An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Pasi Keranen authored
This commit breaks compatibility with Qt 5.4 and earlier versions. It removes the temporary QObject based TypedArrays and moves the code to use the native QV4::TypedArray support in Qt 5.5. This allows the implementation now to also add support for compressed textures and support all getParameter() values. Change-Id: I637083e8ebad46b77617ca4095cefaa5aab48b0b Reviewed-by:
Pasi Keränen <>
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
* This is an example demonstrating how to implement a multi-layer
* VP9 encoding scheme based on spatial scalability for video applications
* that benefit from a scalable bitstream.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "./args.h"
#include "vpx/svc_context.h"
#include "vpx/vp8cx.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
#define VP90_FOURCC 0x30395056
static const struct arg_enum_list encoding_mode_enum[] = {
{NULL, 0}
static const arg_def_t encoding_mode_arg = ARG_DEF_ENUM(
"m", "encoding-mode", 1, "Encoding mode algorithm", encoding_mode_enum);
static const arg_def_t skip_frames_arg =
ARG_DEF("s", "skip-frames", 1, "input frames to skip");
static const arg_def_t frames_arg =
ARG_DEF("f", "frames", 1, "number of frames to encode");
static const arg_def_t width_arg = ARG_DEF("w", "width", 1, "source width");
static const arg_def_t height_arg = ARG_DEF("h", "height", 1, "source height");
static const arg_def_t timebase_arg =
ARG_DEF("t", "timebase", 1, "timebase (num/den)");
static const arg_def_t bitrate_arg = ARG_DEF(
"b", "target-bitrate", 1, "encoding bitrate, in kilobits per second");
static const arg_def_t layers_arg =
ARG_DEF("l", "layers", 1, "number of SVC layers");
static const arg_def_t kf_dist_arg =
ARG_DEF("k", "kf-dist", 1, "number of frames between keyframes");
static const arg_def_t scale_factors_arg =
ARG_DEF("r", "scale-factors", 1, "scale factors (lowest to highest layer)");
static const arg_def_t quantizers_arg =
ARG_DEF("q", "quantizers", 1, "quantizers (lowest to highest layer)");
static const arg_def_t dummy_frame_arg =
ARG_DEF("z", "dummy-frame", 1, "make first frame blank and full size");
static const arg_def_t *svc_args[] = {
&encoding_mode_arg, &frames_arg, &width_arg, &height_arg,
&timebase_arg, &bitrate_arg, &skip_frames_arg, &layers_arg,
&kf_dist_arg, &scale_factors_arg, &quantizers_arg, &dummy_frame_arg,
static const SVC_ENCODING_MODE default_encoding_mode =
static const uint32_t default_frames_to_skip = 0;
static const uint32_t default_frames_to_code = 60 * 60;
static const uint32_t default_width = 1920;
static const uint32_t default_height = 1080;
static const uint32_t default_timebase_num = 1;
static const uint32_t default_timebase_den = 60;
static const uint32_t default_bitrate = 1000;
static const uint32_t default_spatial_layers = 5;
static const uint32_t default_kf_dist = 100;
static const int default_use_dummy_frame = 1;
typedef struct {
char *input_filename;
char *output_filename;
uint32_t frames_to_code;
uint32_t frames_to_skip;
} AppInput;
static void mem_put_le16(char *mem, uint32_t val) {
mem[0] = val;
mem[1] = val >> 8;
static void mem_put_le32(char *mem, uint32_t val) {
mem[0] = val;
mem[1] = val >> 8;
mem[2] = val >> 16;
mem[3] = val >> 24;
static void usage(const char *exec_name) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <options> input_filename output_filename\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
arg_show_usage(stderr, svc_args);
void die(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
if (fmt[strlen(fmt) - 1] != '\n') printf("\n");
static void die_codec(vpx_codec_ctx_t *ctx, const char *s) {
const char *detail = vpx_codec_error_detail(ctx);
printf("%s: %s\n", s, vpx_codec_error(ctx));
if (detail) printf(" %s\n", detail);
static int read_frame(FILE *f, vpx_image_t *img) {
size_t nbytes;
int res = 1;
int plane;
for (plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane) {
uint8_t *ptr;
const int w = (plane ? (1 + img->d_w) / 2 : img->d_w);
const int h = (plane ? (1 + img->d_h) / 2 : img->d_h);
int r;
switch (plane) {
case 1:
ptr = img->planes[VPX_PLANE_U];
case 2:
ptr = img->planes[VPX_PLANE_V];
ptr = img->planes[plane];
for (r = 0; r < h; ++r) {
const int to_read = w;
nbytes = fread(ptr, 1, to_read, f);
if (nbytes != to_read) {
res = 0;
if (nbytes > 0)
printf("Warning: Read partial frame. Check your width & height!\n");
ptr += img->stride[plane];
if (!res) break;
return res;
static int create_dummy_frame(vpx_image_t *img) {
const size_t buf_size = img->w * img->h * 3 / 2;
memset(img->planes[0], 129, buf_size);
return 1;
static void write_ivf_file_header(FILE *outfile,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
int timebase_num, int timebase_den,
int frame_cnt) {
char header[32];
header[0] = 'D';
header[1] = 'K';
header[2] = 'I';
header[3] = 'F';
mem_put_le16(header + 4, 0); /* version */
mem_put_le16(header + 6, 32); /* headersize */
mem_put_le32(header + 8, VP90_FOURCC); /* fourcc */
mem_put_le16(header + 12, width); /* width */
mem_put_le16(header + 14, height); /* height */
mem_put_le32(header + 16, timebase_den); /* rate */
mem_put_le32(header + 20, timebase_num); /* scale */
mem_put_le32(header + 24, frame_cnt); /* length */
mem_put_le32(header + 28, 0); /* unused */
(void)fwrite(header, 1, 32, outfile);
static void write_ivf_frame_header(FILE *outfile, vpx_codec_pts_t pts,
size_t sz) {
char header[12];
mem_put_le32(header, (uint32_t)sz);
mem_put_le32(header + 4, pts & 0xFFFFFFFF);
mem_put_le32(header + 8, pts >> 32);
(void)fwrite(header, 1, 12, outfile);
static void parse_command_line(int argc, const char **argv_,
AppInput *app_input, SvcContext *svc_ctx,
vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *enc_cfg) {
struct arg arg;
char **argv, **argi, **argj;
vpx_codec_err_t res;
// initialize SvcContext with parameters that will be passed to vpx_svc_init
svc_ctx->log_level = SVC_LOG_DEBUG;
svc_ctx->spatial_layers = default_spatial_layers;
svc_ctx->encoding_mode = default_encoding_mode;
// when using a dummy frame, that frame is only encoded to be full size
svc_ctx->first_frame_full_size = default_use_dummy_frame;
// start with default encoder configuration
res = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), enc_cfg, 0);
if (res) {
die("Failed to get config: %s\n", vpx_codec_err_to_string(res));
// update enc_cfg with app default values
enc_cfg->g_w = default_width;
enc_cfg->g_h = default_height;
enc_cfg->g_timebase.num = default_timebase_num;
enc_cfg->g_timebase.den = default_timebase_den;
enc_cfg->rc_target_bitrate = default_bitrate;
enc_cfg->kf_min_dist = default_kf_dist;
enc_cfg->kf_max_dist = default_kf_dist;
// initialize AppInput with default values
app_input->frames_to_code = default_frames_to_code;
app_input->frames_to_skip = default_frames_to_skip;
// process command line options
argv = argv_dup(argc - 1, argv_ + 1);
for (argi = argj = argv; (*argj = *argi); argi += arg.argv_step) {
arg.argv_step = 1;
if (arg_match(&arg, &encoding_mode_arg, argi)) {
svc_ctx->encoding_mode = arg_parse_enum_or_int(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &frames_arg, argi)) {
app_input->frames_to_code = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &width_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_w = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &height_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_h = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &height_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_h = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &timebase_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_timebase = arg_parse_rational(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &bitrate_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->rc_target_bitrate = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &skip_frames_arg, argi)) {
app_input->frames_to_skip = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &layers_arg, argi)) {
svc_ctx->spatial_layers = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &kf_dist_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->kf_min_dist = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
enc_cfg->kf_max_dist = enc_cfg->kf_min_dist;
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &scale_factors_arg, argi)) {
vpx_svc_set_scale_factors(svc_ctx, arg.val);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &quantizers_arg, argi)) {
vpx_svc_set_quantizers(svc_ctx, arg.val);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &dummy_frame_arg, argi)) {
svc_ctx->first_frame_full_size = arg_parse_int(&arg);
} else {
// Check for unrecognized options
for (argi = argv; *argi; ++argi)
if (argi[0][0] == '-' && strlen(argi[0]) > 1)
die("Error: Unrecognized option %s\n", *argi);
if (argv[0] == NULL || argv[1] == 0) {
app_input->input_filename = argv[0];
app_input->output_filename = argv[1];
if (enc_cfg->g_w < 16 || enc_cfg->g_w % 2 || enc_cfg->g_h < 16 ||
enc_cfg->g_h % 2)
die("Invalid resolution: %d x %d\n", enc_cfg->g_w, enc_cfg->g_h);
"Codec %s\nframes: %d, skip: %d\n"
"mode: %d, layers: %d\n"
"width %d, height: %d,\n"
"num: %d, den: %d, bitrate: %d,\n"
"gop size: %d, use_dummy_frame: %d\n",
vpx_codec_iface_name(vpx_codec_vp9_cx()), app_input->frames_to_code,
app_input->frames_to_skip, svc_ctx->encoding_mode,
svc_ctx->spatial_layers, enc_cfg->g_w, enc_cfg->g_h,
enc_cfg->g_timebase.num, enc_cfg->g_timebase.den,
enc_cfg->rc_target_bitrate, enc_cfg->kf_max_dist,
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
AppInput app_input = {0};
FILE *infile, *outfile;
vpx_codec_ctx_t codec;
vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t enc_cfg;
SvcContext svc_ctx;
uint32_t i;
uint32_t frame_cnt = 0;
vpx_image_t raw;
vpx_codec_err_t res;
int pts = 0; /* PTS starts at 0 */
int frame_duration = 1; /* 1 timebase tick per frame */
memset(&svc_ctx, 0, sizeof(svc_ctx));
svc_ctx.log_print = 1;
parse_command_line(argc, argv, &app_input, &svc_ctx, &enc_cfg);
// Allocate image buffer
if (!vpx_img_alloc(&raw, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, enc_cfg.g_w, enc_cfg.g_h, 32))
die("Failed to allocate image %dx%d\n", enc_cfg.g_w, enc_cfg.g_h);
if (!(infile = fopen(app_input.input_filename, "rb")))
die("Failed to open %s for reading\n", app_input.input_filename);
if (!(outfile = fopen(app_input.output_filename, "wb")))
die("Failed to open %s for writing\n", app_input.output_filename);
// Initialize codec
if (vpx_svc_init(&svc_ctx, &codec, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), &enc_cfg) !=
die("Failed to initialize encoder\n");
write_ivf_file_header(outfile, enc_cfg.g_w, enc_cfg.g_h,
enc_cfg.g_timebase.num, enc_cfg.g_timebase.den, 0);
// skip initial frames
for (i = 0; i < app_input.frames_to_skip; ++i) {
read_frame(infile, &raw);
// Encode frames
while (frame_cnt <= app_input.frames_to_code) {
if (frame_cnt == 0 && svc_ctx.first_frame_full_size) {
} else {
if (!read_frame(infile, &raw)) break;
res = vpx_svc_encode(&svc_ctx, &codec, &raw, pts, frame_duration,
printf("%s", vpx_svc_get_message(&svc_ctx));
if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK) {
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to encode frame");
if (vpx_svc_get_frame_size(&svc_ctx) > 0) {
write_ivf_frame_header(outfile, pts, vpx_svc_get_frame_size(&svc_ctx));
(void)fwrite(vpx_svc_get_buffer(&svc_ctx), 1,
vpx_svc_get_frame_size(&svc_ctx), outfile);
pts += frame_duration;
printf("Processed %d frames\n", frame_cnt - svc_ctx.first_frame_full_size);
if (vpx_codec_destroy(&codec)) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to destroy codec");
// rewrite the output file headers with the actual frame count
if (!fseek(outfile, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
write_ivf_file_header(outfile, enc_cfg.g_w, enc_cfg.g_h,
enc_cfg.g_timebase.num, enc_cfg.g_timebase.den,
// display average size, psnr
printf("%s", vpx_svc_dump_statistics(&svc_ctx));