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Topi Reinio authored
Implement changes to make the documentation build as part of the rest of the Qt reference. - Use the global Qt documentation template (qt-module-defaults.qdocconf) - Use the standard doc namespace - Fix QML type selector - Remove buildversion - Rename index page so that it doesn't collide with Qt reference documentation Change-Id: I241d685d70a52026a0fc38739643254151e5969a Reviewed-by:
Leena Miettinen <> Reviewed-by:
Tomi Korpipää <> Reviewed-by:
Pasi Keränen <>
project = QtCanvas3D
description = QML 3D Canvas Reference Documentation
version = 1.0.0
exampledirs = ../../examples/canvas3d \
imagedirs += images
headerdirs += ..
sourcedirs += ..
examplesinstallpath = canvas3d
indexes += $QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtcore/qtcore.index \
$QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtgui/qtgui.index \
$QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtqml/qtqml.index \
$QT_INSTALL_DOCS/qtquick/qtquick.index \
qhp.projects = QtCanvas3D
qhp.QtCanvas3D.file = qtcanvas3d.qhp
qhp.QtCanvas3D.namespace = org.qt-project.qtcanvas3d.100
qhp.QtCanvas3D.virtualFolder = qtcanvas3d
qhp.QtCanvas3D.indexTitle = QML 3D Canvas
qhp.QtCanvas3D.indexRoot =
qhp.QtCanvas3D.filterAttributes = qtcanvas3d 1.0.0 qtrefdoc = QtCanvas3D 1.0.0
qhp.QtCanvas3D.customFilters.Qt.filterAttributes = qtcanvas3d 1.0.0
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects = gettingstarted examples types
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.gettingstarted.title = Getting Started
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.gettingstarted.indexTitle = QtCanvas3D Getting Started
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.gettingstarted.selectors = fake:page
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.gettingstarted.sortPages = true
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.examples.title = Examples
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.examples.indexTitle = QtCanvas3D Examples
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.examples.selectors = fake:example
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.examples.sortPages = true
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.types.title = QML Types
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.types.indexTitle = QtCanvas3D QML Types
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.types.selectors = qmlclass
qhp.QtCanvas3D.subprojects.types.sortPages = true
navigation.landingpage = QML 3D Canvas
navigation.qmltypespage = QML Canvas 3D QML Types
navigation.examplespage = QML Canvas 3D Examples