# Warn about unsupported (later than 4.5) Xcode versions
!lessThan(QMAKE_XCODE_VERSION, "4.7"): warning("The version of Xcode installed on this system is not recognised - custom compiler settings may be necessary")
error("The Path $$SDK_ROOT/platforms/$$API_VERSION/android.jar does not exist. Make sure the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and ANDROID_API_VERSION environment variables are correctly set.")
error("The Path $$SDK_ROOT/platforms/$$API_VERSION/android.jar does not exist. Make sure the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and ANDROID_API_VERSION environment variables are correctly set.")
!exists($$DEX_CMD): error("The path $$DEX_CMD does not exist. Please set the environment variable ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_REVISION to the revision of the build tools installed in your Android SDK.")