• Laszlo Agocs's avatar
    Fix context creation with threaded render loop · ea811bbf
    Laszlo Agocs authored
    Creating a context that shares with a context that is current on another
    thread is not safe, some drivers can reject this.
    We work this around by astutely introducing an additional context that
    lives on the same thread as the scenegraph's context, shares with it, but
    is never current. The main thread's WebGL context will then share with
    this extra context.
    Task-number: QTBUG-44677
    Change-Id: Ic3ba739c8cda4f4382705c19ed452e8e374c73d7
    Reviewed-by: default avatarPasi Keränen <pasi.keranen@digia.com>
canvas3d.cpp 26.22 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtCanvas3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "canvas3d_p.h"
#include "context3d_p.h"
#include "canvas3dcommon_p.h"
#include "canvasrendernode_p.h"
#include "teximage3d_p.h"
#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtGui/QOffscreenSurface>
#include <QtGui/QOpenGLContext>
#include <QtQml/QQmlEngine>
#include <QtQml/QQmlContext>
#include <QtCore/QElapsedTimer>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(canvas3dinfo, "qt.canvas3d.info")
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(canvas3drendering, "qt.canvas3d.rendering")
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(canvas3dglerrors, "qt.canvas3d.glerrors")
 * \qmltype Canvas3D
 * \since QtCanvas3D 1.0
 * \ingroup qtcanvas3d-qml-types
 * \brief Canvas that provides a 3D rendering context.
 * The Canvas3D is a QML element that, when placed in your Qt Quick 2 scene, allows you to
 * get a 3D rendering context and call 3D rendering API calls through that context object.
 * Use of the rendering API requires knowledge of OpenGL like rendering APIs.
 * There are two functions that are called by the Canvas3D implementation:
 * \list
 * \li initGL is emitted before the first frame is rendered, and usually during that you get
 * the 3D context and initialize resources to be used later on during the rendering cycle.
* \li renderGL is emitted for each frame to be rendered, and usually during that you * submit 3D rendering calls to draw whatever 3D content you want to be displayed. * \endlist * * \sa Context3D, {QtCanvas3D QML Types} */ /*! * \internal */ Canvas::Canvas(QQuickItem *parent): QQuickItem(parent), m_renderNodeReady(false), m_mainThread(QThread::currentThread()), m_contextThread(0), m_context3D(0), m_isFirstRender(true), m_fboSize(0, 0), m_initializedSize(1, 1), m_glContext(0), m_glContextQt(0), m_glContextShare(0), m_contextWindow(0), m_fps(0), m_maxSamples(0), m_devicePixelRatio(1.0f), m_isOpenGLES2(false), m_isSoftwareRendered(false), m_isContextAttribsSet(false), m_antialiasFbo(0), m_renderFbo(0), m_displayFbo(0), m_offscreenSurface(0) { connect(this, &QQuickItem::windowChanged, this, &Canvas::handleWindowChanged); connect(this, &Canvas::needRender, this, &Canvas::renderNext, Qt::QueuedConnection); setAntialiasing(false); // Set contents to false in case we are in qml designer to make component look nice m_runningInDesigner = QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName() == "Qml2Puppet"; setFlag(ItemHasContents, !m_runningInDesigner); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 4, 0)) if (QCoreApplication::testAttribute(Qt::AA_UseSoftwareOpenGL)) m_isSoftwareRendered = true; #endif } /*! * \qmlsignal void Canvas::initGL() * Emitted once when Canvas3D is ready and OpenGL state initialization can be done by the client. */ /*! * \qmlsignal void Canvas::renderGL() * Emitted each time a new frame should be drawn to Canvas3D. Driven by the QML scenegraph loop. */ /*! * \internal */ Canvas::~Canvas() { shutDown(); } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::shutDown()
{ if (!m_glContext) return; disconnect(m_contextWindow, 0, this, 0); disconnect(this, 0, this, 0); m_glContext->makeCurrent(m_offscreenSurface); delete m_renderFbo; delete m_displayFbo; delete m_antialiasFbo; delete m_context3D; m_glContext->doneCurrent(); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << m_contextThread << m_mainThread; if (m_contextThread && m_contextThread != m_mainThread) { m_glContext->deleteLater(); m_offscreenSurface->deleteLater(); } else { delete m_glContext; delete m_offscreenSurface; } m_glContext = 0; m_glContextQt = 0; m_glContextShare->deleteLater(); m_glContextShare = 0; } /*! * \qmlsignal Canvas3D::needRender() * This signal, if emitted, causes a re-rendering cycle to happen. Usually this is needed * if a value that affects the look of the 3D scene has changed, but no other mechanism * triggers the re-render cycle. */ /*! * \qmlsignal Canvas3D::textureReady(int id, size size, float devicePixelRatio) * Emitted when a new texture is ready to inform the render node. */ /*! * \qmlproperty float Canvas3D::devicePixelRatio * Specifies the ratio between logical pixels (used by the Qt Quick) and actual physical * on-screen pixels (used by the 3D rendering). */ float Canvas::devicePixelRatio() { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__; QQuickWindow *win = window(); if (win) return win->devicePixelRatio(); else return 1.0f; } /*! * \qmlmethod Context3D Canvas3D::getContext(string type) * Returns the 3D rendering context that allows 3D rendering calls to be made. * The \a type parameter is ignored for now, but a string is expected to be given. */ /*! * \internal */ QJSValue Canvas::getContext(const QString &type) { QVariantMap map; return getContext(type, map); }
/*! * \qmlmethod Context3D Canvas3D::getContext(string type, ContextAttributes options) * Returns the 3D rendering context that allows 3D rendering calls to be made. * The \a type parameter is ignored for now, but a string is expected to be given. * The \a options parameter is only parsed when the first call to getContext() is * made and is ignored in subsequent calls if given. If the first call is made without * giving the \a options parameter, then the context and render target is initialized with * default configuration. * * \sa ContextAttributes, Context3D */ /*! * \internal */ QJSValue Canvas::getContext(const QString &type, const QVariantMap &options) { Q_UNUSED(type); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << type << ", " << options << ")"; if (!m_isContextAttribsSet) { // Accept passed attributes only from first call and ignore for subsequent calls m_isContextAttribsSet = true; m_contextAttribs.setFrom(options); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Attribs:" << m_contextAttribs; // If we can't do antialiasing, ensure we don't even try to enable it if (m_maxSamples == 0 || m_isSoftwareRendered) m_contextAttribs.setAntialias(false); // Reflect the fact that creation of stencil attachment // causes the creation of depth attachment as well if (m_contextAttribs.stencil()) m_contextAttribs.setDepth(true); // Ensure ignored attributes are left to their default state m_contextAttribs.setAlpha(false); m_contextAttribs.setPremultipliedAlpha(false); m_contextAttribs.setPreserveDrawingBuffer(false); m_contextAttribs.setPreferLowPowerToHighPerformance(false); m_contextAttribs.setFailIfMajorPerformanceCaveat(false); } if (!m_context3D) { // Create the context using current context attributes updateWindowParameters(); // Initialize the swap buffer chain if (m_contextAttribs.depth() && m_contextAttribs.stencil() && !m_contextAttribs.antialias()) m_fboFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::CombinedDepthStencil); else if (m_contextAttribs.depth() && !m_contextAttribs.antialias()) m_fboFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::Depth); else if (m_contextAttribs.stencil() && !m_contextAttribs.antialias()) m_fboFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::CombinedDepthStencil); else m_fboFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::NoAttachment); if (m_contextAttribs.antialias()) { m_antialiasFboFormat.setSamples(m_maxSamples); if (m_antialiasFboFormat.samples() != m_maxSamples) { qCWarning(canvas3drendering) << "Failed to use " << m_maxSamples << " will use " << m_antialiasFboFormat.samples(); }
if (m_contextAttribs.depth() && m_contextAttribs.stencil()) m_antialiasFboFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::CombinedDepthStencil); else if (m_contextAttribs.depth()) m_antialiasFboFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::Depth); else m_antialiasFboFormat.setAttachment(QOpenGLFramebufferObject::NoAttachment); } // Create the offscreen surface QSurfaceFormat surfaceFormat = m_glContextShare->format(); if (!m_isOpenGLES2) { surfaceFormat.setSwapBehavior(QSurfaceFormat::SingleBuffer); surfaceFormat.setSwapInterval(0); } if (m_contextAttribs.alpha()) surfaceFormat.setAlphaBufferSize(8); else surfaceFormat.setAlphaBufferSize(0); if (m_contextAttribs.depth()) surfaceFormat.setDepthBufferSize(24); if (m_contextAttribs.stencil()) surfaceFormat.setStencilBufferSize(8); else surfaceFormat.setStencilBufferSize(-1); if (m_contextAttribs.antialias()) surfaceFormat.setSamples(m_antialiasFboFormat.samples()); m_contextWindow = window(); m_contextThread = QThread::currentThread(); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Creating QOpenGLContext with surfaceFormat :" << surfaceFormat; m_glContext = new QOpenGLContext(); m_glContext->setFormat(surfaceFormat); // Share with m_glContextShare which in turn shares with m_glContextQt. // In case of threaded rendering both of these live on the render // thread of the scenegraph. m_glContextQt may be current on that // thread at this point, which would fail the context creation with // some drivers. Hence the need for m_glContextShare. m_glContext->setShareContext(m_glContextShare); if (!m_glContext->create()) { qCWarning(canvas3drendering) << "Failed to create context for FBO"; return QJSValue(QJSValue::NullValue); } m_offscreenSurface = new QOffscreenSurface(); m_offscreenSurface->setFormat(m_glContext->format()); m_offscreenSurface->create(); if (!m_glContext->makeCurrent(m_offscreenSurface)) { qCWarning(canvas3drendering) << "Failed to make offscreen surface current"; return QJSValue(QJSValue::NullValue); } // Initialize OpenGL functions using the created GL context initializeOpenGLFunctions(); // Set the size and create FBOs setPixelSize(m_initializedSize); // Create the Context3D m_context3D = new CanvasContext(m_glContext, m_offscreenSurface, QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)->engine(), m_fboSize.width(),
m_fboSize.height(), m_isOpenGLES2); m_context3D->setCanvas(this); m_context3D->setDevicePixelRatio(m_devicePixelRatio); m_context3D->setContextAttributes(m_contextAttribs); emit contextChanged(m_context3D); } glFlush(); glFinish(); QJSValue value = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)->engine()->newQObject(m_context3D); return value; } /*! * \qmlproperty size Canvas3D::pixelSize * Specifies the size of the render target surface in pixels. If between logical pixels * (used by the Qt Quick) and actual physical on-screen pixels (used by the 3D rendering). */ /*! * \internal */ QSize Canvas::pixelSize() { return m_fboSize; } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::setPixelSize(QSize pixelSize) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "(pixelSize:" << pixelSize << ")"; if (m_fboSize == pixelSize && m_renderFbo != 0) return; m_fboSize = pixelSize; createFBOs(); emit pixelSizeChanged(pixelSize); } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::createFBOs() { // Create the FBOs qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "Creating front and back FBO's with attachment m_fboFormat of" << m_fboFormat.attachment() << "and size of" << m_fboSize; if (!m_contextWindow) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "No window for context, returning"; return; } // Ensure context is current m_glContext->makeCurrent(m_offscreenSurface); // Delete existing FBOs if (m_displayFbo) { delete m_displayFbo; m_displayFbo = 0; }
if (m_renderFbo) { delete m_renderFbo; m_renderFbo = 0; } if (m_antialiasFbo) { delete m_antialiasFbo; m_antialiasFbo = 0; } // Create FBOs m_displayFbo = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject(m_fboSize.width(), m_fboSize.height(), m_fboFormat); m_renderFbo = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject(m_fboSize.width(), m_fboSize.height(), m_fboFormat); // Clear the FBOs to prevent random junk appearing on the screen glClearColor(0,0,0,0); m_displayFbo->bind(); glViewport(0, 0, m_fboSize.width(), m_fboSize.height()); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); m_renderFbo->bind(); glViewport(0, 0, m_fboSize.width(), m_fboSize.height()); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "Render FBO handle:" << m_renderFbo->handle() << "isValid:" << m_renderFbo->isValid(); if (m_contextAttribs.antialias()) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "Creating MSAA buffer with " << m_antialiasFboFormat.samples() << "samples" << "and attachment m_fboFormat of" << m_antialiasFboFormat.attachment(); m_antialiasFbo = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject( m_fboSize.width(), m_fboSize.height(), m_antialiasFboFormat); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "Antialias FBO handle:" << m_antialiasFbo->handle() << "isValid:" << m_antialiasFbo->isValid(); m_antialiasFbo->bind(); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::handleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow *window) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << window << ")"; if (!window) return; emit needRender(); } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
{ qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__; QQuickItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry); m_cachedGeometry = newGeometry; emit needRender(); } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::itemChange(ItemChange change, const ItemChangeData &value) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << change; QQuickItem::itemChange(change, value); emit needRender(); } /*! * \internal */ CanvasContext *Canvas::context() { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "()"; return m_context3D; } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::updateWindowParameters() { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__; // Update the device pixel ratio QQuickWindow *win = window(); if (win) { qreal pixelRatio = win->devicePixelRatio(); if (pixelRatio != m_devicePixelRatio) { m_devicePixelRatio = pixelRatio; emit devicePixelRatioChanged(pixelRatio); win->update(); } } if (m_context3D) { if (m_context3D->devicePixelRatio() != m_devicePixelRatio) m_context3D->setDevicePixelRatio(m_devicePixelRatio); } } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::ready() { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__; connect(window(), &QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInvalidated, this, &Canvas::shutDown); update(); } /*! * \internal */
QSGNode *Canvas::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *data) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << oldNode <<", " << data << ")"; updateWindowParameters(); m_initializedSize = boundingRect().size().toSize(); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << " size:" << m_initializedSize << " devicePixelRatio:" << m_devicePixelRatio; if (m_runningInDesigner || m_initializedSize.width() <= 0 || m_initializedSize.height() <= 0 || !window()) { delete oldNode; qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << " Returns null"; return 0; } CanvasRenderNode *node = static_cast<CanvasRenderNode *>(oldNode); if (!m_glContextQt) { m_glContextQt = window()->openglContext(); m_isOpenGLES2 = m_glContextQt->isOpenGLES(); if (!m_isOpenGLES2 || m_glContextQt->format().majorVersion() >= 3) m_maxSamples = 4; m_glContextShare = new QOpenGLContext; m_glContextShare->setFormat(m_glContextQt->format()); m_glContextShare->setShareContext(m_glContextQt); QSurface *surface = m_glContextQt->surface(); m_glContextQt->doneCurrent(); if (!m_glContextShare->create()) qCWarning(canvas3drendering) << "Failed to create share context"; m_glContextQt->makeCurrent(surface); ready(); return 0; } if (!node) { node = new CanvasRenderNode(this, window()); /* Set up connections to get the production of FBO textures in sync with vsync on the * main thread. * * When a new texture is ready on the rendering thread, we use a direct connection to * the texture node to let it know a new texture can be used. The node will then * emit pendingNewTexture which we bind to QQuickWindow::update to schedule a redraw. * * When the scene graph starts rendering the next frame, the prepareNode() function * is used to update the node with the new texture. Once it completes, it emits * textureInUse() which we connect to the FBO rendering thread's renderNext() to have * it start producing content into its current "back buffer". * * This FBO rendering pipeline is throttled by vsync on the scene graph rendering thread. */ connect(this, &Canvas::textureReady, node, &CanvasRenderNode::newTexture, Qt::DirectConnection); connect(node, &CanvasRenderNode::pendingNewTexture, window(), &QQuickWindow::update, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(window(), &QQuickWindow::beforeRendering, node, &CanvasRenderNode::prepareNode, Qt::DirectConnection); connect(node, &CanvasRenderNode::textureInUse, this, &Canvas::renderNext, Qt::QueuedConnection);
// Get the production of FBO textures started.. emit needRender(); update(); } node->setRect(boundingRect()); emit needRender(); m_renderNodeReady = true; return node; } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::bindCurrentRenderTarget() { if (m_context3D->currentFramebuffer() == 0) { // Bind default framebuffer if (m_antialiasFbo) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Binding current FBO to antialias FBO:" << m_antialiasFbo->handle(); m_antialiasFbo->bind(); } else { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Binding current FBO to render FBO:" << m_renderFbo->handle(); m_renderFbo->bind(); } } else { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Binding current FBO to current context FBO:" << m_context3D->currentFramebuffer(); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_context3D->currentFramebuffer()); } } /*! * \qmlproperty uint Canvas3D::fps * This property specifies the current frames per seconds, the value is calculated every * 500 ms. */ uint Canvas::fps() { return m_fps; } /*! * \internal */ void Canvas::renderNext() { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__; updateWindowParameters(); // Don't try to do anything before the render node has been created if (!m_renderNodeReady) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Render node not ready, returning"; return; } if (!m_glContext) { // Call the initialize function from QML/JavaScript until it calls the getContext() // that in turn creates the buffers.
// Allow the JavaScript code to call the getContext() to create the context object and FBOs emit initGL(); if (!m_isContextAttribsSet) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Context attributes not set, returning"; return; } if (!m_glContext) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " QOpenGLContext not created, returning"; return; } } // We have a GL context, make it current m_glContext->makeCurrent(m_offscreenSurface); // Bind the correct render target FBO bindCurrentRenderTarget(); // Ensure we have correct clip rect set in the context QRect viewport = m_context3D->glViewportRect(); glViewport(viewport.x(), viewport.y(), viewport.width(), viewport.height()); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " viewport set to " << viewport; // Check that we're complete component before drawing if (!isComponentComplete()) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Component is not complete, skipping drawing"; return; } // Check if any images are loaded and need to be notified while the correct // GL context is current. QQmlEngine *engine = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)->engine(); CanvasTextureImageFactory::factory(engine)->notifyLoadedImages(); // Call render in QML JavaScript side emit renderGL(); // Resolve MSAA if (m_contextAttribs.antialias()) { qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Resolving MSAA from FBO:" << m_antialiasFbo->handle() << " to FBO:" << m_renderFbo->handle(); QOpenGLFramebufferObject::blitFramebuffer(m_renderFbo, m_antialiasFbo); } // We need to flush the contents to the FBO before posting // the texture to the other thread, otherwise, we might // get unexpected results. glFlush(); glFinish(); // Update frames per second reading after glFinish() static QElapsedTimer timer; static int frames; if (frames == 0) { timer.start(); } else if (timer.elapsed() > 500) { qreal avgtime = timer.elapsed() / (qreal) frames; uint avgFps = uint(1000.0 / avgtime); if (avgFps != m_fps) { m_fps = avgFps; emit fpsChanged(avgFps); }
timer.start(); frames = 0; } ++frames; // Swap qSwap(m_renderFbo, m_displayFbo); qCDebug(canvas3drendering) << "Canvas3D::" << __FUNCTION__ << " Displaying texture: " << m_displayFbo->texture() << " From FBO: " << m_displayFbo->handle(); // Rebind default FBO QOpenGLFramebufferObject::bindDefault(); // Notify the render node of new texture emit textureReady(m_displayFbo->texture(), m_fboSize, m_devicePixelRatio); } QT_CANVAS3D_END_NAMESPACE QT_END_NAMESPACE