high-DPI scaling is enabled. Add a generic framework for
      manual tests for good measure. This could be refactored and
      used for other manual tests later.
      Includes tests written by Morten and Friedemann.
      Task-number: QTBUG-46615
      Change-Id: Ib6762ec1454711e71f0c094b19015932b99e8d6d
      Reviewed-by: default avatarFriedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@theqtcompany.com>
    • Morten Johan Sørvig's avatar
      high-DPI tweaks for autotests · 63090627
      Morten Johan Sørvig authored
      Task-number: QTBUG-46615
      Change-Id: I724f56fb3bc1a4b671b5d010765ef4e354412e2e
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLars Knoll <lars.knoll@theqtcompany.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarFriedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@theqtcompany.com>
    • Paul Olav Tvete's avatar
      Turn off font hinting when active highdpi scaling · 0f7bc885
      Paul Olav Tvete authored
      Font hinting is done in the Qt coordinate system, and ends up
      looking very wrong if the painter is scaled. Now that high-DPI
      scaling is cross platform, we can move the responsibility for
      turning off hinting out of the platform plugin.
      Note that we cannot change our minds later, since Qt does not have
      a reference to all objects that perform text layout. Therefore, we
      turn off hinting if and only if there is at least one screen with
      scaling enabled at application startup. If this is not good enough
      for you, you should disable scaling and support resolution independence
      Task-number: QTBUG-46615
      Change-Id: I15fa09aa1e952cf3abeb2d8c26f13ad1f1cbf9bf
      Reviewed-by: default avatarFriedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@theqtcompany.com>
    • Thiago Macieira's avatar
      Add a quick optimization for QVersionNumber's constructors · 661854bb
      Thiago Macieira authored
      If the data fits inline, let's store it using the dummy member. GCC,
      Clang and ICC optimize the code on all architectures I tested to one
      single store.
      Previously, the function for "return QVersionNumber(5,4,0);" was:
              movb    $7, (%rdi)
              movb    $5, 1(%rdi)
              movb    $4, 2(%rdi)
              movb    $0, 3(%rdi)
              movb    $7, (%eax)
              movb    $5, 1(%eax)
              movb    $4, 2(%eax)
              movb    $0, 3(%eax)
              addl r17 = 7, r0
              adds r16 = 1, in0
              adds r15 = 2, in0
              adds r14 = 3, in0
              st1 [in0] = r17
              addl r17 = 5, r0
              st1 [r16] = r17
              addl r16 = 4, r0
              st1 [r15] = r16
              st1 [r14] = r0
              mov     r1, #7
              mov     r2, #5
              strb    r1, [r0]
              mov     r1, #4
              strb    r2, [r0, #1]
              mov     r2, #0
              strb    r1, [r0, #2]
              strb    r2, [r0, #3]
              li      $3,7                    # 0x7
              sb      $3,3($4)
              li      $3,5                    # 0x5
              sb      $3,0($4)
              li      $3,4                    # 0x4
              sb      $3,1($4)
              sb      $0,2($4)
              li      $3,7                    # 0x7
              sb      $3,7($4)
              li      $3,5                    # 0x5
              sb      $3,0($4)
              li      $3,4                    # 0x4
              sb      $3,1($4)
              sb      $0,2($4)
              li 10,7
              stb 10,3(3)
              li 10,5
              stb 10,0(3)
              li 10,4
              stb 10,1(3)
              li 10,0
              stb 10,2(3)
              li 10,7
              stb 10,7(3)
              li 10,5
              stb 10,0(3)
              li 10,4
              stb 10,1(3)
              li 10,0
              stb 10,2(3)
      Now it is:
              movq    $263431, (%rdi)
              movl    $263431, (%eax)
              addl r14 = 263431, r0
              st8 [in0] = r14
              movw    r3, #1287
              movt    r3, 4
              str     r3, [r0]
              li      $3,84148224                     # 0x5040000
              addiu   $3,$3,7
              sw      $3,0($4)
              li      $3,321                  # 0x141
              dsll    $3,$3,50
              daddiu  $3,$3,7
              sd      $3,0($4)
              lis 9,0x504
              sldi 9,9,32
              ori 9,9,7
              std 9,0(3)
              lis 9,0x504
              ori 9,9,7
              stw 9,0(3)
      All assembly listings from GCC 4.8.1, but the Clang and ICC outputs are
      identical or at least very similar (I tested Clang for ARM, MIPS and
      PowerPC). Both MIPS and PowerPC were compiled in big-endian mode and this
      listing shows that the 64-bit implementation is correct.
      Additionally, the output is also the same for GCC when using brace
      initialization (that is, return QVersionNumber{5,4,0}). Clang and ICC
      couldn't optimize that.
      Change-Id: I9a4a4c9fc83f1182401f63fd2da829c935a8c9da
      Reviewed-by: default avatarKeith Gardner <kreios4004@gmail.com>
      Reviewed-by: default avatarMarc Mutz <marc.mutz@kdab.com>
    • Paul Olav Tvete's avatar
      Fix highdpi drag-n-drop for X11 · 3c12482d
      Paul Olav Tvete authored
      Task-number: QTBUG-46615
      Change-Id: Iad548e62a580d6fbd15b7a826116a53ce23b4b8b
      Reviewed-by: default avatarLars Knoll <lars.knoll@theqtcompany.com>